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Everything posted by GingerLP

  1. Thanks, that's the one I saw a while ago. It would be awesome for someone to get some scans on it.
  2. OOHHHH!!.. thats right. my bad. hahaha well, Does anyone have Black and white Xero Tape Cover The one on the left. ..i have pretty much exhausted Google, looking at google images and Linkin Park fan pages and other random places. I don't know where else to find any pictures.. I'm EXTREMELY desperate. HEEELLLPP!!
  3. no, i though i saw pictures of the EP with different covers, well slightly different. it had a caption something like "Before they had enough money to get fancy shiny paper" or something like that..
  4. Does anyone have the pictures of Hybird Theory EP Black and white covers or back. i once found it, but forgot to save it. thanks, just post up the link (:
  5. yeah, Australian support acts were a let down, i though Jay-Z would make up for it.. but what the hell happened to that? i was sure it would happen atleast once.
  6. GingerLP

    LPU Video Chat

    good. interesting. chat Sorry, retarded double post.
  7. GingerLP

    LPU Video Chat

    good. interesting. chat
  8. yeah, single is Burning in the skies and probably coming out early next year.
  9. I think the earings really make it a chester look-a-like. hahahah. anyone got a mike one?
  10. wow.. Narc85 your awesome. fantastic quality.
  11. You keep making random topic and polls which are pretty stupid if you ask me. "Least favourite Linkin Park Album" like.. you cant just decide on that. And you make random game threads. Most people go on here to talk about linkin park news and interesting things. No offence.. but calm down with the threads.
  12. They said they wouldn't be involved with TF3.
  13. guys, PROBLEM!. i put my code in. then it said where do you want to put the files.. and i went to my music and right clicked to make a new folder. but i couldnt. so i pressed cancel. and then it suddenly started downloading The Requiem. BUT WHERE! i didnt choose! i did it again and it put the rest into my new folder i later created. but no Requiem. PLEASE HELP!!!!! Okay, found it randomly in a folder in my C drive.
  14. Happy birthday! keep up the good work
  15. YAY! ive been waiting so long for this.. well 8 days (:
  16. yeah, im just waiting for the brisbane one. its been 7 days. > HURRY UP! i want to listen.. no offense LP tech people.
  17. Anyone have friends or seen people who look like LP members? take a photo and upload ill start it off with an Australian insurance ad which stars a person who looks pretty much like an Australian Chester, well he does to me. This has been out for a while, but i have just been slow getting the video and posting it. Video
  18. 100% impossible for me to decide that. To me they are all equal.
  19. Yeah, stop complaining. if you were truely linkin park fan you wouldnt even give a shit what songs they played. It was an awesome show. My only criticism is that they didnt talk too much between songs, that would have made it for me (: awesome show. loved it. i got phoenix pick and a 'A Thousand Suns' pick. My cousin was given a drum stick by one of the stage people.
  20. well I'm glad about that.. The crowd looked a little weirded out and shocked by it.
  21. Was it just me.. or did Mike's mic fully stuff up and make him sound like an elf? the pitch was crazy high!
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