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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. OD chorus gets old pretty fast IMO, I played the song like 10 times and it already got a little boring, but the verses are alright. The 2 instrumentals are fun
  2. That would be a cool idea, involving fans in the whole project considering it’s a “home made” project and not a “real” album like PT or LP
  3. Yeah absolutely, despite my bad received irony, I absolutely don't think he was thinking about this project as something profitable in some ways
  4. I think making a physycal release would be a weird move. This is a release for super diehard fans, it's not PT level of spread. I mean, I consider myself a diehard LP fan but I personally wouldn't buy this on physycal form.
  5. Yeah I totally feel COG being a ATS demo. Cool info 😂
  6. Joe on vocals on the next LP single confirmed 😂love
  7. I was just kidding, it’s all on purpose 😂😂I’ll stop
  8. He should have called this “album” DROPPED THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM DOWN THAT HOLE IN MY EYE, Part 1.5 Oh, as I said in the other thread, this project is 100% CASHGRAB!!! 1111!
  9. LP fans will always randomly argue about stuff😂
  10. Yeah I know I attacked Mike’s music but was a sort of reaction (the worst one possible, I admit it) to all the hate Amends got☺️ Glad to see the excitement around the new Mike instrumental album. Anyway, I still think that some of Mike’s material is quite cringy and has little to zero replay valute to me (songs I already mentioned, you know), but I’ll try to be less aggressive in expressing my thoughts on it ☺️
  11. Amends has a God-like status to my eyes and ears right now, but I don’t need to attack Mike’s work to enjoy it, and I admit I did it a couple of times but that was the wrong way to defend it ☺️
  12. Even tho I agree on some of the things he said, hmmm this is definitely not the way I’d have expressed them. And I fucking love OML
  13. Osiris is my fav of the 3, it’s like Nobody’s listening + Session + sort of Drawbar at the end.
  14. Yeah, and I really like the vocal melodies of the girl LP in the last Track, good touch If I had to rate the songs, it'd be something like this: Sickness: 7,5 Sometimes:8,5 WITE: 7 Syndrome:9 In Time: 9 JLH: 8 B12: 7 Soul Song: 9 Morei Sky: 9 She Sines:9 Shouting Out: 8 Awesome album EDIT 7/3: Album is still holding strong on Itunes holding #46 and a great #16 in Germany ROGUE EDIT: what did I just tell you about double posting
  15. I'm not a sound engineer, but I played the full album with headphones and sounds good, like, not every song, I'm not saying B12 is awesome production wise, but it's fine. Don't get ALL the issues with the sound of the album TBH, and I'm nkt acting defensively, just don't get it
  16. Totally agree on this, some of the songs here are really really great, and I'd think the same if Chester was alive
  17. After repeated listenings of the album, some songs get close to perfect score to me. Syndrome, In Time, Soul Song, She Shines and Morei Sky are like 9/10 to me now. Blown away
  18. Open Door is ok, I really don’t like the random guy that pops up in the small bridge singing lol. It’s a bit too repetitive but ok. I’ll probably check out the instrumental tracks when the album drops
  19. Project spark GATS video was terrible, god. 😂😂😂
  20. Interesting, to me they gave new life to songs that instrumentally wise were meh or straight up bad (like the original Sickness with that horrible irritating guitar) , but as I said it’s a matter of taste and perspective. I was ok with the old ones, I just cared about the vocals, and now we have this album That to me feels complete. If they make a second one, I’d be super in
  21. I really liked OOA at first but this is better
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