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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Haha. I feel honored to be sigged. <3
  2. I think I've cracked it, E=MC2 Lol jk I don't think Albert Einstein could even crack this.
  3. Astat not correctly translating the message is holding up the album...for real
  4. Pez

    LPCrimea 2.0

    I love the header man, where did you find dem photos?!?
  5. *prays for a virtual hand job from Joe at 'Joe's Joy room"
  6. According to google translater "Falls to the brightness of" is "Falls la luminosité de" in french. anyone else work out more?
  7. wow, this is getting interesting. What language? EDIT: by 2nd look that has to be french. EDIT: Again, Theres a shitload of languages in there
  8. If its that ill be disappointed.
  9. Wow, me brain hurty.
  10. win, But yeh I personally love Blackbirds, Its really hard for me to hate a song (unless its sung by Bieber). I was actually listening to the song on the way home from work today. Thing that sucks big ass tho is the quality of that version. It sounds so chat.
  11. Dam, imagine if he did, All the bitching about the album and everything. Hopefully this pushes him to lead us to more 'Info'.
  12. Pez

    Proggy sound

    Mikes Lurking us!
  13. Haha I saw the email and i like "OH SHIT" *copies and posts*
  14. No, I'm not joking... "A few days ago, LPLive.net caught this gem on XFM Radio (London), regarding a new Linkin Park album on the way: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4600" http://mikeshinoda.com/2010/06/22/lplive-net/ Looks like we have a lurker... Hi Mike, haha!
  15. I would be down for one here in Sydney thats if there is enough to make a meet and greet thing
  16. Pez

    Proggy sound

    wow, this is bring back memories of 3 plus years ago when we heard the snippet of What I've Done. Best feeling ever.
  17. Nah im down. I love listening to dance type remixes of songs. IMO The Scientist by Steve hill is just epic! Also i love The Numb Resource mix even tho i dunno who the fuck made it
  18. If you guys want I will offer myself to help make themes? Im pretty good around HTML and Photoshop
  19. The song itself was a break though for LP in my eyes. Experimenting again with there sound and even song structure. Im planning to perform this is the coming months. Aka like it Just as much as before.
  20. I though i saw Australian. Now im cut deep
  21. The Nobody/Standing sound as like a mad Jam. I would heaps better quality and video
  22. Yep, Thats an Mike Original track there. far as i know he put the whole thing together.
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