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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. I have a feeling that this is going to be LP's return to mainstream audiences. Kind of like their "comeback album" in terms of popularity and sales.


    ATS only went gold in the U.S., and it was not as popular with the casual fans, even though it's songs were deeper, more complex, and better written musically and lyrically.


    ATS was a failure. I welcome more LP music to wash that bad taste out of my mouth.

  2. When was I complaining? I think it's beyond awesome that LP releases their unreleased music to us on a yearly-basis. I was a strong advocate back in LPU3 of changing the cd's to include some music they disregarded instead of hearing live stuff.

    Have I been wanting the "thoughts that take my pride away" song for 8 years? Yes, ever since I heard it on making of Meteora I thought it was badass. I'm still happy with my Meteora demos, they embarrass anything they've made ever since.

  3. yeah, it means the logo reads "LPU". it stands for "Linkin Park Underground"






    LP, in both the climates of the current economy and the imploding revenue from the music industry you release a physical CD for a relatively tiny audience, with an uncertain amount of consumption due to the entire package's cost, and yet you don't include 2 demos that you may or may not even still have copies of? you release higher quality versions of existing demos, uncover some new songs for the fans and go out of your way to grant them special access to shows, Meet & Greets and International Summits instead of these two songs? LP, your priorities are shit. Sort it out guys..

    Hyperbole much?

  4. I don't think LP will have a hiatus again like they did before MTM. I think they're going to keep making albums and touring for a long time to come, and if they do take a break, it'll probably be a year or so. I want another FM record and another DBS record, I love both. But I don't know if it'll happen. LP seems to be closer right now then they ever have been.

    All bands eventually take a break. I'd like to see more DBS/FM. More content the better.

  5. Haha have you even listened to ATS?

    So you're saying they were trying to appeal to what's popular at the moment? That's why they put in The Radiance, Wisdom, Justice and Love, and Fallout right? Even songs like When They Come For Me, Blackout...they're the most radio friendly song in the world right? But Numb was hardcore right and not appealing to radio just because it had heavier guitars in?

    Hell, how hasn't Empty Spaces gone platinum yet?

    Empty spaces is the equivalent to Foreword, it's not really a song.

  6. LOL! That's not why they moved on. LP doesn't give a flying fuck about sales. Do you not pay attention to any interviews?

    Right, they're going to be brutally honest about sales. Of course they're not going to say they accommodated to the general masses to sell more records. I understand your passion for the band-I once had that passion too. I'm just being honest here, lots of old LP fans believe they sold out with ATS. I too, hold that belief.

  7. Gotta be the dumbest thing I have ever heard by anyone. ATS is the OPPOSITE of selling out. Just had this conversation with 10 Years on Sunday.

    Whatever man, be a blind fanboy. ATS was selling out in my opinion. They created music that is currently popular to sell. Rock/Hip hop doesn't sell as much so they moved on. Prove me wrong.

  8. If you've joined just to bitch and moan about the album, which some people like myself consider it the best then you should just leave before you get started.

    Because someone has a different opinion than you, you immediately reject it and indirectly call them a troll?





    Anyways, I try to forget ATS even happened. I was really let down by it. The catalyst might be the worst song I've ever heard . The band sold out big time with this one.

  9. For me, the problem is I don't like any of the new stuff they play(ATS singles) and the old stuff I do like, but I've heard it a billion times because they keep playing the same singles(Crawling,ITE). I just wish they could interchange a few songs here and there to make them more desirable to see. Most bands don't have 25 singles LP, it won't kill the casual fan to hear a song they're not familiar with- switch the damn set list up a bit.

  10. we need a fort minor show, that would be a lot cooler

    You could have just said in before spraypaintninkpens because that's what I was going to say.

    At any rate, I like DBS more than I currently like LP's music so this is still good news.


    Let me add, I was at the last FM show. It was in Vegas on September 8th, 2007.

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