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Everything posted by Trumtram

  1. oh yeah. some testosteron can be found in this thread the distortion is probably because of the unmixed sound. but that's just an idea (please don't put me underground astat )
  2. this is AWESOME for quite a few things! one word to describe this recording is RAW. both the video and the audio are pure and unmixed giving an impression of how linkin park sounds unmixed. hearing chester screaming was a blast to be honest, fucking amazing!!! funny of course, chester smoking during faint and destroying the guitar at the beginning of OSC, hahaha . but these two situations underline even more the rawness of the show. it really feels like a 2001 show, which i love to be honest!
  3. just two days ago i've written a review here from a show i went to where they performed the song with chester, haha. nice mix btw!
  4. i have to dissapoint you but he didn't use it that intense. means it doesn't smell so i see no need of washing it, haha! hmm, the show page says chester performed "control" with puddle of mudd, but honestly, i can't remember that but guess i would if it happened?! where do you got this information from? wes coming out for OSC is indeed true, forgot to mention that.
  5. ok, thanks for clarifying that . even though it's on the front page, i wasn't really aware of that.
  6. ah now come on, why make it so complicated instead of putting it to lp's show info, which, by the way, was the location "LPPRJKT4" refered to @max thanks
  7. haha, it's ok! thx for the comment!!! i mentioned the karma killer performance a few months ago but no one put it on the show page
  8. hahaha, true . by the way, i was very close at going to their show with taproot in march as support for the deftones. unfortunately i couldn't get a ticket, sold out too fast! and i was about to travel to hamburg in january as i discovered the grünspan tourdate. it didn't work out because of school mainly.
  9. long long ago, my first linkin park concert and concert i ever attended. it was just about two weeks after 9/11. at this time i was a mod at the biggest german linkin park fanpage and practically our whole team went to this show. we had the plan to give lp a huge america flag signed from as many fans as possible to show some kind of german support. for a reason i can't recall right now, it didn't succeed even though we had the flag. unfortunately i couldn't manage to find my teammates so i practically was there alone with a friend the whole night. at this time lp sold locations for 4000 people. the show was originally scheduled to take place at the E-Werk which is just on the other side of the street. but the demand for tickets was that high so the capacity of 2000 people was fastly outreached. 3 support acts were about to take the stage. lostprophets first: they put on the best show from all those three with an energetic set and everyone went crazy. i remember that so clearly because it was, as mentioned before, my first show and seeing everyone jump up and down to the beat was probably a lifechanging experience for me. it was a lot of fun and friendly throughout the evening. by the way, the palladium has some kind of an upper area at both sides of the venue where you can watch the show from. during one of the breaks a few girls started to scream really loud and as i looked up i saw chester standing there. he waved to the them and remained there. it was great to see him in real life for the first time. the second band was cyclefly, yeah "karma killer cyclefly". this band sucked so bad (sorry chester). the atmosphere got pretty aggressive soon and a few things took their flight on the stage. booing and middle finger appearences followed and as the heat became dangerous, chester came out and performed "karma killer" with them. unfortunately chesters mic volume was very low. shortly after his performance they ended their set with thankful applause from the audience. last support act was puddle of mudd, which i found pretty boring as alternative wasn't really my type of music these days plus standing there for almost 2 hours and enduring physical pain from act number 2 was getting on my nerves. the only good point i can remember from their performance was a better atmosphere in the crowd. but they couldn't reach the level of enthusiasm the lostprophets accomplished. well, then it was time for the highlight, linkin park took the stage. oh how i miss the days of "with you" as the opener. i can't even describe the high amount of energy the crowd pulled off at the moment chester started to scream. in my memories i see myself flying through people but keeping up, almost like in a fight, but an enjoyable one. i could get a place in the first 3 rows which i managed to defend and which led to my most memoriable linkin park live experience to date. but first a few things to their show. the setlist was really cool and even from todays point of view one of their better ones. it was the first night that mike had cut off his hair which looked a bit strange at first to be honest. but apart from such details, everything went fantastic. yeah, my friend retreated to the back rows during "with you" but i had a great time. overall the band seemed to have a very good time aswell and talked a lot to us. hell, brad even tried to speak german . now, let me share my personal highlight of this evening. during "and one" chester came down to the fans and leaned into the crowd. i tried to grab his arm and somehow got it. just at this moment he looked straight into my eyes (his seemed black) and then screamed the shit out of the bridge part of "and one". just epic! later i was the "blessed" one to catch chesters towel which he threw with high angle into the crowd. luckily i'm a tall guy, haha. i still have this towel by the way. kind of a souvenir from a special evening. we were the lucky ones to get a performance of "my december" which i didn't know so well at this point as i was a new metal-i-just-like-hard-stuff kid (man, i was 16 ), but the scenery was great with all the lighters and stuff. overall it was an awesome show with many tellworthy memories. i shouldn't know that this was the last time a lp show would take place without too many crazy funkilling screamy girls...
  10. very good work, i'm really enjoying these. i did a "dedicated/pushing me away" remix once so i see the work you put into this project. keep it up
  11. it's a nice little melody which gets repetitive while still progressing. for a instrumental, it's not bad but overall it's just a piano with a delay/chorus-guitar and a good amount of reverb. something other "smaller" bands have on their albums for quite a few years (refering to the moody atmosphere here). overall: sounds good
  12. i went to düsseldorf aswell and it freaked me out. i honestly can't believe that there are still people who don't understand the fun thing about a rock concert. i was at three lp shows this year (frankfurt, köln, düsseldorf) and while i was the only (and i mean only!) person who jumped during "valentines day" climax there was at least a SMALL (like 10 people) pit on our site of the barrier. i looked around and it seemed to me that everyone just stood there and watched the show, maybe waving with their hands or stuff like that. people turned around and looked at me in total confusion on why im banging my head to "no more sorrow" or (even worse) starting to jump during "given up". at düsseldorf it was beyond my imagination how bad a ROCK crowd could be. me and a friend started jumping and (holy fuck) all these GIRLS around us started screaming in agony like we were doing somewhat crazy. we weren't even jumping in any direction, no, just up and down... oh well, at least my homeshow in köln was GREAT. there was a huge pit which was like a hole in the end. "a place for my head" let everyone go apeshit, it was just crazy, fun and like what a ROCK show is supposed to be. don't get me wrong, i have nothing against people who come to shows and just want to watch it and have a good time seeing their favourite band perform. but with all kindness, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HAVE FUN. we don't hurt you, just give us some space and stop whining about it. i don't know how the situation is over there at the states, but i can't imaging it to be vastly different. when i think back of my first concert which was lp ironically. it was 2001, it was in köln, and everyone went crazy, honestly, crazy. just imagine linkin park opening with "with you" and all the people around you start to jump. i fell in love for the whole rock concert thing that day and never lost it. then again, i am talking about 2001, that was a whole different time compared to today .
  13. not interested in it at all. i even forgot that it comes out soon before i read about it here again. i hate the fact they cut songs and their shows have a huge lack of energy today (concerning like half of the band). i know, they are in their thirties, bla, but even metallica know how to move to their music. when i just see brad during the "no more sorrow" bridge how bored he always seems to walk on stage (or even stand...) brrr. live in texas had balls when it came to their performance. i might download it but i can't imagine wasting 78 minutes to a semi-good performance (at least that's what im expecting). attending shows is one thing (even though the normal lp fan today is a gay anti-moving and complaining bitch) but this live dvd is not my cup of tea honestly. if anyone cares, thrice's new live dvd comes out around the same time and has a full set of 25 songs with tons of atmosphere, energy and epicness. just a heads up to those who aren't that close-minded when it comes to music. and as a closing note: im still a big lp fan and i love almost all of their music and prefer MTM to meteora and stuff... but i do not agree on everything they do and can't stand 75% of their fans. (sorry for swearing)
  14. in fact, my two german buddies are asses when it comes to sharing (sorry, guys ). anyway, thx a FUCKING lot nkramar for uploading that show. it's people like you that make lp media worthwhile and i really appreciate it, not just in the matter of the word...
  15. @nkramer hmm, i see. my only hope was that maybe you have this show. im mainly interested in 2000/2001 shows and the only show that i seem to miss is seattle... nevertheless, the pittsburgh dvd would be awesome (maybe someone upload it to dime?). it is one of my favourite video shows of all time. i think linkin park were the best at their live shows around 2000/2001 because their shows had so much more energy and rawness to them.
  16. there is a video show i always wanted to have, but after some fametime it disappeared and now not even the bigger traders seem to have it: http://lplive.net/shows/20010126.php i know for sure that there's a video source. around the beginning of 2002 it was kinda popular among us. oh, and i would like to have pittsburgh 2/15/01 dvd, if it's possible! thx mark in advance!
  17. klar ;)

    sehen uns dann das nächste mal bei der nächsten album pre-show, haha.

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