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Everything posted by SFNL14

  1. I've been confusing the 2 ever since UIG is out. And I don't even like it that much!
  2. Living Things, CC in the next round
  3. How many votes do we need for Recharged? Start the next round please
  4. POA, so they are following a pattern that the 3rd track should not be good?
  5. It would be funny if they skip THP this tour and instead debut LT songs
  6. Definitely the best album by LP IMO
  7. Awesome loving the album so far (except UIG). Mike's vocals sound great and I hope he pulls them off live
  8. Calling it Nu-metal is not calling it bad
  9. I liked the shortened songs, makes room for more. I wasn't expecting GATS to sound that good with Mike rapping, but he nailed it
  10. Great song. Mike's rap is awesome. I haven't read the reviews so I don't know, but hoping more of it in the album
  11. UIG has two versions, The one with baby's laugh at the end and the one without it
  12. After all the hype, I was definitely not expecting this. I guess I probably didn't like it because I was expecting something heavy, maybe I will like it in a few days. But right now, I think its kind of average and nothing special.
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