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Everything posted by GingerLP

  1. Open main set: One Step Closer Close main set: One Step Closer Open encore: One Step Closer Close encore: One Step Closer What LP seem to think is good.
  2. No one likes the Brisbane show because there wasn't much special, but remember Chester sings happy birthday to brad
  3. Rofl at the 109 Users reading this.
  4. yeah, South American DSP is taking.. AGES!
  5. so, NO ONE knows? Does the rest of LP know why he wears them? I found a photo, and it just looks like ear protectors.. whats up with that? (btw, super ugly pic of mike, HAHA!)
  6. i think the regular looks a bit simple, and yes, i know its surposed to be simple, AND YES i know they are the same with colour switched. IMO special
  7. ...*DIES!* But, no. Congrats ree ree
  8. I HIGHLY doubt it. A rumor, nothing else.
  9. You definitely deserve whatever the prize is. you just keep getting luckier and luckier
  10. i just realised i havent heard E2R live.. what the hell happened there? thank god thats fixed
  12. It was only about 10 months ago when I discovered LPL. I was googling linkin park and came across many fansites, one of which being LP Live. I wasn't such a hardcore fan as I am now, I pride LPL to help me being as close to one as possible. I had hardly anything linkin park at the time. I was amazed how many things were posted on this site each day, i had no idea how much can happen with one band ,and the dedication of the staff, members and moderators. The site was only 3.0 at the time and had much less users than now. I soon signed up and started posting, I can still remember my earliest topic, 'best Gray Daze song'. as I became more into the LP community I signed up to more sites, but LPLive still being my most favorite and most regular checking for news many times a day. Finding so much information about tours, setlists and statistics. I hope to stay here and contribute further with many years to come. To prove my dedication, I typed that all with my iPod.. Which you will probably know is a bitch to type on. Hahaha.
  13. HAHAHA!! Holy shit, what have I done? I kinda started that, as a joke of course. Like.. Making a t-shirt isnt a revolutionary thing. I'm sure all the sites have thought about it one time or another. It just depends who actually continues with it. Next time, laugh it off?
  14. I think mikes best would be red, or what he has now.
  15. Hahaha.. LPA had like, the exact same blurb thing for their shirts as here. "Ready in time for North American Tour, etc". I think they only put it because they are probably the 'leading' LP fansite. so, they would have to, if the 'lesser' (LPL is not Lesser by the way, but you know what i mean) had them.
  16. i laughed when i saw LPA bring out their own shirts.
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