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LPU Meet&Greet info for upcoming tour

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From the LP Underground Facebook

Current LPU members, Meet & Greet info for the World Tour is up on LPUnderground.com. Fans who pre-ordered LPUX, you will receive an email shortly with Meet & Greet sign up info.


Looks like it's gonna be all 6 guys as well for this tour. Don't take that as gospel since obviously everything is always subject to change, but for now, looks like all of 'em will be meeting and greeting.

Posted (edited)

Looks like it's gonna be all 6 guys as well for this tour. Don't take that as gospel since obviously everything is always subject to change, but for now, looks like all of 'em will be meeting and greeting.

As in sitting at a table and signing or actually meeting and greeting? :P Edited by luki9875

As in sitting at a table and signing or actually meeting and greeting? :P

table. its the only way to do it with as many fans as possible without it lasting 4 hours.


table. its the only way to do it with as many fans as possible without it lasting 4 hours.

Let the complaining begin... :D


As always any insight you give is much appreciated Ada

Posted (edited)

My friend just got LPU9 CD that comes with membership, can he still redeem it?



apparently they still sell it on EMP.. so whats with the deal with it?

Edited by Tomer
Posted (edited)

Adam, just in case you don't ready my message on the LPUMB. This is what I posted there too:


So when you say M&G are happening, are you including the Santiago show too? I mean, we're 5 days away from the show, and the show has 8 LPU members going. (Actually, in Chile there aren't many LPUers)

I'd love to know if it's happening here. I really hope it is, since I've made a tremendous effort on renewing my LPU account only because of the possibility of meeting the band after 10 years of waiting.

Edited by danielpsoad-09
Posted (edited)

Meeting all 6 of them is better.... pity about not getting a chance to get a photo with them or something though.

Edited by luki9875

Meeting all 6 of them is better.... pity about not getting a change to get a photo with them or something though.


why ? the M&G of Metallica are really nice, the members are always available to fans. I friend of mine have a picture with the 4 members... is not fair


when they come too NYC & NJ im going to both shows XD.


but i hope we get too interact a lil. ask them a few things.


u think they'll get mad if i start singing she couldent? lmfao!


I honestly don't get the big deal of meeting all six at a table with one second to spare as opposed to meeting two but getting to sit down with them for 10 minutes and potentially ask a good question(if you don't get paralyzed) and have them answer it and take pictures with you and sign your crap and if you're lucky, you can still chat with them afterwards. I have only had two meet and greets and think just having two of the members present took away my shyness because it wasn't so overwhelming, although Mike & Chester at the same time was overwhelming to the max but that is probably because i adore them so much and i so didn't expect them. Point is, i was more comfortable especially getting to chat with Phoenix and Brad. The band members are usually more relaxed and it transfers onto the fans. I prefer that more. Not to mention, i got to get more than one thing signed and got a picture. If i had a choice, i know which one i would pick.


why ? the M&G of Metallica are really nice, the members are always available to fans. I friend of mine have a picture with the 4 members... is not fair

FFS, you JUST made a thread complaining about how they werent doing a m&g, you get one and now you're complaining about the style of it? I bet if you got the 2 member personal m&g youd STILL complain and say it wasnt fair because you didnt meet all the members. Jesus

Hey guys!

I've just seen that a LPU member has a chance to meet LP =).

So i've one question :

Do you know how many will be selected in each show?

Because If i buy the LPU annual , it's just for that.


(The show is in Germany)


Thank's a lot!


I think it's better this way so more people get the chance to meet them. Does anyone know roughly how many people get picked when it's all 6 members at a table?

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