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Haha both Disturbed and LP seem to be making use of the gang vocals now, also I don't want to get my hopes up yet but I have the strangest feeling that when Mike says old songs, he also means songs they haven't played much over the last few years. Call it intuition but Mike is the most reliable member of the band and usually he is the most fan-friendly one, if he has a say in the sets we might just be in for some treats with the DSP's!!! XD. And finally, the ear candy, layering, and "weird screaming," is a big thing to look forward to. Though I don't think too much layering is a good idea cause it takes away the live aspect of the performance.

Edited by LPPRJKT4
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Personally Linkin Park is probably the worst people to describe their own records



Didn't they say they were creating a new format/way to listen and enjoy music? They were saying a lot of crazy things about this album way back lol

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Gang vocals?!?!? This is going to be the BEST LP album ever.

When Mike first said that, I thought of lyrical content, not 'everybody in the LP gang is going to provide vocals'.

I thought it was going to be Magic Doors (Remix) all over again, haha. But then he clarified.



Didn't they say they were creating a new format/way to listen and enjoy music? They were saying a lot of crazy things about this album way back lol

They (Chester, I believe) said that idea was scrapped AGES ago - it was going to be far too complicated to do what they had originally envisioned, so they abandoned the multi-medium album idea.

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not on the transformers 3 soundtrack? before i comment on how disappointing that is (hey, they did the first two, why not complete the trilogy)... im betting it's a touch too early to be calling that final. the movie isn't even half-way into production, let alone being nearly completed... things may (and hopefully will) change :)

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not on the transformers 3 soundtrack? before i comment on how disappointing that is (hey, they did the first two, why not complete the trilogy)... im betting it's a touch too early to be calling that final. the movie isn't even half-way into production, let alone being nearly completed... things may (and hopefully will) change :)

I don't think so.... even if the Transformers are in early status of completion....These things are determined on begining..


but yeah... i 100% agreed with u... it's really sucks.. and i don't want to see the Transformers 3 anymore (megan's left, linkin park's left)...grr

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I don't think so.... even if the Transformers are in early status of completion....This things are determined on begining..

you are correct in saying that some things are determined very early on (pre-production) - but as far as i am aware... the announcement re: new divide didn't come until after production had wrapped (unless i am mistaken). not to mention the movie isn't due out until half-way through next year and scoring the film usually doesn't take place until towards the end (probably post-production?).

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My question is....does it REALLY matter that they aren't on the Transformers soundtrack? Those movies were horrible. The only "good" thing about it was Megan Fox (who looks like she hasn't had a hamburger in 10 years).

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My question is....does it REALLY matter that they aren't on the Transformers soundtrack? Those movies were horrible. The only "good" thing about it was Megan Fox (who looks like she hasn't had a hamburger in 10 years).

:lol: @ that part about Megan Fox

To be honest, I didn't saw any of the movies lol

I just downloaded "New Divide" when it came out and that's it

so idc if they are on the soundtrack or not

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:lol: @ that part about Megan Fox

To be honest, I didn't saw any of the movies lol

I just downloaded "New Divide" when it came out and that's it

so idc if they are on the soundtrack or not

New Divide was legit...so I guess SOMETHING good came out of Transformers. My bad. :P

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What I've Done was on Transformers because Joe is a huge Transformers fan.


New Divide was on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen because Michael Bay and Hans Zimmer approached Linkin Park themselves about contributing to the score.

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My question is....does it REALLY matter that they aren't on the Transformers soundtrack? Those movies were horrible. The only "good" thing about it was Megan Fox (who looks like she hasn't had a hamburger in 10 years).

You maybe dont like but there are enough people who do like it. And for me the movies are great and became my top fav. movies.

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New Divide was legit...so I guess SOMETHING good came out of Transformers. My bad. :P



I guess for some people it's the only good thing haha

I can't judge about that :P

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