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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Thank you 😊 I remember Mike saying it’s nothing special but I can understand the curiosity. So I guess it has vocals on it
  2. Why are you guys so interested in Pictureboard? Just asking, because I know nothing about the song and I'm wondering why it's looked as something "legendary"
  3. Wow Halfway Right is my fav song on the album and a top 20 Lp song for me love how we fans can have sooo different thoughts
  4. As a fan, the thing that I always thought and most music critics and fans didn't admit is that the album is SUPER RISKY for a band like LP. I mean, it's super pop ok, but if you are Linkin Park and for the 1st time in your career you decide to put out a record with no screaming at all (even ATS had Blackout on it), only one rap verse from Mike, no heavy distorted guitars and go full pop, well kudos.
  5. Agree on this, I specifically mentioned My Suffering and Fire because those 2 are better in the demo versions, about the others I agree with you, except for one thing: the demo bridge of WIC is awesome
  6. Totally agree on this, Fire and My Suffering demos are a lot better
  7. Songs like my Suffering and Condemned needed a THP-like production and instead we got a super polished pop-like production... like WTF
  8. Never changed my mind on the album, fully enjoyed it since day 1, definitely my favorite post-ATS Lp album, as a whole I'd put it in 3rd/4th place. Absolute favorites are NCSM, Halfway Right and OML, but there's not a single song I fully dislike.
  9. yeah I think the production really fits the album, it’s not overproduced like, say, Out of Ashes where some songs needed a more raw and in your face approach instead of being super polished
  10. Absolutely agree, like Mike said on Hold it Together about the "awkward joke"
  11. Yeah I think he intended that. Also, I really didn't like the "dead dad jokes" but it was probably his way to take it slightly lighter. I think he's a good guy
  12. I TOSSED THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM DOWN THAT HOLE IN MY EYE (sorry, I could not resist to my childish self).
  13. I think both the video and the song are awesome. Looking forward to this project, can’ t wait to June 26th to put my hands on the cd+ booklet. The other tracks like She Shines and Syndrome are mind blowing
  14. The more I listen to This song The more I think The album will be Good and LP has a cool future ahead
  15. THIS IS GODLY, that ending is LP level of good.
  16. Yeah Sounds soooo Good compared to some of The other songs IMO
  17. I don t care about The genre honestly, in my playlists I literally have Julia Michaels and 5FDP side by side so... LOL
  18. Yea they seemed bored/ careless. I mean it s MIKE SHINODA, the leader of a multi platinum WW band since 2000, come on.
  19. Definitely cool, MGK, Chino, K Flay, song titles, it s all sooooo damn cool. The (unexpected for me) hype begins
  20. EU OML shows were awesome, Monza was crazy with 80k people singing. One of The best things I witnessed in my life
  21. I hope someday we ll Get Chester s unreleased demos but not in a new LP album, i think they need to separate Chester s era from The new era.
  22. Yeah it s true, it gets a deeper meaning but i was a Huge fan even before Chaz s passing
  23. OML is one of my fav LP songs and it was the same before july 20th. GG is fun, not great but good
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