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Thoughts about LPUX 10 song CD tracklist?


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I think it could be like this:


-some Meteora demos(Numb, Somewhere I Belong,Easier To Run,....)

-songs like No Roads Left but from Meteora or HT times

-another MTM demos(What I´ve Done, No More Sorrow,...)

-New Divide demo :D

-ATS demos




-and of course Papercut demo

Edited by 555dawer555
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I really wanna hear Don't Stay and New Divide demos, love those songs, I feel like if it was New Divide it would be the Megatron demo, highly doubt we'll ever see Optimus or Bumblebee, for those who don't know they named each demo based on Transformers characters, but Megatron was the closest one to the final product.

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I want to hear some Meteora demos or unreleased songs, and we have the rare song that said before, and of course some demos of ATS ^^...by the way this is going to be a great LPU :D can't wait for read the tracklist or hear the songs!

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The Professor says:


If it's either songs going back to the Xero/Pre-Linkin Park days, or unreleased b-sides from the Hybrid Theory era, The Professor will be very pleased indeed. I doubt it will be either, and hopefully will be something unique and special that fans will appreciate. How about a 10 song CD of exclusive material written exclusively for the LPU? Even though nothing like that is LPU exclusive anymore.

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I'd really love to hear like 2 demos from each album (HT, Meteora, MTM, ATS) and then two completely new demos, preferably a Xero demo or something else. I'd love to hear early versions of Papercut and Pushing Me Away from HT, early versions of Don't Stay and From The Inside from Meteora, early versions of Given Up and Valentine's Day from MTM and I can't really say for ATS since I have not heard the album yet.


ALSO: I wanted to address this to everyone on LPL. You know the 'thoughts that take away my pride' demo from Meteora that we have all wanted forever? Well in the 3rd LPTV episode from 2007, you can hear the instrumental to it. It's not a different track. Listen extremely carefully in the thoughts that take away my pride clip, it's the same music!!! This means that the song must be completed and out there!!! We could VERY WELL get it if we all bother Mike and LPU about it.

Edited by Geki
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ALSO: I wanted to address this to everyone on LPL. You know the 'thoughts that take away my pride' demo from Meteora that we have all wanted forever? Well in the 3rd LPTV episode from 2007, you can hear the instrumental to it. It's not a different track. Listen extremely carefully in the thoughts that take away my pride clip, it's the same music!!! This means that the song must be completed and out there!!! We could VERY WELL get it if we all bother Mike and LPU about it.

i hope so!!!! :D

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