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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. To me Rebellion is the best live performance that Mike does along with P5HNG He really surprised me he sounds better than what I expected.
  2. Tell us about your reaction when they started playing APFMH! FROM THE INSIDE BITCHES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDy74R-elIQ&spfreload=10 APFMH HOLY CRAP THAT INTRO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BROWqjuTM0g
  3. To me a new song for any set from any era would be something that has never been performed live (The halfs from LT & THP) I respect your logic but it's just non-sense. The only way to please all the hardcore fans is doing a special LPU show with a setlist choosen by the fans, film that show release it as LPU-- and BANG you have the best release ever.
  4. You are not hypocrite, I strongly believe that music is just personal you should not give a shit if your favorite song is one of their most commercial songs... sometimes a song chooses you.
  5. The new set has a lot of spaces where every member of the band can take a rest, the Ballad Shitley is one of them, they won't remove New Divide is like the most famous song they have next to In The End and Numb. Pretty sure they have another set with some debuts from THP, mark my words they will debut Sand and War.
  6. With the addition of those two songs the set got better, the Ballad Shitley has survived so long... that's amazing Where is the confirmed War? lol I strongly believe that they have atleast another set.
  7. I'm not judging his life relax, as the owner of LPA he must know that fact is completly wrong... if Mark was there he would have better questions not stupid noob ones.
  8. I believe that even that in 1998 they were Xero, in their hearts Xero and Hybrid Theory it's stil Linkin Park to them.
  9. Pretty sure Altwire fixed Derek's stupid mistake, i'm certain that this is a full transcript word by word.
  10. Chester confirmed that they were ON THE ROAD FOR 321 DAYS, it's impossible to play 300 shows for a starting band that traveled a lot in a bus.
  11. Excuse me? ''Derek Oswald: So, this next one's for Chester, but if Tim wants to take a stab at trying to answer it, he can. I wonder - actually something somebody said earlier actually made me think about back in the day you guys have been touring for quite some time. Back in 2001, you infamously did 321 shows and 365 days, if I understand correctly.''
  12. 1) Holy crap Chester said ''You know'' like 9000 times 2) Derek Oswald the guy from LPA? what an asshole he brought the over 300 shows in 2001, you better do your homework someday dude. 3) It's awesome to hear that we will get more collaborations
  13. Kill Runaway and the Ballad Medley, there you go 6 minutes to play ALITS.
  14. Dude we are talking about Linkin Park, this is the same band that played a full version of Light and dropped it forever, they have 95% of the set ready, let's wait until the 15th to see what's the brand new song that they are debuting.
  15. You cannot guarantee anything, until this touring cycle ends anything is possible.. What if they were just rehearsing War but they ended up playing Keys?
  16. Great as always but you are giving as a confirmation that War is going to be played which can't be confirmed by a picture, what if Brad was playing another song? messing around? I still believe that they will play more than one new song. Haters gonna hate.
  17. Pretty sure it's going to be War, they like to play it safe.
  18. No. http://mikeshinoda.com/2008/10/03/wikipedia/ Thx dude, we should ask Chester AGAIN to release the full Vegas show, I remember that it was fully recorded.
  19. Which other tracks besides Let Down were released from the Las Vegas Acoustic session of DBS?
  20. That dude must change his nickname to something wobbo related
  21. I assume that the Gekis live in another region and have never met any Wobbuffet.
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