rav0k Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) Those aren't the rules. That's a how-to / FAQ of sorts. You follow the link that goes the the official rules. always. http://www.linkinpark.com/profiles/blogs/i...artwork-contest You're linking the actual rules, but there was no easy way to find them that I could see. I still don't know how to get to them and that's my exact point on this. When you have a big banner that says "Here is all you need to do" and provides those few simple steps that I took a screenshot of, what happened should have been expected. Edited June 24, 2011 by rav0k Quote
KATHYxx Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) The rules were linked to from the DA page, On the other poster thing. The one that says "Contest Details" Reasonable sized font and blue contrasts with white, so they sort of... tried. .. That's funny, the exact moment I go to screencap it, the link loads invisible. I wonder if that's the culprit. Even maor fail!!! Anyway, The first thing anyone does before doing anything like this is look for the lawyerese. While LP management failed at making it easy to find.. at all, 20% is bad parenting here. You should know what contract you're getting into before doing anything. http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/KATHYxx/mah.png Edited August 5, 2011 by Dmitry Quote
rav0k Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) Anyway, The first thing anyone does before doing anything like this is look for the lawyerese. While LP management failed at making it easy to find.. at all, 20% is bad parenting here. You should know what contract you're getting into before doing anything. From my perspective, the pic that I provided is all that the average user would probably take into consideration. I'm guessing that most of the people that are blowing up about this are people who are part of DA or at least visit the site on a regular basis. For me, I only go there occasionally and have no idea how the site works, so what I saw on that page is what I thought was the official rules. Think about it from a perspective of someone saying, "Hey! Check out this contest LP is having," and then they link the deviantart website and those same people see what I linked. The undeniable truth here is that even if the official rules were floating around on the official Linkin park site (which I didn't even know about because I NEVER go to Linkin Parks official site for anything anymore), they should have been clearly visible on the DA site as well. Anyways, I'm probably not contributing much by spitting the same opinion out over and over. I am basically just pissed off at everyone who are saying hateful things about this persons artwork as a result of their frustration from a flawed system. If the person comes out and says, "HA HA! I PURPOSELY SUBMITTED THIS MANY PIECES OF WORK SO THAT CHESTER WOULD SEE MY POWERFUL PHOTOSHOP SKILLS OVER ALL OF YOURS! HA HA!" that's a different story. Until then, people should take into consideration that they may have been just as clueless to the official rules as I was along with many others. Edit: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/KATHYxx/mah.png Well, there's the problem that caused this outrage. It's invisible for me too. I would have never guessed that was even there. Edited August 5, 2011 by Dmitry Quote
Hybrid1988 Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 What would be discouraging? The fact that rules weren't enforced properly or the fact that are some pretty savage LP fans who feel that it's in a completely mature manner to talk down about a piece of art that won a contest and potentially damage someones personality all because they were displeased that their hard work and efforts did not appeal to the band who hosted the contest to begin with? Don't bash the artist directly as a way to vent the frustration that resulted from poor management in this contest. I think that when anyone puts a piece of art out there for the world to see, they should be aware that not everyone is going to enjoy it. Artists shouldn't be immune to criticism. Just take a look at all the people that think LP's music is terrible. The band doesn't care, they just keep on making music that they enjoy. My point in expressing my opinion of this persons art was to do just that, express an opinion, not to potentially damage their personality or anything else. And as a disclaimer: I didn't take part in this contest. I have no artistic skill. Quote
KATHYxx Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 From my perspective, the pic that I provided is all that the average user would probably take into consideration. I'm guessing that most of the people that are blowing up about this are people who are part of DA or at least visit the site on a regular basis. For me, I only go there occasionally and have no idea how the site works, so what I saw on that page is what I thought was the official rules. Think about it from a perspective of someone saying, "Hey! Check out this contest LP is having," and then they link the deviantart website and those same people see what I linked. The undeniable truth here is that even if the official rules were floating around on the official Linkin park site (which I didn't even know about because I NEVER go to Linkin Parks official site for anything anymore), they should have been clearly visible on the DA site as well. Anyways, I'm probably not contributing much by spitting the same opinion out over and over. I am basically just pissed off at everyone who are saying hateful things about this persons artwork as a result of their frustration from a flawed system. If the person comes out and says, "HA HA! I PURPOSELY SUBMITTED THIS MANY PIECES OF WORK SO THAT CHESTER WOULD SEE MY POWERFUL PHOTOSHOP SKILLS OVER ALL OF YOURS! HA HA!" that's a different story. Until then, people should take into consideration that they may have been just as clueless to the official rules as I was along with many others. Edit: Well, there's the problem that caused this outrage. It's invisible for me too. I would have never guessed that was even there. It was visible earlier today when I opened that into another tab to save. I hadn't noticed it disappeared like that. No wonder I was wondering why so many people were blind. Still, doesn't excuse the management's decision. Quote
rav0k Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) I think that when anyone puts a piece of art out there for the world to see, they should be aware that not everyone is going to enjoy it. Artists shouldn't be immune to criticism. Oh, I agree with you completely. I'm just bitching because I feel that it's unfair in the sense that it seems as if they are receiving this negative feedback NOW solely because of the rules that were broken as a result of an invisible link to the rules on DA. If the person was being critiqued on the site itself and being told what they could do to make the work better, etc, that's a different story. Either way, you're completely right. I'm just speaking my mind on this ordeal. Edited June 24, 2011 by rav0k Quote
Hybrid1988 Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 Oh, I agree with you completely. I'm just bitching because I feel that it's unfair in the sense that it seems as if they are receiving this negative feedback NOW solely because of the rules that were broken as a result of an invisible link to the rules on DA. If the person was being critiqued on the site itself and being told what they could do to make the work better, etc, that's a different story. Either way, you're completely right. I'm just speaking my mind on this ordeal. No problem man, I see where you're coming from. I would've felt the same way regardless of this ordeal. I'm not trying to be a jerk about my opinion, I just feel if he ever read this it wouldn't do him/her any good to receive false praise. Quote
Enthouse Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 After looking at the other entries that were posted in that article, I'm kind of surprised LP chose that one as the winner. I mean, I'm not bashing the artist, who probably did the best he could, but it doesn't seem like they went through the entries very carefully. But I wonder if they'll disqualify him and choose another winner (which would be embarrassing for artist who might not even have known the rules), or just ignore the problem altogether... Quote
ShireRock Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) I will voice my opinion here as well, because I'm seriously disappointed in this contest. I'm disapointed in the contest like most of you and especially how it's been handled. 1. The official rules were poorly displayed and most people obviously didn't read them at all, hence a flood of multiple submissions from each contestant and many more infringing upon third party rights (photomanipulations using copyright pictures of Transformers, Linkin Park, the moon etc.). 2. There was no feedback at all in between concerning the obvious breach of rules. 3. The only feedback that we got were a couple of features that were randomly chosen and a few of them also infringed upon third party rights (which really pissed me off since I'd have to assume that they're not sticking to their own rules here...). 4. I don't really get rid of the feeling that they didn't even look through the submissions carefully. And obviously they didn't even look through the submissions which had been most popular & with the most views/comments/faves (so WHY did people have to favorite them when it didn't matter anyway?). I don't want to sound arrogant, nor do I want to boast when I say that mine is one of the most popular artworks (and I was actually one of the few who stuck to the official rules and created an ILLUSTRATED ARTWORK on my own without using any images that simply don't belong to me) in this contest, but when I attended that Summit in Hamburg I showed Mike my artwork. He had never seen it before and even asked me if I took part in the contest. Needless to say I was kind of disappointed by that reaction. They obviously didn't even notice it, although Mike loved it. His reaction to the piece itself was awesome at the Meet&Greet, but yeah...you get what I'm trying to say, right? Here's My Artwork if you give a crap... http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/174...ock-d3ifdot.jpg I'm not saying this, because I'm pissed that I didn't win (you can believe me or not, it doesn't matter). But I would really, REALLY love to know how they chose this winner! It seems to me it was too damn random and many good artworks I've seen on there have been simply ignored. And these are just some of the important rules the 'winner' broke: 1. He submitted 9 versions! (only ONE was allowed!) 2. He also added a watermark which wasn't allowed either. 3. He didn't use ANYTHING from the download file. (The picture you see in the official announcement is NOT the original version he submitted. I'm guessing the band/management changed a couple of things or told him to change them afterwards) 4. He used an already existing wallpaper and just added a couple of Photoshop filters. Here's the wallpaper: CLICK! I'm not okay with people bashing the guy who won though. It's not HIS fault that he was the lucky one who got chosen. What he did though was breaking the rules multiple times (even the ones that WERE displayed in an obvious way like the download file rule). I'm not saying anything against the artwork, although I have to say it's a kick in the balls/vagina for the great artists that took part to lose against something like THIS! People spent hours, even weeks to design/draw their stuff and I cannot wrap my head around this decision (especially with Mike AND Joe being artists themselves and should recognize a cheap Photoshop filter when they see one!). But if this is the overwhelming design the band was looking for. Great. But in my opinion...I just don't get it. Sorry. So, yeah. My two cents about the contest. I'm still kinda miffed about all of this, but nonetheless I'm proud of myself and about what I've created. It'll take a good spot in my portfolio. But needless to say, this was the last time I took part in a LP contest. Edited August 5, 2011 by Dmitry Quote
shmu_hardron Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) this contest sucked badly. winners uhhmm "art" does suck (no, not because I didn't won), it's suck because it's just a live trace of tf wallpaper. did the band even seen all entries? i really think that some person just picked at random, and didn't even seen all of works. nobody cared about the rules, that's lame. it feel like a slap for all the people who put an effort in this. anyway, thought i share my art with you guys too. feel free to use it wherever you want. Edited June 24, 2011 by max Quote
hawk Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) That one should have won, hands down. Agreed. anyway, thought i share my art with you guys too. feel free to use it wherever you want. That's really cool. The person who entered may have not known the rules, but the BAND would've. Edited June 24, 2011 by Hawk Quote
michalangelo Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) AHAHAH Same thing happened during a polish contest for an alternative ATS cover! haha I mean people from Warner had no fuckin clue that their chosen winner broke some rules (copyrights). 2. they had 0 graphics knowledge. FAIL WARNER! @ShireRock so you have an account here Wanted to say this to you: in my opinion your art should have won this shit People are either stupid or fuckin blind. That includes LP The art was chosen by mrs Zofia, the local polish janitor in some school. Same with our contest Edited June 24, 2011 by michalangelo Quote
AStarkson Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 I don't get it. I think even an amateur can see that there're lots of arts on DA that can top this. I mean, except the Autobot in 'LINKIN PARK', there is actually nothing else worth to win. At least in the LP FEATURING YOU contest we know the band listened to some of the submissions, but this time..Hum..I don't believe it. You should choose something at least better than what you already have (that SPACENUCKLE one). You submit more than 1 piece, you're no longer qualified. The deviants may not know, but the officials must know this. That,s why rules are here. Well the good thing is, we can now pick any art we want from the 132 pages of submissions before the site closes down. I downloaded 3 as my back-up cover. LOL. Quote
Rob_Wilson Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 Having not entered this contest I'm speaking from a completely neutral point of view when I say the band/management need to make some form of apology. I'm not gonna bash the winner because at first glance I thought yeah that's ok but I hadn't read the rules or seen some of the mindblowing submissions! But the fact that an extremely talented piece was shown to Mike (one you wouldn't forget if you'd seen) and he asked if you'd even entered the contest isn't right. Either the band haven't actually chosen this or management picked out select pieces to show the band from all the submissions and the band narrowed it down from there I don't know. For me personally if I was a music artist and I asked fans to design something for me I'd want to show off some of their skill and really brag that my fans were outstanding artists and pick a winner that highlighted that, but this just doesn't :/ The rule-breaking is a shame but again if the guy couldn't find the rules (as above) it's up to management to enforce this and not ignore their own rules! Quote
michalangelo Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 LIKE I SAID, my email worked during the polish contest and they took the announcement down in seconds. Anyone interested? Write an email somewhere explaining breaking the rules etc. should work... Quote
NuMetalLover Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) I must say... Shire-Rock for the win! http://shire-rock.deviantart.com/art/Linki...t-ART-212349197 Did you guys see the making of this art? A lot of time, a lot of work. I am graphic designer too, so I know what it's like. I'm really disappointed. Judges should be ashamed... and rules are rules! LIKE I SAID, my email worked during the polish contest and they took the announcement down in seconds. Anyone interested? Write an email somewhere explaining breaking the rules etc. should work... Hell yeah. I'm with ya Last thing about the winner's art. You can creat something like this between 30 min. to 1 hour. I found official graphic... and 5 min later... bam - http://radq.webd.pl/dl/trace.jpg (trace + a couple of filters). Did I say before that I'm disappointed? I saw a lot of, better than this one. The art was chosen by mrs Zofia, the local polish janitor in some school. Same with our contest tongue.gif LOL! That's right Yo Edited June 24, 2011 by radq Quote
gottsu Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 I agree with radq. I wonder if members LP will hear our protests : D Quote
GingerLP Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 Mike will just post some good ones on his blog or something like that, unfortunately. Not that that is bad. Just, that winner shouldnt have been picked in the first place. I dont believe mike or joe saw them all.. So im not going to bad mouth mike or someone for picking a bad one. Quote
DogFan_LP Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 Hm It seems like this contest ended up pretty unfair. I didn't like the winning art either. Quote
hahninator Posted June 24, 2011 Author Posted June 24, 2011 I understand the points everyone has made so far. I read everything in this thread before replying. Ravok I understand you. It's not necessarily the guy's fault because he honestly might not have known. I fully understand that part of the argument. LP/Warner needs to make this right. Like KATHYxx said, if they just leave this alone, this further encourages cheating in the future whether the guy meant to or not. They should be the bigger man and fix this. Explain what happened and pick another one. And then my personal opinion of the graphic: Cool graphic but I was surprised to see the MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT logo on there. This is A Thousand Suns and the band was so keen on having the ATS circle LP logo on stuff so I was shocked to see the MTM one. I knew when this contest started that an amazing graphic wouldn't win because it's too easy to pick something random, etc. The deviantArt post as well as the other posts in this thread contain AWESOME images. I guess the best person doesn't always win in this case but I definitely see ones out there that destroy what won. But that might be the favorite of the band, you never know so you have to respect it Quote
melon1992 Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 Before verdict I laughed so much because of poeople who submited more than one entry. The rules were simple and easy... Now I'm confused and angry I'm not angry because of that I didn't win, I'm pissed off that contest like this honored the guy who submit 8 artworks... This is not personal accusation, guy made nice artwork(s). Unfortunately he broke the rules, so I can't stand why nobody noticed it. Quote
HybridMeteora798 Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 Wow - I hope that guy didn't know the rules. Here's mine - I didn't expect to win at all. Quote
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 There needs to be a response to this. No matter who is at fault. Quote
HybridThe0ry97 Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 A lot of people on this thread are being jealous and ridiculous. The band chose what they wanted, move on. Quote
geezbones Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) A lot of people on this thread are being jealous and ridiculous. The band chose what they wanted, move on. Are you not reading everyone's replies to this thread? It's not about winning or not winning, it's that the guy broke every rule on earth (alright, he missed the rules 'cause they where 'hidden' or whatever, either way it's not an excuse), and the 'judges' did too when choosing it as the winning artwork. It's not fair to us who submitted our artworks by the rules. This goes beyond jealousy! I don't care who wins it as long as it is a clean win. Edited June 24, 2011 by Sofi Quote
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