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Everything posted by xxHybridXeroxx

  1. Happy Birthday Hahninator!!! Thanks for founding this awesome site and everything you do!!!

  2. I like it! Not the best, but definitely not like Heavy! No song will probably touch OML on this album
  3. I hope so too! Would love to have an audio rip of it myself...
  4. It's worrying yes, but it's just a rehearsal, so he's singing raw, I think he will sound better live, with adrenaline pumping and in front of a crowd. He's been working with a vocal coach too, but I do think eventually he's going to need surgery on his vocal cords

  6. That Would be amazing! They Better play TLTGYA In New Orleans!
  7. As long as it's in North Carolina, I don't care, Preferably Charlotte, as I live there, but Greensboro, Durham, or even Raleigh will work. Step #1 Get tickets, Step #2 Get Recording equipment (to tape show for you guys)
  8. I'm DEFINITELY gonna hit Charlotte, MAYBE Durham too, If I have enough Money... (note to self, Buy recording equipment)
  9. Great song! Beats my previous favorite, Battle Symphony. So far, GG>BS>Heavy
  10. The 15th falls on a Saturday, and Sunday, is easter, Unlikely, but not impossible...
  11. Excited to hear the song! Prediction, Friday April 14th!
  12. This is a little worrying for me, but I'll of course listen to the songs first, And who knows? They might be good, but even If I don't like this album, I'll still be a fan... (On a side note, I look more for lyrics than sound, so as long as the lyrics are ok, I'll probably listen to the song, The ONE issue I have with pop songs, is that they're are all about the same thing, This doesn't seem to be)
  13. I like the song for that reason, so uplifting!
  14. Happy belated Birthday AndOne!

  15. First time listening to it actually. Now THIS is a song I can enjoy! Especially love the bridge. Longer than Heavy and 1000x better! Heavy is a very subpar song compared to this, and I especially like the sound of the song, This is an album I'd buy if it had more songs like this, Heavy worried me, but Battle Symphony has calmed my nerves a little. BS=Good pop Heavy=Mediocre/Average pop
  16. Video is great. Really puts the song into perspective.
  17. That would be badass! I hope that we get it one day
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