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Everything posted by jFar

  1. The app confuses me alot, what does the green check mean? I thought it meant I had the song, but half the songs weren't checked, and since when is Not Alone video on iTunes?
  2. I don't really like the icon for the app, and since when is there a Lite version of 8BR?
  3. I just rebeat the game today on my new iPod. It let me use my old character and rankings and stuff, but it won't let me connect to anything. I wish I would have entered the contest, I though they were only letting in the crappy versions you make on 8bityourself.com .
  4. I wished they'd do something with Eminem. Edit: I love how the thread just stops once I join...
  5. So what happened with the ATS theme? We have pictures now.
  6. Screw Google Chrome, it's been nothing but problems lately. It keeps saying I need to download a plugin and when I do download it, it makes me do it again.
  7. Maybe once Linkin Park tries to do every style of music, they'll go back to Hybrid Theory style music, but I swear to God, if they EVER do anything Justin Bieber related, I am no longer a Linkin Park fan!
  8. I could honestly care less how it sounds as long as Mike and Chester are in it!
  9. By now, you would think with all these previews, you would think SOMEONE would have put the song together!
  10. They may need to fix this... FRENCH -- EUR Quainty: 20 $0.00
  11. Where do we preorder this?!
  12. I wonder if it's against the rules to use this clip in the Catalyst contest?
  13. Chrome is what isn't working for me.
  14. I was gonna reply to him on Twitter saying that, but he doesn't talk to anyone on there anymore, so no point really.
  15. Someone might as well make another update on the LPL homepage saying that picture isn't going to be the album cover and add the picture, but I'm guessing people won't read that either and post something again on here.
  16. The times are going backwards on mine then.
  17. Wait, is the time under each Tweet a countdown?
  18. My Tweets update Facebook and MySpace, too, though...
  19. I did that RIGHT before I read this.
  20. I think it'll take "1000" tweets to show the image, and what the HELP ME wasn't there to begin with, was it?
  21. And I'm 100% sure that Tweeting will show something because the words "Please set me free. Conversation is key." weren't put there for no reason.
  22. At first the homepage was confusing me, so I clicked the monkey thing in the corner.
  23. If they added alittle more to the intro of the video, it'd be a sweet new LPTV intro
  24. Okay, I'm officially confused. I don't get what happened here...
  25. Exactly what I said the day Blackbirds went to YouTube, and when Across the Line got on YouTube... It didn't work.
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