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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. I knew about Tobi, but I didn’t know Chester’s mom was “bad”, I remember a picture of him hugging her back in early 2017. Anyway, is Mike’s opinion about GD that relevant? I mean, it’s two different things, he never spoke specifically about High Rise except for saying Chester was happy about being with STP.
  2. Sean said he has nothing against LP, they are not buddies but nothing against them. About Mike not answering about GD, it’s two different worlds and yeah he might not care about the project because of Samantha’s involvement but who cares TBH. Mike is Mike and GD is GD.
  3. TBH I don’t get why every GD thread has to include harsh/ironic comments about the band. I mean, if you don’t care about something just ignore it as I tent to do with things I don’t care about 😊
  4. Can’t wait for my copy of the album to come! 😊😍 Haven’t been hyped in a comparable way since OML. I mean, for Oml the hype was higher obviously, but this is the closest thing
  5. “What are you worth”, Primo, Across the Line, NRL, Figure 09 demo, Untitled ITE demo... I don’t believe you Mike 😂😂
  6. Yeah the thing is that Chester shines on the song, instrumentally it’s pretty generic, not bad but yeah, generic is the right word
  7. Great song, Mark Morton has always been humble and classy with this song, and respectful to Chester and his family/friends/fans 😊
  8. I always loved the short story about Chester's audition, sweet
  9. https://www.google.it/amp/s/theprogmind.com/2020/06/19/grey-daze-amends/amp/ Reviews are enthusiastic, even from magazines that never cared about LP
  10. I think growing up I started to realize that some kind of Chester's screams really upset me, like the one on KTTK or HTF, or his voice on AFN and Nobody's Listening. Those songs are the ones where my fav singer of all time proved that even great singers can give bad performances
  11. I'm still jamming the hell out of WAYW, the chorus is GREAT for a pop song, after repeated listen I can say I definitely like it more than nearly every Mike's solo song, but I see why they didn't include it in OML, it's more LT-esque and "happy", strong Coldplay and BID vibes The more I listen to the song, the more I like it, super LP-ish, I hear UIG, BID, Invisible and Heavy
  12. How was it ? Missed it due to the time, in Italy is Saturday morning
  13. Listening to the song with HQ headphones convinced me you are right. The backing vocals sound completely different from Chester on, say, Invisible. Anyway, as I said on the shout box, this song is one of the “LP weird things” like picking IBG instead of Primo or, personally, picking weaker lyrics for Robot Boy instead of the demo ones, and now not releasing this super -LP-ish pop song that would have probably been as successful as BID with some adjustments (2nd verse is super demo-ish and short)
  14. I never knew what happened with Machine Shop
  15. Just had the chance to hear the song, I love it, it’s soooo LP, but I see why they scrapped it from OML, Sounds more LT-ish. I hear a second voice, probably just Mike high pitched?
  16. I can totally understand his feelings about the demo leaks...like, as an artist you don’t want the world to hear something unfinished or that you are not satisfied about. I didn’t listen to the song but many of you said that it sounded more like a LT demo
  17. Agree TBH I really like Out of Time, Same on the Inside and Tomorrow, but Amends is better
  18. Things in my jeep was super fun, eshouldn't be considered as a proper song LOL, sounds a bit like a parody of LGM
  19. Ahahah 😂😂😂😂but I’d never count that
  20. Ok 😊 TBH It’s not great I agree, the verses feel like they belong to a different song and the overall effect is a bit weird, far from a perfect song, but I really like the guitar and the backing vocals, so to me is an OK song. If I had to rank the songs with Chester on vocals this wouldn’t be high on the list but I like it more than, say, All for nothing, Hit the Floor, Nobody’s listening and War
  21. Easiest skip ever ? Like LOL there are far worse songs IMO. 😊
  22. I’ve always seen “Mark the Graves” as a heavy/guitar driven sister of “Blackout”, so yeah to a certain extent I can see the parallelism Between ATS and THP, even tho the former is one of my fav LP albums (and all time albums) and the latter is far weaker IMO. Oh gosh, When he talks about Chester 💔
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