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Thanks to MikeShinodaClan for updating me on this!


Linkin Park is set to play a "secret" show in Los Angeles with Japanese artist B'z as a support artist.


"This secret show in Los Angeles is to raise money for Japan, however not everyone will gain entry. The whole purpose is to raise money for Tsunami Relief, everyone who helps raise $500 will receive 2 tickets (LIMITED, info below) to see Linkin Park and the B’z (best-selling artist in Japan). The show will be on August 31st and Linkin Park will be performing in a small intimate venue in Los Angeles, the venue will be announced to those who earned the tickets only. 100% of net proceeds benefit children and families affected by the earthquake & tsunami.


Tickets are limited, only the first 500 people to reach the fundraising goal will receive tickets."


The deadline is August 24, 2011 and the secret show is on August 31, 2011 at a "secret venue" in LA.


Click here to watch the videos of Mike and Phoenix announcing the show.

The official website of the show is here.


Who from LPLive is going to try and go?


PERFECT opportunity to play some songs we haven't heard in a while :)

yeeaahh.... don't get your hopes up, i HIGHLY doubt it

since it's a small venue it will be awesome, but them playing some old forgotten songs? NO imo.

Posted (edited)

i promise you if they say that they will play these songs on the night:

With You

And One

High Voltage

Reading my Eyes


Figure 09

By Myself


They will make more money than any secret show anywhere... I would pay a handsome amount to see those songs


oh and i forgot this would also help me spend some more :)

Edited by GraDoN
Posted (edited)

Anybody looking to help me go to meet LP? I'll take HI Res video and pics to post on LPL :) Please use my link HERE

Edited by skyzlmt




It's irritating that there's no U.S. Projekt Revolution this year and LP manages to schedule ANOTHER fucking show in Los Angeles


Posted Image


Anybody looking to help me go to meet LP? I'll take HI Res video and pics to post on LPL :) Please use my link HERE

I hope you win man.





It's irritating that there's no U.S. Projekt Revolution this year and LP manages to schedule ANOTHER fucking show in Los Angeles


Posted Image


this but alas what can we do?


if we know about it, how is it a secret?

you can't explain that

It's a secret show because we don't know where it is.



Also, to everyone complaining about the Los Angeles location: LP is from California. It's only natural that they'd play more shows there.


US needed a Projekt Revolution this summer. I was ready to go all out.... bummed they aren't doing one.

this, had some epic roadtrips planned and LP foresakend us *marioLPU voice*

That is true but it still gets annoying after a while



If I lived in la I would go around neighborhoods trying to raise money to go but I don't, cause all their extra shows happen in la, pisses me off


For a show that's more than likely gonna get the same setlist everyone has already seen - that's a lot of money to try and raise, in fact that's a lot of money to raise even if you're seeing HT in its entirety! Plus if you can't raise it before the first 500 that sucks majorly - I think they should have kept it to $100 'cause it seems like they're expecting a bit too much from people if I'm honest it may fall flat on its arse :/


I'd do this if I lived in LA IF I knew they'd play a totally different set than what I've seen x3 this touring cycle. $500 for the same songs in likely a shortened setlist isn't worth it to me. Now if they played With You, Figure.09, P5hng Me A*wy, Easier To Run, Hit The Floor, A Place For My Head, and some other cool stuff then I'd try to raise the money :) Drop almost every single they have in the set besides Faint/OSC, maybe BTH and you'll get more people that will want to go.


Or, you know, maybe you would raise the money BECAUSE IT GOES TO JAPAN.


Good God people.

Don't worry, we raised $700+ in Sunrise, Tampa and Atlanta for MFR plus all the other shows MFR was at like in Europe that they raised money. I've made donations to MFR personally before, annnnnnd....




Don't be so pissy :P We give a lot to MFR. MFR is very important to us.


MFR is very important to us.

I'd do this if I lived in LA IF I knew they'd play a totally different set than what I've seen x3 this touring cycle. $500 for the same songs in likely a shortened setlist isn't worth it to me.

But apparently the setlist they play is much more important.

Posted (edited)

But apparently the setlist they play is much more important.

No offense but Mark has done plenty to raise money for MFR. Over $700? Sounds great to me. $500 is a lot to give to a charity. There's nothing wrong with considering the show he'd be going to see, especially if he already helped raise as much as he claimed, AND if I'm correct, Mark lives on the east coast. That's a lot of money coming from the help of one person.


With all due respect, how much have you done for MFR?

Edited by Xero21

But apparently the setlist they play is much more important.

"we really would like to help those in need, but not enough to play what you want"


Posted (edited)

No offense but Mark has done plenty to raise money for MFR. Over $700? Sounds great to me. $500 is a lot to give to a charity. There's nothing wrong with considering the show he'd be going to see, especially if he already helped raise as much as he claimed, AND if I'm correct, Mark lives on the east coast. That's a lot of money coming from the help of one person.


With all due respect, how much have you done for MFR?

He started his sentence by saying "If I lived in LA"...but fair enough. Though if he's really a big money raiser for MFR, he should talk like it instead of making the event sound dumb if Linkin Park doesn't change their setlist. That's just silly.


And $500 isn't a ridiculous amount by any means. Do you realize how amazing it would be to see Linkin Park in a tiny venue? And it's not like you have to raise all the money yourself. You can ask friends and such to help pitch in which is what the site thing is for.

Edited by bLePn

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