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Posted (edited)

The DSP's for the upcoming "A Thousand Suns" World Tour are all listed, as well as the three South American shows! They are coming!


Check it out HERE. We guess that the South American shows will be mixed during the break before the European Tour and will possibly be available within a week? But regardless, they are coming!


South America

Buenos Aires, AR October 7, 2010

Santiago, CL October 9, 2010

Sao Paulo, BR October 11, 2010



Berlin, DE October 20, 2010

Stuttgart, DE October 22, 2010

Linz, AT October 23, 2010

Paris, FR October 25, 2010

Dortmund, DE October 26, 2010

Koln, DE October 27, 2010

Hamburg, DE October 29, 2010

Herning, DK October 30, 2010

Zurich, CH November 1, 2010

Frankfurt, DE November 2, 2010

Manchester, UK November 4, 2010

Newcastle, UK November 5, 2010

Birmingham, UK November 9, 2010

London, UK November 10, 2010

London, UK November 11, 2010


Middle East

Abu Dhabi, AE November 13, 2010

Tel Aviv, IL November 15, 2010



Brisbane, AU December 3, 2010

Perth, AU December 7, 2010

Adelaide, AU December 9, 2010

Sydney, AU December 11, 2010

Melbourne, AU December 13, 2010


I guess the long rumored New York City DSP will not be coming, but at least we are getting every big show of the World Tour. Melbourne and Sydney's second nights aren't on here yet...I assume because those shows were JUST added. There's still room to add New Zealand and more shows after December, but this is great!


The shows are $9.99. You can buy 5 of them at once and the 6th is automatically free. The site says, "Shows are typically available 30 days following the concert.You can pre-order at anytime and the files will be automatically added to your account when available."


Thoughts?! Excited??

Edited by Hahninator
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Fucking sweet. Australia is listed ASAP this time, I guess they got their deal worked out lol. Great that South America is coming. No NYC but not a big loss considering we get all the others. 99.9% chance we get every big show of the entire World Tour (Asia, USA, etc).


Hopefully they release Europe 2007, Europe 2008 and whatever else they have at some point too.


Thanks for moving and editing, Hahninator :)

No problem; thanks for posting!


Hopefully they release Europe 2007, Europe 2008 and whatever else they have at some point too.

I still got my hopes up on Berlin 2008, fantastic show.



No problem; thanks for posting!

No problem; once again: thanks to you.


South America

Santiago, CL October 8, 2010

Europe Tour

Herning, DK October 20, 2010

I thought Santiago was on October 9, 2010 :P but maybe they correct it later on the site :lol:

same with Herning :P October, 30 xDDD


Why the fuck is there no NYC DSP?!?!?? This sucks... Anyways, I'm excited to hear the other shows but I really wanted the NYC show since I was there.


Someone should have taped New York City....

Seriously, I would be very surprised if there isn't someone who have recorded it completely. We should give it some time...


Someone should have taped New York City....


seeing they basically let you record whatever because of the whole 'Help the band record the show' thing for myspace. I think that would of been a tapers dream.


I got a general question according to the DSPs:


since when the sharing of DSP's is forbidden? I remember me downloading the G-Town DSP from here...


I got a general question according to the DSPs:


since when the sharing of DSP's is forbidden? I remember me downloading the G-Town DSP from here...

According to this topic, it looks like on or around March 3rd, 2010 we got FUCKED by management.


They released the Australia/New Zealand 2007 DSP's at that time and said NO SHARING. So we just torrented it all, lol. I won't be doing that this time since I got into trouble for that (literally bought $67 worth of shows and torrented them all immediately lmao) but I'm sure people can easily get them on whatever torrent site you want immediately after they're available; people love sharing.


A Greek philosopher once said, "It is greed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all."


I wish Mike would just go on his blog and say you are more than welcome to post these anywhere you want. I was 100% sure since we had so much proof they allowed sharing that there was no way anyone could go back on that word, but I guess I was proven wrong. What a joke.


Great news! I'm excited for the shows i will go to of course.

But is it nit possible to buy the dsp directly at the shows as usual?


According to this topic, it looks like on or around March 3rd, 2010 we got FUCKED by management.


They released the Australia/New Zealand 2007 DSP's at that time and said NO SHARING. So we just torrented it all, lol. I won't be doing that this time since I got into trouble for that (literally bought $67 worth of shows and torrented them all immediately lmao) but I'm sure people can easily get them on whatever torrent site you want immediately after they're available; people love sharing.


A Greek philosopher once said, "It is greed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all."


I wish Mike would just go on his blog and say you are more than welcome to post these anywhere you want. I was 100% sure since we had so much proof they allowed sharing that there was no way anyone could go back on that word, but I guess I was proven wrong. What a joke.

yeah fuck the management

i guess they just saw how popular those dsp's are and thought "hey let's do some easy money with them" :angry: i guess there were enough people already buying it but noooo

i wish you would be still allowed to share them cuz since they release dsp's i got all of them (so thank you again btw for sharing them in past) but now i guess i miss some shows and just buy the show i go to and 2 or 3 interessting ones....


but now i guess i miss some shows and just buy the show i go to and 2 or 3 interessting ones....

See this is why this sucks; now people that used to get and enjoy every show can't do that. People looked forward to them being released to check out the highlights of each show. You PM me when they are released and I'll send you every single one.

Posted (edited)

See this is why this sucks; now people that used to get and enjoy every show can't do that. People looked forward to them being released to check out the highlights of each show.

yeah i remember when they were released and you shared them here everybody was happy and talked how awesome that show was cuz of that and that other show cuz of that ....and so on. every show had a highlight and everyone enjoyed.

but now ...i mean who pays 10 dollar for each of 28 shows this year, that's 280 dollars :o


You PM me when they are released and I'll send you every single one.

really? you do that? awesoooome again you and LPL made me happy wohooo i love you hehe :D

Edited by BigBadZosch
Posted (edited)

Can't wait, although last time I tried to download a show I bought it kept screwing up on me. I had to have a friend download it on his computer and send me the files. I seriously thought I just paid $10 for nothing.

Edited by CitizenErased



a question!


la hare en español porque yase que hay varios latinos por aqui.

Los DSP solo se pueden comprar?, creo q antes podian descargarlos con algun codigo de tu ticket?

:( This pretty much ruined my day. I wanted the DSP for NYC SO BAD!!! :( This sucks. HOW can they not have a DSP for this show! Also sucks that management is being pissy. *sigh*

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