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Everything posted by crazygolfer

  1. Seems like there may be more new divide-ish type of songs then. I'm not saying they will sound like new divide but in terms of electronic elements and things going on in the song. They prob. wont be simple songs.
  2. Same here. I cant wait until things really start moving with album updates. My guess is that the ball won't really start rolling until June. I think it's still a wee bit early for some juicy album info.
  3. I just watched the video chat and I didnt see where Chester confirmed the release date. Where in the chat did he say it?
  4. I sure would have loved blackbirds to be a song off the new album, so we could get an indication of how the album will sound..but oh well.
  5. Come on song leak NOWWW haha man I wishh.
  6. When I watched the trailer and heard the clip, my my face went from to then I heard about the release date and now it's... hmmm sux
  7. They said that the album was around halfway done like 3 months ago...ugh.
  8. Hell yea! Happy Birthday to the man that has the voice of both an angel and a demon, the one and only Chester!
  9. How much longer til we get some juicy album newss...man I can't wait despite it being so slow lately i'm still excited.
  10. I'm hoping we get some lp news real soon, like the release date for 8 bit.
  11. I'm really hoping they have it out by September, that would be greatt.
  12. Man waiting for someone to describe the sound of the new album is driving me insane lol...It feels like we won't know anytime soon. I doubt the 8 bit rebellion song will be of any indication.
  13. +1 for no new info woo hoo! lol
  14. Adding "In The Darkness" would have only helped the band, since the fanbase for Twilight iz so huge and "Out of Ashes" didn't get much publicity at all so yea. But idc either way, im glad that he's done touring and will fully focus on LP now.
  15. ^Didnt Chester have a hangover or something during the Live 8 show?
  16. Speaking of Chester's scream, I've been wondering what's going on with that for the past 3 years. Like his screams dont have as much rawrrr in them like they used to be. I wonder if he delibertly uses less force or he just cant scream like he used to anymore.
  17. I would have rathered Chester w/o the sunglasses...to me it takes a little of the seriousness away. Just my opinion but I still think its a great video.
  18. I have nothing against those bands. I actually like some songs by each of them.It's just man u hear a lot about them and it's annoying to me cause IMO I believe LP's music is just as awesome...and yea I know ALOT of ppl will disagree but it's just how I feel. LP's music just somehow strikes a cord with me. So in my world LP deserves to be up there with the best.
  19. IMO U2, Nirvana, ColdPlay, The Beatles, Metallica are the most overrated bands of all time.
  20. lol but u know how LP r perfectionist with everything they doo....Man I hate to see how the guys were like in school with essays and projects. I bet they were never turned in on time lol.
  21. ^ Man I really hope soo...I'm dying to hear anything from the new album.
  22. ^ HELL YEA!!!! Looks like they may be aiming for a September release for the album hopefully.
  23. I really hope its a BRAND NEW song that's not from the MTM session.
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