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Everything posted by maxstar

  1. This is an awesome surprise!!! Have fun who will attend this event!!! I believe some day DBS will be touring again For me their album is a magnificent work!
  2. Here - > http://lplive.net/stats/lpcountriesplayed.php is missed Czech Republic
  3. Every single album impressed me much. I would say that Minutes To Midnight impressed me soooo much. After years of waiting this brand new Linkin Park alternative rock style was blowing for me. When I first watched the full video of What I've Done I was like frozen, it was something mind blowing. After I heard the album and than bought CD from the 1st track intro Wake to the last TLTGYA track it was like symphony. This album has all, slow songs, fast songs, beautiful songs, a lot of instruments works, so much new energy of the new style. I can tell without ending how I love this but only will say that Valentine's Day is the most beautiful song I've ever heard for this DAY
  4. Every crowd has its own unique things.
  5. Can someone make an alternative source for FLAC and video rips please, tnx in advance My provider hates Demonoid
  6. Hybrid Theory Crawling Papercut In The End Meteora Breaking the Habit Numb Faint Minutes To Midnight What I've Done Bleed It Out Leave Out All the Rest A Thousand Suns Waiting For the End Iridescent Burning In The Skies
  7. Damn its "least" favorite?? Haha, I thought most favorite
  8. Ah, too bad that it wouldn't be in theaters worldwide, I'd like to see music video in 3D
  9. Nice and intelligent post by Mike. Complaining about such things is not an option, you must better think how to earn some money if you want some bonus opportunities, in other words other bands even don't have such options like paid fan club. I am not a part of LPU (I am really want to be) but I will enter the club when I start earn money enough to make these spendings as minor until that time I'm not part of this club but I am Linkin Park fan from the heart to the soul
  10. Actually I don't want them to be hasty, more new songs = less old on the concerts. But I like to hear a new stuff always Btw I love Minutes To Midnight album and A Thousand Suns is a great for me also.
  11. Ah damn, its an awesome performance
  12. I asked Pooch and he replied But whatever Okay man, tnx, you will see it maybe tomorrow, I want them to play in Israel August-September this year
  13. I WAS THERE, IT WAS EPIC BUT SHORT!!!!! CHESTER AS AWESOME AS EVER, MIKE TOO!!!!! THEY'VE PLAYED BTH AS I ASKED WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! IRIDESCENT REMIX WAS AMAZING!!!!! I THINK I WILL WRITE A REVIEW =) P.S. I stood face to face with Dave =) Amazing photos -> http://koncert-photo.livejournal.com/1543718.html
  15. Good talk and finally needed answers
  16. Guys, simply why not to add Breaking the Habit in set and make it 25-songs set..
  17. You know now I don't really care about "polarize" because I will follow the band in any way they would go, other people who don't understand LP's style even since MTM album its their problem
  18. I want to see tomorrow's setlist ASAP I wonder what they will be doing with their setlist
  19. Yes, this looks very cool but POA and APFMH (played full) maybe is only our imagination
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