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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. This one sounds great. Good to hear the rest are more guitar oriented, and that Brad's doing some solos. From what it looks the album's gonna be their longest yet, around 50 minutes. YES!YES!YES!YES!YES! Sorry forgot myself for a minute. But yeah- this is gonna be awesome. September here I come!
  2. Nobody's Listening. The verses are good but the instrumental part's repetitive and the guitar in the chorus is boring and almost pointless.
  3. It was a joke, man Just as I expected, everybody hates Numb
  4. Message or not, that's pretty awesome artwork. Weird without being completely over the top- nice work Mike.
  5. Nobody's Listening. Epic fail with the tracklisting You also spelled Foreword wrong. Were you stoned when you made this?
  6. True that. My vote goes to Foreword I might vote seriously later if I can be bothered.
  7. 1) You could at least have waited for the results of the Hybrid Theory one 2) This wasn't your thread to start 3) Where in the name of Cheesus is Session?
  8. It doesn't suck, the riff is awesome. But it is the weakest track on Meteora after Nobody's Listening.
  9. Yup, it is. For the Meteora one I'll be really pissed off because everyone will vote for Numb, and I love Numb
  10. This is what M2M is listed as on my iTunes- 1. Wake 2. Given Up 3. Leave Out All The Rest 4. Bleed it Out 5. Shadow of the Day 6. What I've Done 7. Hands Held High 8. No More Sorrow 9. Valentine's Day 10. In Between 11. Across the Line 12. In Pieces 13. No Roads Left 14. The Little Things Give You Away Which simply destroys the CD tracklisting
  11. Jesus Christ. WHY DON'T YOU WANT THE RAP BIT OF AND ONE!?!?!?! It's the best rapping Mike's ever done!
  12. Linkin Park and Korn would be awesome- Jon Davis already did the OSC remix and that sounded killer. Or someone really left-field like the Pet Shop Boys.
  13. Gotta go with Papercut. I'm pleased my two favourite HT songs (With You and APFMH) have survived this far
  14. This is almost identical to the 2009 setlist.
  15. Points. Reanimation version smokes it. With You must win!
  16. You can't drop Crawling and In the End, they're hits.And One Step Closer is their anthem! \m/ Agreed. It annoys me when bands like Metallica change things, because you'll inevitably miss what you want to hear when you go to just one concert (*cough* DISPOSABLE HEROES! *cough)
  17. Minutes to Midnight- 1. A New Leaf 2. 21 Stitches [Yup, it was a badass name] 3. Epitaph 4. Shotgun Opera 5. Under the Sun 6. Regret/Rebuild 7. Take Back What's Yours 8. Expiration Date 9. February Rain 10. Apologies 11. Where You Lie 12. All You Ever Wanted (Floods)
  18. They should open with A Place For My Head, that would be killer. Or Foreword/Don't Stay- unfortunately, we'll probably never see that one again. So glad I saw it in 2008, I love that song.
  19. Ten Things I Want On A Thousand Suns- 1) More metallic riffs- but also clean guitars parts 2) Some more solos from Brad 3) More rapping from Mike 4) More scratching from Joe- and a crazy scratch solo or 2 5) A drum solo for Bourdie 6) Some Chester screaming 7) An epic song a la Little Things Give You Away 8) More electronics 9) Little interludes (like Korn did on Issues) 10) A hidden track of the band covering Queen's Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon
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