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Everything posted by jFar

  1. I think Esaul was different than others we had, but yes, In the End was just Untitled with a random bass note at the end. Forgotten on LPU12 was just Rhinestone, but Points of Authority was slightly different
  2. I got this today and already have access of the game so... Gk3Ehezx First to use it gets it, I don't think they're reusable
  3. At the time I played, it was really laggy, took forever to load, and seemed really unfinished. You could change your character gender by just right clicking the game. I don't really remember any music, but I remember the dialog text noise, I think. I might take another look now that it's out for more people now
  4. I got access to the beta about a month ago
  5. This is quite a huge bump, but recently I've found out how to view the game's image files for everything, and since the game recently had some updates (that took 2 years), I took a look at it and found some leftover stuff Both have the label "Whitney-from-MFR", the second being the one used and contains "v2". The design changed a lot, unlike the other images left behind that have "v2". The newer one is basicly just a recolor of Jess, or the other way around I didn't notice this one at first then it really stood out, it's not in the style of either the "8-bit" or HD characters, it seems to be a hybrid of each type. It's name is "Foxy_Lady"
  6. Well, Now I See has echos, that's it, and that's a demo
  7. Someone talked about uploading No Roads Left, check page 5
  8. Hmm, an explicit High Voltage would have been a welcomed change, actually. Studio, not live I'm picky
  9. If you mean there isn't an explicit version on iTunes, there's clean and explicit. I feel like I might not be understanding what you said though And I also think M2M is the worst album. It's not bad, but the others are better
  10. The new version makes it seem too up-beat to me and that song shouldn't be like that
  11. I'm curious about the quality, too. If it's iTunes "Mastered" it needs to be better than the basic 128kbps right? That's the only thing stopping me from buying Blackbirds since it's the only one not released on a CD, and I'm picky with my music
  12. The one on the other Hybrid Theory on iTunes is the studio version, I think. 99% sure
  13. The way it's listed and the way you would expect it, High Voltage would be the OSC version, but it isn't when I listened to the preview yesterday, it was the live version that was on LPU2 or 3, can't remember which it was on
  14. Points of Authoriry is the HT.com demo. The Untitled is the 9-Track demo
  15. I know, what a nice looking website!
  16. What about Pushing Me Away and Curr for the Itch (and possibly My December if you count that)?
  17. I can digitally recreate most of the cover in a few minutes I like how most of the first page is just VIPs, Staff, Contributors, and so on EDIT: Nevermind, what I pictured in my mind looked better than what came out. Looked like a 10 year old image editing on MSPaint
  18. I hope they get released on a real CD somehow, iTunes does have the top quality, it's still good, just not as good as possible. I tend to be picky about that
  19. It's a better than ok remix, it's not bad. It's better than the other Where'd You Go remixes
  20. Now that I think of it, it was One Step Closer at the show I went to
  21. That wasn't a show specific, it happened at the Saint Paul show, too, and I'm guessing many more
  22. I'm pretty sure this isn't true since Mike posted on his blog once that they changed the spelling because LincolnPark.com was taken
  23. jFar

    LPU 11 Launched!

    I broke a CD case once, but the good thing is, you can take any CD case from a different CD you might not listen to, take all the papers inside them, and move the broken one to there. But that won't work to well if the case is signed
  24. jFar

    LPU 11 Launched!

    In LPU Chat awhile ago he was saying he's not sure if we will ever hear it, but he has and it's better than Across the Line
  25. The first song from LP Underground 11 "YO" was used a couple years ago on a website Linkin Park did with Monster as a ringtone, but shorter and bad quality
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