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Everything posted by Elaine

  1. I really hope not. At least not without heavy, HEAVY involvement from the band members.
  2. Listening to this and the little loops of the instrumentals in the background, just looping the same part of the track over and over, are driving me absolutely insane.
  3. Adding onto this, a year is a long fucking time. Especially for creative types. LP is a band of restless creatives. They're just taking time to figure out what the fuck to do.
  4. Tell me you weren't listening to pop music in 2003 without telling me you weren't listening to pop music in 2003 Or 2007... Or 2010... Really, the only time LP bucked the trend of what was charting at the time was The Hunting Party, and that was a concerted effort.
  5. It's not just based on Mike mentioning something, but more of a gut feeling. Him being super quiet these past few months doesn't strike me as something he'd do if it were a solo project. That makes me think the band's doing something. There was that outreach effort last year with the messages from the band. There've been all these little things that hint to the band toying around with things. My gut feeling is we'll have a song late this year. I just get the sense that things have been slowly brewing over in the LP camp. I hope I'm not wrong. If it's fucking NFT's I'll cry.
  6. Personally, since some time last year I've felt like 2023 is the year we're going to see some kind of single and maybe one or two shows to promote it. I can understand them not wanting to tour. But a small, intimate show doesn't seem too out of left field. (And doesn't count as a tour). Stuff to basically get the rust off, get people excited again, before they go back into the studio for an album or whatever.
  7. A lot can change in a year. Especially when we're talking about 2022, that shit was five years long.
  8. 1.) Unreleased ATS demo 2.) Unreleased ATS demo 3.) Unreleased LT b-side 4.) Unreleased LT b-side 5.) Unreleased MTM demo 6.) Unreleased MTM b-side 7.) Unreleased MTM demo 8.) Unreleased LT demo 9.) Unreleased ATS b-side 10.) Unreleaed ATS b-side yeah, I could have been more creative with that. :|
  9. I'll listen to the leak when it comes out. Because damn it, I preordered the album twice. I'm not gonna feel guilty. At all.
  10. Wikipedia, no citation, and this is worthy of news? I wouldn't jump the horse just yet. My fake senses are off the charts. Anyone can edit wikipedia. However, props for mentioning to take everything with grains of salt-- but this should be taken with an entire truckload of salt. I'd be shocked if they were real, judging from the source. And as for what they'd gain from it: Lulz?
  11. My apologies for being a complete and total fucking worst of humanity jerk.
  12. Don't freaking jump to conclusions where there are none. kthnx. This. Is. NOT. A. CONFIRMATION. Therefore why is this in the news section. I mean, goddamn.
  13. 'scuse me sir, but why do you claim to know what the band would consider viral?
  14. And lo, Rolling Stones took words out of context, and the fanbase imploded upon itself.
  15. I would download this, but it's kinda big. >_> Can't mainly because my net has an arbitrary cap set by my ISP @ 80GB.
  16. I have a feeling that it'll be the same kind of deal as the Kerrang! interview. However, I could be mistaken-- I want scans, nonetheless.
  17. And had large obnoxious horrible blue text in his sig saying we should all forget ATS for a long period of time. Egotistical? Yep. Elitist? Yep. *headdesk*
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