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Your Top 10 Favourite Linkin Park songs


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Rough list. Also, it changes all the time, besides the top 3.


1. Castle of Glass

2. Breaking the Habit

3. Lost In the Echo

4. (Dare I say it?): Guilty All the Same

5. Lies Greed Misery

6. In the End

7. Faint

8. Skin to Bone

9. Roads Untraveled

10. In My Remains

11. Leave Out All the Rest

12. Ill Be Gone

13. Crawling

14. In Between

15. Given Up


HT: 2

Meteora: 2

MTM: 3

ATS: 0

LT: 7

New Album: 1


LP has too many awesome songs that I couldnt stop at 10! :whew:


And you can clearly tell which album is my favorite lol


If this new album has a song greater than BTH :wow:


BTH was literally always my favorite LP song until LT came out

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no order because I like alot of songs for different reasons and I can't group them by relative preference... also, I couldn't pick only 10..


Points Of Authority

A Place For My Head

My December

Don't Stay

Lying From You

From The Inside

Given Up

The Little Things Give You Away

Jornada Del Muerto/Waiting For The End


Wretches & Kings


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01. Burning In The Skies

02. The Catalyst

03. Powerless

04. No Roads Left

05. Wretches And Kings

06. Blackout

07. Waiting For The End

08. Until It Breaks

09. Little Things

10. In Between

Pretty sure this is the first I've ever seen with no songs from the first two albums ever in my life
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My list has changed



2. Iridescent

3. A Place For My Head

4. The Little Things Give You Away

5. Leave Out All The Rest


7. Breaking the Habit

8. Waiting For The End


10. Guilty All The Same

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  • 2 weeks later...

New list.


01. What I've Done - My favorite LP song out of all of them. I love the lyrics, I love the melody, I love Chester's performance, I love the guitar, I love the drums, etc. The lyrics especially mean a lot to me and this song also was released at a very good time in my life, so it reminds me a lot of that time as well. I don't think LP will ever write a song that beats this song as my favorite.


02. Papercut - What a great song. Everything is simply awesome about it. Not too much to say except for the fact that it's a great song, it rocks live and it opens up the greatest album of all time; Hybrid Theory.


03. POWERLESS - This possibly might be my 2nd favorite song by Linkin Park. The lyrics are so powerful and it's one of the few LP songs that I can directly relate to. My ex girlfriend was a terrible drug addict and put me through a lot of pain and misery and the lyrics connect very well in my situation because I watched her destroy herself with drugs and I felt powerless and weak, not to mention I went through a lot of bad experiences during the time. The melody is also very strong here and when you listen to TINFOIL leading into POWERLESS, it's a great journey.


04. Given Up - An unpopular song for a lot of LP fans, but I can't help it, this song is just pure awesome. Chester's performance in this song is top notch and it has a 18 second long scream, how can you go wrong with that? A lot of LP fans don't like this song because of the lyrics, but I feel like they are very strong. They are direct and they get to the point. If you have ever been extremely depressed and miserable, you will know where these lyrics are coming from. This song is also usually performed live very well, too, despite the fact that it's hard for Chester to perform it at times.


05. Faint - One of my old favorite LP songs. Not too much to say here except that it just rocks. The vocals are great by both Mike and Chester and the melody of the guitar is great. Some good screams in this track as well. Also, Brad adding the guitar solo at the end in 2007 made this song even better when they play it live.


06. In Pieces - This song blew me away when I first listened to it. The vocals are very strong and you can tell it's coming from a heartfelt place, you can hear it in Chester's delivery. Hardcore LP fans will know what the lyrics are about, which makes it even cooler. Brad adding the guitar solo was just pure epic, one of my favorite performances from Brad, ever. I also love the drumming in this track, might even be one of my favorite performances from Rob. I told Rob this at the LPU Summit and he said it was awesome and that they worked very hard on this song and that he appreciated it.


07. Burning In The Skies - Another great vocal delivery from Chester. The melody is spot on. The lyrics might be my favorite part of this song, I like the imagery and emotion coming from them. I also feel like it sort of encompasses the whole vibe of A Thousand Suns in a way, which is cool.


08. IN MY REMAINS - Another song that isn't very popular in the LP community, but this has been one of my favorite LP songs since I first heard the 30 second clip before LIVING THINGS was even released. There is a very cool ''dark'' vibe to the track. One of the very first reviews for LIVING THINGS had a description for this song that the writer said it felt like it was written for a stadium sing along at the end of times, I agree. The lyrics are strong and Chester and Mike both give a great performance here. It's extremely melodic and the lyrics are really serious, but you can still rock out to this song, too.


09. Crawling - I have to put this on the list because it was the very first song I heard from Linkin Park back in 2001. My best friend at the time bought Hybrid Theory at some point in 2001 (I know, a year late) and he introduced me to the album by showing me the song ''Crawling''. I instantly fell in love with the song and I had my Mom buy me the album shortly after hearing it. I put the CD in my walkman and listened to the album from start to finish and I fell in love with the entire album and this song is basically what got me into Linkin Park in general.


10. What We Don't Know (2007 Demo) - This is a song that no one else has on their list, but I felt like I needed to add it because it's such a great song and it means a lot to me. The vocals in this song are very emotional and Chester's delivery is great. The lyrics actually mean a lot to me, which is weird for just a random demo. I was going through some serious stuff when this song was released on LPUX and I connected with the song. I also love Chester's raspy section towards the end of the song, so awesome. I don't think this song is better than the songs that made it on Minutes To Midnight, but it's definitely a great song and I'm glad we got it on LPUX.

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So you are in low vid slow-mid tempo jams.

I guess. I'm not really into heavy music, although I do like it sometimes and I love when LP does heavy stuff, I just wouldn't say their heavier stuff is my favorite by them.

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  • 1 month later...

I heard Numb on Hard Drive XL earlier. Good times!


I don't have a top 10.


1. Numb

2. Powerless


One favorite from each album:


In The End


(No Roads Left) since NRL technically isn't on the album, then I'll go with What I've Done

The Catalyst


Guilty All The Same - so far

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This will no doubt change when THP comes out, but anyway...




Yes it's short, but it's still such a unique song. Fantastic melodies and folk style.




Bonkers but brilliant. From the tribal drums to the chanting chorus/ending. It's LP at there most polarising.




Dynamic, beautiful, and mesmerising. The perfect pop rock single that dares to be different.




Eerie, heavy and brutal. Fantastic drums and guitar hook. Includes some of Chester's best vocal work.




Classic LP. The archetypal song. Powerful and emotional ending.




Superb guitar work. Great song structure. Killer vocals and lyrics by Chester. Brilliant delivery from Mike.




The magnum opus of LP's old sound. Intricate guitar, jamming bass lines, deep and dark lyrics and delivery by mike. Incredible performance from Chester.




The best heavy track the band has made hands down. With the best guitar hook of brads career.




Their masterpiece. An acoustic lullaby that builds to an epic crescendo. The band put their all into this song.




My personal favourite. Gorgeous melodies and chord progressions, poetic lyrics, with a dramatic ending.

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Top 10 has changed again:



2. Iridescent


4. The Little Things Give You Away

5. Leave Out All The Rest

6. Burning In The Skies

7. Breaking The Habit

8. Waiting For The End

9. When They Come For Me

10. Until It's Gone

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From the Inside is my favorite, the rest are in no particular order.


1. From the Inside

2. Castle of Glass

3. Guilty All the Same

4. No More Sorrow


6. With You

7. The Catalyst

8. When They Come For Me

9. Powerless

10. Papercut

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At the moment...


1) When They Come For Me

2) Guilty All The Same


4) The Catalyst

5) From The Inside

6) Until It's Gone

7) No Roads Left

8) Across The Line

9) A Place For My Head

10) Leave Out All The Rest

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Version 1 here.


My list has changed significantly in the past two years, so here I am with a (mostly) brand new list. It's not numbered, but it's done by release order instead.


FRGT/10 - FRGT/10 is a repeat from the first list I put together, and with good reason. I talked about how Reanimation was a fantastic remix album, almost an album in itself, with many of the songs being completely reinvented, far beyond what remixes usually entail in today’s music environment. FRGT/10 is one of the best examples of that on Reanimation, taking the original song’s structure and retaining it while substituting in reworked, re-recorded verses, a completely redone beat, and, of course, Chali 2na’s guest appearance. All in all, FRGT/10 is the best remix on Reanimation, easily.


Leave Out All the Rest - Minutes to Midnight’s enormous shift in musical style through us all for a loop when it came out, and LOATR was one of the biggest culprits, one of the most obvious examples of Linkin Park’s “new” sound. But that’s what’s great about it - LOATR may be softer than most of the band’s catalogue up until that point, but its lyrics are powerful, the music behind it is beautiful, and the chorus’s melody is one of my all-time favorites. LOATR, and the rest of Minutes to Midnight along with it, ushered in a new era of Linkin Park, one where the barriers of nu-metal surrounding the band were smashed down in earnest.


The Little Things Give You Away - Ah, this one. Another repeat from the previous list, TLTGYA, aside from having a stupidly long name, was also stupidly long when it came out. But not actually “stupidly” long - this song is fantastic, with a slow build that takes several minutes to get to the soaring, gorgeous solo from Brad. It’s a simple solo to be sure, but that doesn’t matter - the emotional core of the song is encapsulated in that solo, lasting all the way through the fantastic intertwining vocals at the very conclusion of the song. And plus, dem drums though. Rob really outdid himself on this one, something he wouldn’t do again until Guilty All the Same, I’d say.


She Couldn't - She Couldn’t is a peculiar anomaly in the Linkin Park canon - soft and quiet, it doesn’t fit in with its 1999 brethren the way other 90s demos do. It feels a lot like a Grey Daze track, with Chester’s soft, beautiful vocals, accented by the acoustic guitar and Mike’s few repeating lines throughout. Even the breakdown is subdued - a sole synth line above sparse percussion. It’s also unique due to the prominent sample during Mike’s lines, and this sample is often cited as the reason the track has never officially seen the light of day, only existing on a single internal demo disc. I’m gald that disc leaked, though, because She Couldn’t is just a gorgeous song, offering some fascinating insight into the band’s songwriting process during the HT era.


When They Come for Me - A Thousand Suns featured Mike in a different way compared to previous albums, in that, on ATS, Mike sung way more than he had before. This, naturally, cut down on the number of verses he did for the album, but on here, in his first proper rap on ATS, Mike came out swinging, throwing down a verse with more venom than anything he’d done in years, possibly ever. And that led into a vicious, percussion-heavy chorus laced with taunts of “try to catch up, motherfucker.” WTCFM quickly became a live staple, a shout into the night when compared to the relative quiet of much of the rest of the album. Mike is in his element here, and it was clear that he was at the top of his game, too.


Waiting for the End - The last repeat from the previous list, WFTE still rocks hella hard. Mike’s vocals sound weird and unfamiliar, but they still have the same bite that they’d had for years. Plus, Chester’s vocals are as clean and strong as they’ve ever been, something that occasionally can’t be said for tracks coming after this album. This track is unique for me, though, because the music video is really what sells it. WFTE’s music video is the best Linkin Park music video ever made, no strings attached. The effects were incredible, absolutely phenomenal. All in all, WFTE is a great rocker, and the experimentation Mike did in it is top notch.


The Catalyst - The Catalyst was the first new LP song in which I was engaged enough with the fandom to be there for. And I remember people flipping shit over it. It’s long, it’s heavily electronic, and it was fucking weird in 2010, especially compared to what the band had released before. Nevertheless, it was hard-hitting, with Mike and Chester’s distorted vocals slicing through the minimal instrumental, as it built on itself, building up to the synth solo all the way to part 2, where it all came crashing down into a gorgeous vocal from Mike. The Catalyst has one of the best climaxes of any Linkin Park song, and it’s easily one of the best opening singles, especially when it came out. It’s a shame it sounds like trash in a live setting.


Slip - Slip is weird. It’s from the 90s, but it doesn’t feel like a 90s track - the music is unusually subdued during the verses, kind of in the same vein as She Couldn’t. Of course, it ramps back up into the usual Linkin Park sound for the choruses, but it’s not as intense. It’s nice and heavy, but not overly heavy the way Hybrid Theory and Meteora were. Mike’s vocals are great, though - he’s really throwing down on this track, and it’s awesome. It’s a shame they didn’t do anything with this track before LPU 11 - I think it would’ve made for a great album track, and it would’ve sounded amazing in a live setting.


UNTIL IT BREAKS - UNTIL IT BREAKS is just a fucking monster. Literally, really - a Frankenstein’s monster of four demos sewn together. The first two feature Mike slapping the shit out of the listener with three unbelievable verses; they’re easily my favorite ones he’s ever done. Add to that the way Chester breaks through with his chorus, only to be knocked out of the way by yet another insane Mike verse, and you’ve got a truly amazing song. And Brad, too - Brad’s vocals have a feeling of imperfection, and yet they also have a really great sense of confidence as he brings the song home. LIVING THINGS disappointed me in retrospect, but this song truly blew me out of the water.


Primo [i'LL BE GONE - LONGFORM 2010 DEMO] - Primo’s a weird one, too - a longform demo of I’LL BE GONE that was rejected in favor of the shorter, heavier version on the album. Though I think the album version is a better fit for that album, this version is easily the definitive version of the track, and I’m glad that it saw the light of the day. It’s got the same sort of slow build that TLTGYA has, with great dual vocals from Chester and Mike, showcasing the range the two of them have, and how well they do when singing in tandem during the verses. The guitar line is particularly great here, too, and I love when it takes over towards the middle of the song, leading into its second half. The second half is reminiscent of ATS, in a way - the electronics take over as the backdrop for Chester’s beautiful solo vocal line. This is the high point of LPU XIII, and one of the best LPU tracks ever released.


And the tally:


Reanimation: 1

Minutes to Midnight: 2

8-Track Demo: 1

A Thousand Suns: 3

LPU Eleven: 1




Honorable mention:


(I wrote this before I decided to go with She Couldn't, so I'm posting it anyway.)


Dedicated (demo 1999) - Dedicated just has this feel to it, where it’s one of the few pre-Fort Minor tracks where Mike goes all out in regards to his craft, both in his lyrics and the way he delivers them. The Xero and HTEP sessions had a lot of songs like this; Reading My Eyes, Step Up, High Voltage, and likely more that we haven’t heard yet. This is some of my favorite material from Mike - you can tell that he’s got plenty of passion for what he does. The piano and string lines are great, too. It’s a shame it never made it onto a proper release, though Songs from the Underground is a decent consolation prize.


Other honorable mentions:


Issho ni, Reading My Eyes, Fuse, High Voltage 2000, Pushing Me Away, Lying from You, Standing in the Middle, Across the Line, Blackout, Iridescent, Burning in the Skies, Blackbirds, Pale, So Far Away

Edited by Final Destiny
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Updated list:



1. Castle of Glass

2. Until Its Gone

3. Breaking the Habit

4. Lost In the Echo

5. (Dare I say it?): Guilty All the Same

6. Lies Greed Misery

7. In the End

8. Faint

9. Skin to Bone

10. Roads Untraveled

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  • 2 weeks later...

No specific order: Just studio versions, except for QWERTY (SS06)


1. With You

2. Pushing Me Away

3. Somewhere I Belong

4. Figure 09

5. From The Inside

6. Across The Line

7. Slip

8. Lost in The Echo

9. QWERTY (LPU6-Live)

10. Given Up.

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Guest abcdEFTirea

1. The Catalyst

2. What I've Done

3. Until it's Gone

4. From the Inside

5. With You

6. Guilty All The Same

7. Iridescent

8. Wretches and Kings

9. Burning In The Skies

10. I Have Not Begun

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Top 10? That's a tough one...


1. Numb

2. In The End

3. Powerless


In no particular order:

4. Breaking The Habit

5. Don't Stay

6. Pushing Me Away

7. Somewhere I Belong

8. Easier To Run

9. A Place For My Head

10. One Step Closer


As you can see, majority are from Meteora. I wouldn't be the fan I am if Meteora wasn't released. After all, it's their best selling album to date, and the best selling Alternative album by any artist.

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Dude, Hybrid Theory is their best selling album. Meteora had more first-week sales, but Hybrid Theory has sold more. In regards to the actual list, 3, 4, and 8 are the only ones I really like on your list. APFMH is pretty good too, but not in my top 10.

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