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"Deftest" To Be Auctioned On May 19th, 2022


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18 hours ago, Vinescence said:

What happened to this?

Seems no one bidded on the tape, crazy cause I figured there would be a crazy enough fan to bid on it but it probably wasn't that know about. Seems in the process we never got a rip of the tape sadly. Shame :(.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just noticed something between the two snippets that we got from both Dave Garrett and 💀Rear Admiral💀


If you listen at around 0:39 while listening to Dave Garrett's snippet when Mike says "Hundred three BPM equals ninety degrees", you hear something in the with the music. I can't tell what it is. It sounds like an extra drum sound or something? I don't know what it is, honestly.


Meanwhile, if you listen at around 0:35 (original snippet and fixed snippet) while listening to 💀Rear Admiral💀 when Mike says the same thing, the sound isn't there.



Just thought it'd be something to share because I had JUST noticed that difference, with the extra drum sound or whatever it is, just then.



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49 minutes ago, NJPLP said:

If you listen at around 0:39 while listening to Dave Garrett's snippet when Mike says "Hundred three BPM equals ninety degrees", you hear something in the with the music. I can't tell what it is. It sounds like an extra drum sound or something? I don't know what it is, honestly.


Bro I'm pretty sure thats from the video call, someone hitting their desk or something, definitely isn't the song lol

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9 hours ago, RayGun4200 said:

Bro I'm pretty sure thats from the video call, someone hitting their desk or something, definitely isn't the song lol

I didn't think about that. Whoops! Lol.

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6 minutes ago, RayGun4200 said:

Lol it's all good, we all make mistakes time to time. 

True. Anyway, I wonder when we'll end up getting the full song of "Deftest"? No one bid on the auction for 💀Rear Admiral💀's Xero tape, meaning we won't get the full song from her, though, she might, possibly, do another auction for the tape. Additionally, Dave Garrett already knew about the auction for the Xero tape, meaning we might not get the full song from him, though, since no one bid on the tape, and that there hasn't been another auction done for the tape yet, we might, possibly, end up getting the full song from him, along with the other Xero tracks he has.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/24/2022 at 1:21 PM, leftshoe18 said:

Has anybody reached out about sharing the rest of the song since the auction ended?

Kinda late on it, but I messaged the owner through Twitter a week ago or so, and I have yet to get a reply back from her on it.

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15 hours ago, NJPLP said:

Kinda late on it, but I messaged the owner through Twitter a week ago or so, and I have yet to get a reply back from her on it.

Same. I reached out on Twitter and Reddit but haven't heard anything back either. I'm just hoping one day the full version of the lossless rip on the internet archive will just appear there. I check almost every day too just in case. I know some think the song is trash, but I honestly like it and can't wait to hear it in its entirety. The Xero era fascinates me for some reason!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
2 hours ago, SardonicallyParanoid said:

Deftest is probably the strangest case of an unreleased LP song, no? I'd still love to hear this, I wish someone had actually put out a bid. Wasn't there some malfunctions with the site? And has anyone been able to reach the tape's owner since the last time this thread was mentioned?


It really is strange. Apparently the person had LP's blessing to release it? The site itself didn't work right, and no one bid that insane amount of money for one unreleased, bad song. If this were something like More the Victim or something, I could see it. But Mike literally raps "mincemeat" lmao. We haven't been able to figure out what's going on with the song or the auction... how could it have completely fallen to the side? We were definitely interested in at least getting the track and putting it out there for free.


The fact the person won't rip the tape and upload it to make sure it isn't lost in time is a little disappointing. It isn't even just about the unreleased song - the other tracks need to be preserved too regardless of if there are differences or not in them.

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21 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:


The fact the person won't rip the tape and upload it to make sure it isn't lost in time is a little disappointing. It isn't even just about the unreleased song - the other tracks need to be preserved too regardless of if there are differences or not in them.

But she did rip the tape considering she put out snippets of all the tracks just never release them in full sadly, someone should message her on Twitter or something and see what's up, i thought about it but I d k if I'm the right person for that.

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17 hours ago, LPLStaff said:

Apparently the person had LP's blessing to release it? The site itself didn't work right, and no one bid that insane amount of money for one unreleased, bad song. If this were something like More the Victim or something, I could see it. But Mike literally raps "mincemeat" lmao. We haven't been able to figure out what's going on with the song or the auction... how could it have completely fallen to the side? We were definitely interested in at least getting the track and putting it out there for free.

Before I properly made my account I often scrolled these forums for hours, especially around this time last year thanks to a very slow seminar class. Deftest got me (and my teacher, funnily enough) incredibly hyped when it was announced, so it really felt weird that we just forgot it existed for some reason. Usually when a song is set for release like this we get relentless, even if the song fucking sucks. We didn't have the fairest clue about what Pictureboard sounded like but we definitely all wanted it regardless. And if LP gave their blessing, I think we definitely should have gotten it. That, or they could have started a crowdfund for the song/tape's release. I KNOW that would get funded really fucking quickly knowing the LP community.

16 hours ago, RayGun4200 said:

someone should message her on Twitter or something and see what's up, i thought about it but I d k if I'm the right person for that.

I think most of us aren't really the ones to do that. That would be more for staff members, or Mike himself, to be honest with you. Nobody else would really have a shot. And I doubt Mike really wants to make a very big deal out of a song he told us he very much disliked and didn't intend on releasing himself.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I just realized something that needs fixed with the lyrics to "Deftest", specifically the last line of the 1st verse. The last line is actually supposed to be "And make the Frankenstein of funk out of pieces and bits", not "And make the Frankenstein of funk out of musical bits".


Also, do we know what happened with this? The last I remembered seeing of anything having to do with the tape is that it would be auctioned again, but I haven't seen another since the first one.

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On 9/15/2024 at 5:21 PM, NJPLP said:

I just realized something that needs fixed with the lyrics to "Deftest", specifically the last line of the 1st verse. The last line is actually supposed to be "And make the Frankenstein of funk out of pieces and bits", not "And make the Frankenstein of funk out of musical bits".


Also, do we know what happened with this? The last I remembered seeing of anything having to do with the tape is that it would be auctioned again, but I haven't seen another since the first one.

maybe it's not a great song but, I would like to hear this song in full

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On 9/15/2024 at 4:21 PM, NJPLP said:

I just realized something that needs fixed with the lyrics to "Deftest", specifically the last line of the 1st verse. The last line is actually supposed to be "And make the Frankenstein of funk out of pieces and bits", not "And make the Frankenstein of funk out of musical bits".


Also, do we know what happened with this? The last I remembered seeing of anything having to do with the tape is that it would be auctioned again, but I haven't seen another since the first one.


40 minutes ago, thigolpbr said:

maybe it's not a great song but, I would like to hear this song in full

Yeah, shame really. I'm always down for more Xero content. ALWAYS.

Edited by cardgagefan73
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