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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Breaking the habit and faint as well, I'm still in love with meteora to this day. Figure.09 is a close 3rd. I really could careless about the mtm demos besides across the line.

  2. Rick rubin/ mtm, lack of mike's rapping, waiting 3-4 years between albums and the lack of interaction they have with crowds at the shows lately.Also they need to start playing new songs or different setlists at shows. I'm seriously tired of hearing osc/crawling/in the end/numb/ all of mtm/etc. Do something different or don't play the song please lol.

  3. It's $19.99 for the digital download + USB Uzi.

    $9.99 for just the CD + digital download.

    $5.99 for just the digital download.


    $55 is:

    -Digital download

    -USB Uzi

    -Koala shirt


    Worth it in my opinion, but your choice is your choice. CD is good, so I would recommend supporting the guys and at least picking up something.

    True love and false idol t's are expensive so I'm sure that's why it's 55 bucks. 5.99 for the digital copy of the album is a steal.

  4. Fuck that; it's already fucked up, Obama will make the damn thing worse. Obama has done zero things positive for this country since he got into office.

    Obama as president was a mistake IMO. He won because of celebrities and young adults, buying into the concept of change without looking at credentials. He didn't do damn thing before he ran for office either.

  5. Yep! More rap = more win. FM destroys DBS in my opinion and this is pretty FM related, just no Mike. Add Second To None/Hey You to this and it's basically the same thing, lmao :P


    Track 1 is god damn epic, Ryu is a boss.


    "True fact, people at Warner are fuckin' high as hell, how can you explain puttin' Ryu's shit up on the shelf. It's a shame, I'm cryin' right now, GBCCCC"

    Yeah, I love that track. I hope this cd makes mike wana come back with fm again.

  6. don't think the album is coming out in June, first mike said in the video of making lockjaw that they hope the album is finished in 2009 and then it became early 2010. And now it's already in June. I think it's going to be early 2011;)


    but sure hope not!!;)

    Exactly, they always delay shit forever, especially with santa clause being their producer again. If it's anything like mtm, I'm fucking over my love for them.

  7. Are you crazy? Mike TOTALLY changed his look when he toured with Fort Minor. Changed his facial hair, straightened the bills on all his hats, started wearing big puffed-out coats and baggier pants, started cleaning his fancy sneakers with a toothbrush all the time...Mike made every effort to look more "gangsta" as soon as he started doing promo work for Fort Minor, and stopped as soon as he switched back to LP. Summer Sonic 2006 was the last time we saw him with that look, and it was the last 2 shows for Fort Minor. Coincidence? Hardly.

    To a degree, but he pretty much had a similar style before fort minor. I'm not sure why but the whole chaz makeup thing has bothered me ever since he first did it in 2005 or so. I look at it as like Mike added a gold tooth to his look or something. Changing the bill on a hat isn't as dramatic as wearing makeup and eye liner IMO.

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