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Everything posted by jFar

  1. This suck so much! Living in Wisconsin I had 3 shows around me- Illinois, Minnesota, or Michigan. I had to pick Minnesota... Wish they would announce these kinds of things before they sell tickets!
  2. Wow... It's come to spamming LPLive now? People who spam and make things to auto-spam have no lives and are retarded.
  3. Like I said, I didn't wanna sound greedy, but they said this would be the best LPU CD, and most of you probably think LPU9 or less was better, I read it, alot of people do. And the one thing I don't like about LPLive Forums is you can't be upset with Linkin Park in anyway without some person getting upset with you.
  4. I don't wanna sound greedy (especially since I haven't actually purchased the CD, I'm going to though), but I am very disappointed... (If I'm wrong, correct me) They told us we'd get 10 unheard and new demos, what we got was: 6 Instrumentals 1 Previously Released Song (This Year) 1 Remix (99% Identical to Other Version) 1 Demo to a Song We've Had 3 or More Demos to, and Sounds Nothing Like the Others (If you listened to both, there's no way you'd tell they're related) 2 Full, Finished, Non Remix, Never Released, and Non Instrumental Songs I liked it for the most part, but expected more, for being the 10th year, after all, and them saying this years CD was THE BEST.
  5. In some way I can relate to any of the songs, I guess, but my favorite (and the one I can relate to most) would probably be In the Darkness because it talks about how you can't live up to how people always want you to. "All that you want from me is all I have to give." No matter what I seem to do my mother always seems to find something wrong or find something stupid to get mad about, along with people at my school, they complain about everything I do and have. I wear sweatshirts all the time, it's bad, I wear shoes I like, it's bad, I want my hair long, it's bad.
  6. I hardly know what it looks like because MTV is retarded and won't play it.
  7. Ok, I'll change it, but it'll take at least a half 1/2 because I'm busy, I'll make sure it's fixed tho. Edit: I fixed it, but is it still too big? Because I planned on fixing it up alittle more later and I'll shrink it more if you want.
  8. How much more do you need to believe? Mike on a flying unicorn yelling "US TOUR IN 2011!"? Chester said something and the official Linkin Park website's homepage says you get access to presale in the US tickets if you order A Thousand Suns.
  9. Not only had Chester talked about Linkin Park touring in the US around January, it is also posted on LP.com when you order A Thousand Suns now "Advanced access to purchase tickets for Linkin Park’s upcoming US tour".
  10. I love how nothing stays exclusive for Linkin Park, even before the album is released everywhere, they have the DVD and CD streaming on the Internet. I preordered it, but what was the point now? At least wait until the 14th!
  11. I think I'm looking more forward to LPU10 CD now than this by some of the reviews, I'm skipping around on listening to some of the songs... IT's kinda, eh, expected better, it's not bad though.
  12. We didn't get some sort of remix album in between M2M and ATS like HT and Meteora had and Meteora and M2M had... SO BRING ON A THOUSAND MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT!
  13. The only part i don't like about the video is that it doesn't focus on any of the band members for more than 5 seconds.
  14. jFar

    Stay Tuned...

    Since when do you have a LPL account?
  15. jFar

    Stay Tuned...

    An ATS CD case that actually just has a blank CD in it!
  16. What I don't get is so many Hybrid Theory demos leaked out so long ago, but why didn't many(or any) Meteora or Minutes to Midnight leak out? That is the funniest thing i saw all week!
  17. That share junk never works for me. Besides that, I never thought it would be possible to say, but I think Linkin Park is getting EVEN better at music videos!
  18. Why exactly is it so much then if we have to buy it separately?
  19. Glad to see that the paint isn't a big stand out in the video as I thought it would be.
  20. I just realized something most of us are already part of LPU at the moment, why should we already be forced to buy a LPU exclusive if we are already part of LPU?
  21. Thank you for the mini heart attack.
  22. Things everyone wants to know: Is LPU9 membership end when LPUX starts? Will we have it pay ANOTHER price for the actual LPUX package (if there is one)? Are people basically paying $60 for one new Linkin Park song if they aren't attending the live shows? And lastly, who will leak the song to the internet first?
  23. Unrelated to the convo on here, but, I like the LPUX cover.
  24. Wasn't LPU on Ning before at one time?
  25. Honestly, I was looking forward to the album all along, I was never upset about anything, Mike singing, the background music, all fine, the only thing that I think I might not like is that some songs look like they put too much work into them (based on the review that was posted on here the other day). Hearing screaming again is awesome, though.
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