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Everything posted by DecanoLP

  1. I think they will ignore hashtags or comments on Twitter. The only chance might be a personal discussion at a Meet&Greet but I'm 99% sure they'll say something like "Yeah, maybe next year. We wanna play as much ATS stuff as possible"... I don't see them doing something special due to the 10th anniversary of Hybrid Theory just because they ignored it for such a long time now and were only talking about the 10th anniversary of the LPU. But something has to change, I'm with you on that.
  2. Wow, I think it was the right decision to sell my Hamburg ticket. The show is good but I don't wanna see exactly the same thing twice, especially for 67 (!!) bucks. It's really sad they don't switch it up...
  3. He did the same in Berlin. I was really surprised to see him with his shirt on the encore again. No idea why he's doing that =D
  4. I don't belive in rotating setlists anymore which is kinda a disappointment for me...
  5. Kinda boring but stiill interesting to see some backstage material
  6. Wow, I heard many disappointed people and I can understand them. Still not sure if I'll attend the Hamburg gig...
  7. And Jonas posted another photo Futureheads will hit the stage in 30 minutes.
  8. "Just wanted to make sure all of our fans in Paris know we're coming. See you Monday." So, you don't need to be afraid just because Lady Gaga cancelled her show
  9. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=5932
  10. Jonas already posted a photo from the venue on his Facebook - account
  11. 7 1/2 hours until "The Futureheads" come on stage. Linkin Park should play in 8 1/2 hours
  12. Really curious to see if they'll rotate setlists for the European tour. For some reason I don't see them doing it but I won't be surprised if they play some other songs tonight. I think "Points Of Authority" would definately be in there then, maybe instead of "Papercut"? Anyway, have fun tonight
  13. True, it is a good setlist. "Wretches and Kings" might be one of the best openers they have had. Now they only need to switch OSC and BIO, talk a little bit more and it would be very good
  14. Okay, just got back home... First of all, "The Futureheads" were so bad, I didn't understand a single word they were saying. The new stage set up is pretty cool because of the huuuuge screen behind the band. The fact that Joe scretches the video is an amazing idea as well. Every time, he stops the speech, the person on the screen stops moving his mouth as well. It's difficult to describe but looks nice. Alright, Linkin Park. The show was good, not more not less. These guys really know how to play their songs live, everything sounds perfect and I was surprised how good Chester sounded during songs I didn't like in 2008/2009 (Numb, Crawling...). The new stuff sounds great, especially "Wretches and Kings" (woah, so much energy) and "When They Come For Me". Crowd was crazy, I didn't expect to see some circlepits at a Linkin Park show in 2010 BUT: I heard the typical "Put 'em up. Sing it" during "Wretches and Kings", I head a "Sing it" during "No More Sorrow", I heard a "Let me hear you sing it" during "The Messenger", I heard one ~15 seconds speech right before "Bleed It out" and I heard 2 quiet "Thank you's" throughout the entire show... That was so disappointing for me. I payed 67 euroes for this ticket and I wanna get entertained. Not a single word about the crowd, the country, the continent, nothing.... I don't understand why they don't do this anymore... =/ Hamburg next Friday, maybe they'll talk more at this show but I highly doubt it...
  15. If they have information, they'll tell us about it. Always asking for LPUX won't help ;-)
  16. Can't wait for Hamburg but it seems as most of the users are attending the Frankfurt - Show. Would love to be there as well. Don't know if I can make it to the Berlin M&G though...
  17. So, tomorrow is the big day. Excited and ready for it?
  18. There are seriously people complaining about this just because the event will take place in London? It is impossible to please everyone around the world and we should be happy the LPU makes those events possible. I'm sure, they'll choose another city the next time and other people are lucky. In my opinion, it's a really good idea and I can't wait to hear some reports
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