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Everything posted by SFNL14

  1. This should be in the main post
  2. If you're not allowed to crowd surf or mosh in a rock concert, wtf are you supposed to do?
  3. Just sayin.. btw you could always have a listening party with a leak, right?
  4. I thought they were free when you could only get them via the code on the tickets. Or at least kind of free. Asking someone to do something secretly is kind of same as asking them in public IMO. Besides you can't force people to upload it just cuz you did. Everybody is not so selfless like you.
  5. The point here is DSPs used to be free and were allowed to be shared by the LP management ow WB or whatever, that is why it was was allowed to share here. Now the management has forbidden the sharing which makes it illegal, which is same as how nobody is allowed to post links for the official albums like HT, MTM etc. If these DSPs are shared in the forum, it might get shutdown which I don't think anybody would want. So if you want them really bad, pester the uploaders at the usual place, not here, cuz that's annoying and illegal.
  6. Nice pre show post. And I didn't know he was the same guy who played guitar back in 2007...wow
  7. I've got their Best Of CD and I didn't like a single song on it. I guess it depends on taste
  8. Its 4am here and I'm far from sleepy! Mind exploded!
  9. Its good but not that good. Still I wouldn't be surprised if my views change in the next 5 days
  10. Allan Harper? Reminded me of Two And A Half Men
  11. So thats how they created that lava-Chester thing. Enjoy
  12. LP sucks and sold out, that is unless they stop caring about what music they want to make and start making albums that sell more (which is NOT selling out). End of story.
  13. He gives them coals for not making albums faster
  14. Has Linkin Park released any XRCDs? I've got Minutes To Midnight but not sure if it is real or not
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