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About Chesterchaz

  • Birthday 08/07/1987

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    Hamburg, Germany

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  1. I consider donating to Erynn for his quality uploads all around the world, lol. Really amazing. Also I hope the Japanese 'professional' bootleggers do these concerts some justice!
  2. Totally saddens me to unexpectedly read this news. Just browsed by E-Mails, our first contact was in March 2005 (almost 20 years ago!), as we traded Roseland Ballroom 00/01 for Reading 2003 DVDs. Back when we sent DVDs by snail mail over the Atlantic ocean and they occasionally got lost along the way. Many trades and conversations on MSN messenger followed. I got most of my 2001-03 lossless shows from him back then, and probably many more in the years after that I can't remember. It was a great time in the trading community between 2004-2008+ and he was such a valuable and knowledgable member whom we all respected very much, and ever since. My condolences to his family and everyone who knew him and was lucky enough to meet him in person. Reading this thread, I think his importance for the LP community in the past 20+ years cannot be emphasized enough.
  3. It does look a bit heavy on the filters 😬 https://i.imgur.com/1TObUAU.jpeg Edit: Did a quick job and cropped/encoded the video to the upper right 4:3 screen: https://mega.nz/file/Jwhl3QgS#JzoYfj1ez5YeFoapfHoreUu-lXC_ZRFXekruAem64uI (2,83 GB) https://youtu.be/gIG7wGRQOKo
  4. Video (camera angles) & audio completely re-done compared to the livestream. Just watched it side by side.
  5. From the "Cannes / NRJ Awards" thread: https://mega.nz/file/wg5HXLpa#5_Wvl98vsS-0eH5v4gkdwf7ueB481dt7F2hgLt4QLi4
  6. Great surprise & idea to release a Pro-Shot of 'My December' this month! Just shed a tear 🥲 Hamburg ❤️
  7. That's incorrect. Edit: For general concert access I meant, for early entry you have to be LPU member, yes.
  8. Heh https://linkinpedia.com/wiki/Live:20050702 😉 On topic: I was hoping for "smaller" Arena shows in Europe/Germany next year, not football stadiums, but I guess since the demand is obviously there... it does make sense for them! Not complaining. Looking forward to the full tour & actual dates to be announced.
  9. That's meh 😑 No need for a listening party then when the album probably leaks by ~Nov 13. Wondering if the reason is to prevent an earlier leak?
  10. Awesome work. What a trip around Europe you're doing!
  11. "FEED HDTV H264 1080i MP2" source. Can't upload to Youtube due to Copyright. https://mega.nz/file/wg5HXLpa#5_Wvl98vsS-0eH5v4gkdwf7ueB481dt7F2hgLt4QLi4 https://i.imgur.com/R4Ixrcz.jpeg (Screen)
  12. Hamburg! 🥳 Would've loved some 'Heavy Is The Crown' footage from the premiere, but that's a London thing it seems. So did they get the German soccer jerseys as a gift with the No. 1 award? Nice gesture that Emily wore it, suited her.
  13. Nice one! Didn't read the entire text and noticed it's Miami '01 instantly 😀 That read mohawk!
  14. We made it to the book's credits, yeah 😀
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