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LPLive Package Giveaway #3!

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I discovered LPLive sometime after Projekt Revolution 2008 dates were announced. I was searching live shows I could listen to and stumbled across the Paris 08 DSP. I listened to it and shit my pants, hearing many of the band's intros and outros for the first time. I knew I had to had find more, so I literally googled "Linkin Park Live" and it brought it me here. I became a member and have been here ever since. I check the site daily, and it is such an awesome thing to be a part of a community that loves and obsesses over the exact same thing I do.


Was suggested this site some time ago by some random guy on another LP site. Loved it since. Now Im checking in several times every day! The most important news during the day, is the news about LP!


Too bad that it's too late to enter the contest, but I wanna write my story.


Back then when I was a noob in Linkin Park related stuff, there was such a site called linkin-inside. Some people loved it, some people hated it. It had lots of rips of LP shows, as well as mp3 recordings.


It was so long ago, that I had a slow ADSL connection, or even a dial-up.... don't even remember that. I could not afford to download all that stuff from the site with my speed. But later on fast ADSL came to my house, and few days later I had everything downloaded to my PC. But there was so many shows, that I easily got lost in them.... There were some mistakes in dates, links, etc. on the site, so I needed a complete list of all shows LP ever played at. I started looking at official site and got no luck.

Somewhere around that time I got in touch with Mark. It was like a great opportunity for me to talk to a VIP @ LPA. I thought I was very lucky. :)

And once I asked him if I could find LP live guide somewhere on the Internet. And as far as I remember, he said that he's actually making one right now. He showed me a draft version, which had only txt files of shows.... But it was a great find for me.


Next thing that happened - I started finding typos, mistakes in that live guide and sending them to Mark. I had so much free time, that I found pretty much of them, and Mark was too lazy :P to fix all of them, so I said I could do it on my own... His answer was something like - Sure, why not?


And that's how I became a part of the site STAFF.

  Hahninator said:

This is awesome! I remember that. I was so happy on the train to see a guy in a LP shirt. I wanted to talk initially but I didn't know if you spoke English or not and I was kind of shy lol. It really was fate - you decided to go by yourself, there were no free seats on the train, we all managed to be on the same train, etc.


I had a BLAST with you at the show. We jumped together, sang together, made fun of Coheed & Cambria together (LOL), hung out with all of our new friends....it was so much fun. I hope we can do it again in 2011!


Great story Stefano. That was a trip I'll never forget. I made so many friends last year and it's funny how many of them are now involved with the site :D

Same for me Mark, it was an honor to rock with you guys, and of course we can't forget the awesome BBQ after the show. Really hope we'll meet again. And exactely this is why I love LPLive, because before, I didn't know any real LP fan to talk to about the band. Now I'm in contact with over 50 people who I have met at LP and DBS shows and hung out with. Not only that, thanks to some people who I know through LPLive.net I had the chance to see the first DBS show in Germany, to tour with an awesome guy from Essex UK through Germany and even to listen to ATS in Hamburg before everyone else and meet Mike and Phoenix. I'm very thankful for that, to each person I have met but mostly to LPLive for making all this possible.


And thanks to Ginger and Michalangelo but I don't even want to win xD


Sorry for the delay in announcing who the winner of this contest is, LPxDC is getting ready to leave on vacation, so things were kind of rushed last night.


Anyway, without further hesitation, the winner of the third LPLive Holiday Giveaway is ree_ree.




*Please note that since LPxDC is the one who has the packages, they will not ship until January 10, 2011, as he is going to be out of the country until that date.*

  ree_ree said:

Wow. Thank you LPLive staff! I've never won anything online before, awesome! :D


Congrats! :) as they say theres always a first time for everything :P

Posted (edited)

That's kinda odd in my opinion. Nobody specified that this was a writing contest. I would have entered a much better submission. I sort of figured everybody told their story (because I think all fans are pretty equal) and that a random drawing would occur.


Perhaps we enter dangerous territory when we judge which reasons members have for being a part of LPL are better than others.

Edited by HybridThe0ry97
  ree_ree said:

<br />Wow. Thank you LPLive staff! I've never won anything online before, awesome! <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><br />

<br /><br /><br />


Congrats! :)


I'f I remember right around 2007 I've been redirected from bazinga&#33; or lprevolution to the text version of the site. I knew back then that the site had huge potential, but was never active or anything. Yeah, good times.


It has been a long long very long time, since i discovered LPLIVE. I actually found it through google back in 2007 and through a dutch Linkin Park community called Linkin-park.nl back in the days which ended :(


I was hooked so much! I loved the setlist information and all the show info. It made me appreciate even more what Linkin Park is doing live. with that said when I join websites/forums I usually post a shitload of comments but this site is different. It relieves me so much, all the info. that I'm just too yeh.... Wishes are fulfilled already. that I dont want to find myself saying omg this is great thank you so much cause it would be repetitive. I watch this site everyday and look for a distance. But it just is one of the most informative. Entertaining and compact looking Linkin Park websites on the NET.


Later.. like now and the last year LPLIVE even improved with all those interviews, exclusive content. Giving me amazing readings and great insight and having so much respect for people putting so much money in getting this rare piece of music. I just have so much Respect for you guys. for everything you do. And that is why i stayed on LPlive and rarely watch any other LP fansites at all actually :o And this is coming from a huge LP fan, actually LP is the only music i listen year in year out when it comes to media player tracklisting.


The best fansite


-Peace,Love and happiness




Spooky that's the best fucking post I've ever read on this site. Wow. I really really appreciate that.


I had no idea until this thread that so many people sit back and read the pre-show posts and the interviews and stuff without posting. I actually thought a lot of people don't care about most of that stuff that I post.


Thanks for all the kind words :) I'm glad you like the site!


Truth be told, this is one of the three main sites I visit multiple times throughout the day. Facebook, Tumblr, and LPLive are my most frequently visited sites.

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