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Slim Shinoda

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Everything posted by Slim Shinoda

  1. Invisible Argentina and Sao Paulo
  2. We DESERVE Castle Of Glass just because:
  3. I am not able to upload on lp-bits... so I uploaded it on TPB: https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7714181
  4. I recorded from APFMH (cut) to LOATR/SOTD/I (cut too) I was not able to record whole show because my microsd is just 4gb... I recorded it in 720p If anyone want it, I can upload it on rutracker or lpbits
  5. http://multishow.globo.com/musica/noticias...to-de-Sao-Paulo 21h, BRT
  6. Curitiba is canceled. New show in Rio de Janeiro, 10/10. Porto Alegre moved to 12/10.
  7. OMG This line up is fantastic Have fun australian guys!
  8. But they can add another new dates close to Brazilian dates... there's around a rumor about LP to Play on Maquinaria Festival. But like I said, it is just rumors, for while. Let's wait.
  9. Some rumors is saying something about $350 for Premium Ticket We prayed but we'll have to pay an expensive price too
  10. HELL YEAH! São Paulo, 7/10, here we come!
  11. Awesome! LPArg have this information too And now? What everybody think about it? Different sources saying same thing... A dream is becoming true!
  12. Norah Jones is confirmed. http://www.xyzlive.com.br/norahjones C'mon LP! haha
  13. We know, you already heard a lot of time about it but FYI, Destak said about anothers bands and artists. They said only when it is REALLY defined. Ex: They said about Tarja and she really comes to here...
  14. video or audio? or both?
  15. It's old but I remember this: Linkin Park will tour Living Things, including yet-to-be confirmed dates in Australia. http://www.news.com.au/news/linkin-parks-a...b-1226403209131
  16. Anyone is downloading it right now? Full show is up now, I think... is it 912mb for everybody?
  17. If they are on the side of stage and doesn't on angle of view on this picture? M&G lucker guys, please ask try to Mike. Mike is an Eminem fan, he is able to remember it, I think... He can remember if it is real or not, but I think he won't remember an exactly date
  18. http://www.swr3.de/musik/rock-am-ring-2012...a2s9/index.html Linkin Park is added now? --- Yes, they are but only 15min... and not live http://www.dasding.de/rockamring#!http...rw5a/index.html
  19. http://www.youtube.com/user/rockinrioeuvou/RockinRio
  20. On Rock in Rio 2011, YouTube had a great quality and without lags on their stream... YouTube is the biggest site about videos, they couldn't do a bad streaming.
  21. Me too And puzzle is very funny... but if I do it many times, it turns in a bored thing to me.
  22. Maybe you can find it on Wayback Machine: http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://lplive.net Good luck
  23. LOL Anyway, I really want Linkin Park in South America again! Sorry other fans base but we are the best fans and the best crowd in shows
  24. If they saw that rumour about Living Things and they decided to change album's artwork and/or album's name now?
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