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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Its for a charity, and you might be able to write it off at the end of the year as such... If your old enough to pay taxes...

    Pretty sure you can't write off concert tickets as being charitable; it has to be a direct donation with no goods in return.

  2. I hope they give us extra tracks but with people in Germany saying they didn't get any and with no news on the topic besides that interview, I'm not sure what to think.

  3. What he said.


    I hope it is MTM demos tbh, any earlier demos will just sound like every other LP demo. Atleast with a MTM demo or track you won't know what to expect.

    Really now, I'm pretty sure bth sounded completely different from any other lp song previously to that point; I'm not sure how you can say all meteora demos would sound the same. Anyways they said demos of hit tracks on ht, meteora, mtm so I would assume 2 from each and a new song.

  4. So what are the chances this new unreleased song will be She Couldn't?

    None, I would hope. I think Adam is aware of the backlash they would receive if that was the unreleased track because we already have it.


    It also said the song was brand new, so it can't be that.

  5. I'm really looking forward to this cd.


    I want papercut, somewhere i belong(breaking the habit) and bleed it out( or given up) as the demos.


    I'm assuming they're from singles.Right? If not, then the songs I want demos of change.

  6. don't think so.. in my opinion OOA will be less criticised like MTM

    Hate to break it to you, but MTM was the worst rated lp album according to Itunes and Metacritic reviews.



    I don't think money is a factor to chester anymore. Even if he left Lp, he would always get royalities from merch and cd's sold and let's face it, he's already got more money then he'll ever need.

  7. My love-hate thing with LP is how perfectionist they are.


    If they have a handful of amazing songs, and a dozen great ones, they could put an album out right now. But they choose to try and develop those songs with potential and see what happens with those.


    I love that they try to make every song great but it does contribute to the slow-moving process of LP album making. They could always put the best stuff out now, without throwing away the songs with potential.

    Same here although I'm sure they meant 40 song ideas or demos of some sort. Either way though, it sounds like they could definitely release this album in a few months but it'll probably be pushed back to next summer at the earliest. Waiting 3-4 years for an album is just ruining my love for this band.

  8. I might be the only member that's afraid that Chester will leave Linkin Park. Lately he just seems like he isn't very fond of LP and he is getting over-confident with DBS. I really hope it doesn't happen...I know everyone will bash me for saying that but still it bothers me.

    Honestly, I've always kind of thought that was a possibility, especially lately. Who knows, even if they did break up we would have dbs and fort minor to fill our needs.

  9. Cool....you can watch Chester jump around on a trampoline half naked and listen to him diss Mr.Hahn and his LP videos. Awesome.

    Anybody promoting anything is always going to say their latest work is the greatest and best of their career. I wouldn't look too far into what he said about the video.

  10. K then, if it's not the lyrics, why do you hate a song with amazing slide guitar work, a great chord progression and melody, and some of the best vocal harmonies on the record?

    My review and post I wrote were through the first time listening to the cd as a whole. I don't hate it, I'd actually rate the song higher than a 0 (lol), probably a 5 or so but I just think the instruments in the song sound kind of lame. Idk, it's not my kind of song.

  11. Because love songs totally suck and have no business existing whatsoever. :rolleyes:


    Give Me Your Name is a better musical piece than anything Linkin Park has done in their entire career. Ever. The lyrics are debatable, but only ignorant, closed-minded people would write this song off solely based on the lyrics.

    Into you is a love song too and I think that song rocks, so no your assumption on why I dislike it is wrong.

  12. The thing with OOA is the fact that the songs are all really good, it's just Benson killed them all and fucked up the whole DBS project that we all have been waiting for since 2005. Every song is written well and they all have great lyrics and melodies, it's just the way he screwed up Chester's vocals on the whole record really ruined it. It's a shame. I have to admit FM is the better one in the end...Chester really should have chosen a producer more carefully.

    I agree. I still like DBS but the cd could have been great; it was just messed up by bad producing mainly.


    I'd love to see a 2009 acoustic studio recording of let down. That song just sounded great the way it was before.

  13. Fire- It's a solid song besides the vocal echoing and bad mixing. 6/10


    Crawl Back in- Too repetitive and displays really basic lyrics. 4.5/10


    Too Late- The chorus is just not as good as it could of been. The guitar solo is weak and again the echoing on the chorus is overdone. 5/10


    Inside of Me- A good song that is hindered again by the weird vocal techniques they add to the song during the verses. 7.5/10


    Let Down- Wow, did they completely mess this song up. I blame Julien k and the producer once again for messing up a pretty classic song, circa 2005. 5/10


    Give Me Your Name- Uh? I don't understand why this song is on the album. It's just completely weird and lame in my opinion. 0/10


    My Suffering- Once again a classic song( 2008 ct) was ruined by the toned down verses and the screaming being buried into the background. So frustrating to me because this used to be one of my favorite songs ever. I'd give the final product a 7/10.


    Condemned- It sounds like an early 90's rock song but I just don't like the overall sound here very much; screaming or not it just isn't up to his potential once again. 4/10


    Into You- Best song on the album by far in my opinion. Chester actually is showing his vocal strengths in this song and sounds like he's actually trying. Thus far I was not sure he would show up. 9/10


    End of the World- It kind of sounds like a Nickelback song which is not to my liking at all. I think this is one of the weaker songs on the album, again the politics subject was already beat to death on MTM. Oh and the keyboard on this song would drive anyone to drink. 1/10


    Walking in Circles- A very well done song, I wish the ending was different though because it starts to become a little repetitive towards the end. 8/10


    In the Darkness- The intro alone starts this song off with a minus 5 point deduction because once again what is the producer thinking? It just drags on and drags on. 3/10


    I'm not reviewing Morning After because it's very similar to the remix version that came out years ago.


    Overall 60/120= 5.0/10


    Wasted potential galore here. I think Julien-k and Howard Benson completely ruined this solo effort; no doubt Chester should have just released a solo album by himself. Fort Minor completely destroys this project.

  14. I'm listening to most of the songs right now. They still need to sink in some more. I think the album is a bit over produced. My faves so far:

    Crawl Back In

    Too Late

    Let Down

    Into You

    Walking In Circles


    Edit: I think DBS is better than FM. At least all of the music on OOA is written by the band itself. *CoughBelivemeandwheredyougoCough*

    It's called sampling you uninformed poster. Anything on garage band is fair game, a lot of rap groups sample other beats and such. He took the garage band loop and built upon that, besides Believe Me, everything was made from scratch by Mike. Over 20 songs including some on the mixtape. That was such an ignorant comment by you. I'm not even sure why you mentioned Where'd you go?

  15. Knowing how mike is a work-oholic, It wouldn't surprise me if one day he says that he's going to release the album soon and has most of the tracks completed. He could be keeping it on the downlow to keep the attention on dbs and lp at this time.

  16. No problem! If you ever need anything ripped just ask :)


    Song rocks, art video rocks...need to get a skateboard and the art book ASAP. Ugh but I hate Bandmerch so much....lol.

    Ridiculous how they change the shipping date twice already and delay it 2 weeks! I bet they screwed up and over-sold something.

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