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This Fri­day night, Ju­ne 29th, at 11PM PST Lin­kin Park is per­for­ming li­ve from the X Ga­mes at Club No­kia and we are li­ves­trea­ming the who­le show for no other re­a­sons than we love Lin­kin Park and wan­ted to bring you guys so­me­thing awe­so­me this week. Check out the tea­ser above and ma­ke su­re to tu­ne in this Fri­day night! (And tell your LP-​lo­ving fri­ends too!)


Watch the trailer here.


Source: myspace


Great news. So many proshots already... amazing.


LP really uses almost every kind of medium and technique, to catch up with their fans, it's awesome.


Can anyone tell me if the live stream will be available here in Portugal?

If so please at what time it will be streamed here? I think it will be sunday at 7:00 AM but I'm not sure about it because I'm not sure about Los Angeles time...

If the stream will be available here please post the link to it here so I can find it faster ^^


Can anyone tell me if the live stream will be available here in Portugal?

If so please at what time it will be streamed here? I think it will be sunday at 7:00 AM but I'm not sure about it because I'm not sure about Los Angeles time...

If the stream will be available here please post the link to it here so I can find it faster ^^

I don't see why it wouldn't be accessible in other countries. Assuming that it is, it should be 7am your time.


Anyone know how much set time they have? I'm assuming maybe just a few songs, or is it a full show?


MySpace seriously?

Well....isn't Justin Timberlake trying to turn Myspace into strictly music now.....which it's been for the last ohhh what 5-7 years? lol. But I can see why. Though we don't use it....for some reason bands still do....


I don't see why it wouldn't be accessible in other countries. Assuming that it is, it should be 7am your time.

Ok thnx ^^ I think I'll wake up earlier just to watch it xD (and I'm a guy that usually sleeps until 11:00 or 12:00 AM xD)


Though we don't use it....for some reason bands still do....



I now don't see the point of myspace for that anyway, Bandcamp is miles better

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