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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. I'm listening ASAP. If they didn't take 4 years to make MTM and 3 more to make ATS, then maybe I wouldn't be so impatient with them...




    Why are people saying "I'll do what Mike wants" ?

    Why the hell would you do that?


    I'm gonna listen to the album the second it leaks.. Like most of us here..


    There is absolutely no good reason not to do it..


    If someone will buy the album for sure then why not listen to it when it leaks?


    If someone does not know if he'll buy the album then why not listen to it and then make up his mind?

    And don't tell me "buy the album and then find out".. If the album is bad then it's money spent for no reason..


    To sum up... Yeah, there is no good reason not to listen to an album when it leaks.. And Mike should stop that kind of stuff to persuade us for the opposite.. It seems kinda pathetic..


    It's almost like Warner told him to say that to try to sell more cd's lol

  2. lol, u douche.


    But no seriously, you can broadcast your irrelevant opinion all over the forums, sure, fine, whatever, nothing wrong with that, but being a little bitch and replying to a question with an unintelligent statement that has nothing to do with the question? That irks me a bit. So yeah, I mad. Just a bit. Learn to be a prick only some of the time, shithead.

    Say what you want but I never flamed anyone on the forums. It's not that hard to find the remix online either, Einstein.

  3. Stop being a fucking tool, I'm asking a legitimate question, fuck off. I paid twenty five dollars for this pre-order and I don't want to be shafted because I pre-ordered one fucking day after the remix was mailed out.


    So fuck you.


    lol, u mad.

  4. Okay, so I literally just pre-ordered the album a minute ago (via the LPL link of course), but the remix wasn't available, just Burn it Down. Should I wait for it, or should I find it somewhere else?

    You should not listen and thank me later.

  5. Seriously I hate ATS so much^^ Seems like the majority of the current LPL membership loves ATS to death, but that's ok. I just can't stand teh fuckin' Catalayst. That was like the worst song ever written... I mean, I fuckin love this band and everything they produce, but that album just sucked major ass. Srsly, Jonas and Nick, what are your opinions? There is so much good music out there, but ATS just sucked dick. SHRED teh SHIT!



  6. No, people that think Meteora is their best album need to get their ears checked.


    Kidding aside, why is every post I read from you is about how crap ATS is (in your opinion), yet you make it seem as though it is absolute, that ATS IS the worst album LP have made, fact. You seem to come here just to remind people of your opinion (or whatever you think is fact). Yeah we get it, you don't like the album, thats cool, each to their own. But telling people that like the album/think its the best to get their ears checked? Grow up, seriously.


    I feel like I need to vent the fact that ATS was just terrible.


    You all better hope LT is a good album :D

  7. I learned last time from the ATS reviews of "oh Rob fucking rapes the drums on the end of that one song, oh it's so good" -> Iridescent. FML. I learned don't judge anything until you hear it yourself lol, ATS reviews taught me people on first listen tend to think it's way more epic than it really is.

    True, reviews don't mean anything.


    A lot of people who think ATS is the best album need their ears checked!

  8. Mike rapping a bunch on this album will surely bring back their older fans. Maybe for the first time in 5 years the Linkin Park fanbase will all be reunited without "ats sucks g0 meteora mannnnn!"


    You took the words right out of my mouth :D

  9. Meteora and ''best album'' shouldn't even be in the same sentence, I assume you're referring to HT and Meteora. I agree that sometimes, swearing totally brings out the most emotion of how you feel, and any time that LP has used swearing in the lyrics, it expressed emotion. (GU, BIO, HHH, WTCFM, Blackout, Wretches, etc).

    The energy on Meteora songs expressed emotion by themselves. Sorry, but you're wrong.

  10. I think it's cool that they are doing this but I'm not interested in the LPU. For me, LPL is the official fanclub. ;-)


    The perks of the LPU are the meet & greets but when I was an LPU member I never got selected. Nothing else about LPU interests me.


    If you're looking for community, LPL has a good one.



  11. Anybody think this album will be explicit?


    I hope not. LP's best albums didn't include cussing, I believe they once stated they thought cussing in songs were lazy; there was a better way of expressing yourself. Somewhere along the road, they changed that stance and musical styles. Thanks, Rick Rubin :rolleyes:

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