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About mariotormo

  • Birthday 03/05/1987

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  • Location
    Badajoz, Spain

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  1. I'm from Spain but I hope Lisbon gets it!
  2. The new name for the band is Linkin Park ∅, as it occurred with Dragon Ball Z.
  3. This find brings me chills! What an amazing time back then!
  4. Woha! You never stop doing amazing things! This is insane!
  5. Lurking for hours in the forums like in the old days...thanks for all this years LPLive!!
  6. Thanks for the transcript!
  7. Epic performance. Epic find!!! Wow good times...
  8. Seems we are not getting opening act at Munchen...
  9. Step Up is missing, isn't it?
  10. Interesting, would read it I think
  11. AMAZING FIND! Woha, I'm really enjoying this tracks so much! Someone worked already on a lyrics transcrypt? BTW Fiends sounds A LOT like It's going down, I wouldn't be surprised if Mike reelaborated the work of this track and ended up writing It's going down, wich I love. Of course this is way better than LPU 16
  12. +1Astat word is what I allways look for here!
  13. What about a section on the website covering Mike's art pieces and shows?
  14. Waiting for thiiiiiiis!!
  15. I would love to see it live, but I'm only attending the Lisbon show Do you think they will only play HT in full at Download?
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