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About kennjii

  • Birthday 04/08/1992

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  • LP Shows Attended
    11.10.2010 Itú, SP Brazil Fazenda Maeda Starts With You - Music and Arts Festival 07.10.2012 São Paulo, SP Brazil Arena Anhembi 08.10.2012 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Citibank Hall + Meet and Greet! 10.10.2012 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Citibank Hall 18.10.2014 Belo Horizonte, MG Esplanada do Mineirão Circuito Banco do Brasil 19.10.2014 Brasília, DF Estacionamento do Estádio Mané Garrincha Circuito Banco do Brasil 13.05.2017 São Paulo, BR Autódromo José Carlos Pace Maximus Festival

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    Rio de Janeiro

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  1. One of the producers of What's in The Eye, shared an preview of the single and used the hashtag #Amends on it.
  2. Yeah i mess it up, it was Iridescent haha, sorry
  3. Multitracks (WAV) of Invisible and When They Come For Me are out!
  4. LOL, that was not my point, what i mean is that the quality of the files are better, if you compare the spectrum of both, you can see there's a HUGE diferrence, not to mention the size of the files itself, the .wav files are Hi-fi (1,411 kbps), and i'm pretty sure that those .flac files are upcovert (digital lossy 320kbps), but we'll never know for sure
  5. it's funny cuz, i have an .wav version of OML Instrumentals (about 400mb) for almost 2 years now, and it's much better than any other version, even this "new one" that got out this days lol
  6. but worst than leak it, it's sell it
  7. WARNER BROS removed the content, NOT LINKIN PARK, the LABEL wanna profit with this stuff, wich sometimes they can't, that's the true, the band itself doesn't care at all!
  8. I know, as A FACT, that Mike and Linkin Park, doesn't care about instrumentals, acapellas or even multitracks getting released, trust me i know, so with that said i think that anybody who want's to "sell" oficial stuff, should be banned or busted, this material is not theirs, this guys get those things from the radio and promotional stuff, they don't spet 1 pent to get those files, it's not fair
  9. We'll i guess this depends where you picked up yours hahaha
  10. Points of Authority and With You (Stems) are out
  11. since the version of In The End that came out (with 23 tracks) have a lot of "merge tracks", i've put out there my personal splitted version with 34 tracks synced in stereo
  12. AMAZING absolutely AMAZING thank you so much!
  13. Can you upload and send me those files? the're offiline by now
  14. "reliable source" hahahahha sound's good do ^^ let's just wait to see what really could happen on the next few months....but my bet still on Rock in Rio Sept 2017!
  15. omg looks so fucking awesome, i really like it! Looking forward the someone rip both th in the end remix from hardwell and this new stuff with Martin!
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