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Everything posted by Robrobbsen

  1. I get both sides, but I´m leaning more to the side that at least after being in a band for like what 30 years? like a twitter post or an Instagram post would have been cool. Its not like anyone is mad at him for quitting, I think most just wished for a little comunication.
  2. Was In Between always this "dry" vocal wise? I can´t properly listen to the acapella right now but what I heard sounds like there is no reverb on the vocals at all or am I wrong?
  3. They probably don´t even have the stems for the song
  4. Huh interresting, no the one I have is around 35 tracks. Strange for a track to leak like that twice. Wonder where a full session like that leak🤔🤔🤔
  5. Hasnt the song leaked like 3 years ago?
  6. Those are from RB4? damn I feel like the last time I checked there weren´t really able to decrypt the newer games or maybe that was Guitar hero and not Rock Band
  7. Are the Rb4 tracks decrypted allready or are we talking about potential stems?
  8. So it was right after all! I really wonder what else really good songs we have the loops to and we don´t even know they exist.🤔
  9. Wasn´t Serpent Shortcut, the working title for Fighting myself?
  10. The second that beat hit i knew we have heard that somewhere else, drove me insane until I found it!
  11. So, whats interesting is I always thought of the "Thought that take away my pride" as the chorus but it seems like its either that every chorus in the song is slightly different or the part is the bridge. Whats everyone theory on that. Just to kill the time till friday😅
  12. Not leaked, but I think the acapella from HHH was likely created from multitracks. I have not heard anything about In Between or In Pieces though.
  13. Thanks that was likely the thing I remebered. But it would be an absolute waste not to do anything of that sort! I just found it odd that so many people figured it´d be a thing on all albums.
  14. It could have been on the stream where he talks about HT20, I could have sworn he said something like "we dont have something like that planned for any other record" or similar. I´d be just as happy as the next guy but I just wouldn´t get my hopes up.
  15. I feel like I´m saying this for the 1000th time. But I´m pretty sure Mike said it wasn´t gonna happen and HT20 was a one off thing.
  16. Thats going to be interesting for sure! I just wish Mike could do anything at all that has not to to in any shape or form with an NFT, but its goint to be an interesting watch nonetheless.
  17. Has Mike not said that there isnt going to be a Meteora20 for example or am I wrong with that?
  18. I have the feeling we may never be getting anything new with chester on it, just the vibes i´m getting. Rereleasing older songs we allready have or instrumentals seems more realistic.
  19. Its a shame since there have to be a lot(me included) musicians/producers that watch mikes streams because there interested in the stuff he does etc. But I guess maybe someone should tell him to upload the sample pack as a Nft, then he´ll do it right away😆
  20. I think around the time mike really started streaming and was taking the questions he got asked about it and his answer was something like "oh yeah, I could do that" and then we never heard anything about it again🙄
  21. Yeah, I thought about a pack of loops. Shame Mike tends to ignore stuff like that.
  22. Man, I kinda read the title wrong and expected Mayo drum loops or something fun. At least the song isnt bad!
  23. Have you tried finding it out maybe? You post corrections all the time so it should be easy for you to find out. If they didn´t track And One to click then you´ll only get an estimate. Or you just take the bpm of the rap section at the end since thats defenetely on a grid.
  24. I generally always liked the stuff LP put out, but the whole Drawbar thing always kinda felt strange to me. It would have been allright but mentioning Tom and then just having a short instrumental track with barely any guitar is just Dissapointing. I wouldn´t even mention him at that point if I was in the band, they would have known that they are setting up for a huge dissapointment.
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