pbizkit33 Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 I like how this vid looks, but like people have said before they should have used a more upbeat song. Maybe making NMS a single by using a live version as the promo vid.
handsheldhigh Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Maybe they re-chose to use LOATR for the CSI episode, to make people familiar again with the song to those who don't listen to LP so when they see the show. Boom instant download! they will not do more one single, mtm is closed to singles now new singles, only in next record loatr is this week in #11 in rock charts, and with csi will up yet more i predict to road to revolution in billboard charts dvd #1 and cd #30
Daniel R. Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Nice video and great performance, can't wait for its release
dark_master Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 The video is... boring I hope the full DVD won't be like this...
Geki Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 I just don't get how people can complain about the long-duration shots in this video. It seems like EVERYONE complains about how LIT's editing is too jumpy and the camera never stays in one place for long enough. You get the opposite of that, and you still complain. I love everything about how the video was recorded for this DVD, LIT sucked horribly compared to it IMO.
felipeintheend Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 YEHH amazing video... with this video.. i can see that the DVD will be really good, and cant wait to see it
chesterb Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 I just don't get how people can complain about the long-duration shots in this video. It seems like EVERYONE complains about how LIT's editing is too jumpy and the camera never stays in one place for long enough. You get the opposite of that, and you still complain. but that's because in LIT the camera was never in one place for more tham 5 seconds, in this vid the camera stays in the same place a minute at a time (yeah maybe too much, but still)
[AndOne] Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 It's a slow song and slow songs usually have less scene changes/cuts however you want to call it. There's always something to complain about if you are looking for something... It's a sucky song for a promo imo, If I saw that on TV as fan (not as a hardcore fan) I think it wouldn't impress me that much to run to the store right away. Judge the full release and not bits and pieces. That's almost the same like (and I really hate it), "This movie sucks" "Why?" "I haven't watched it yet but I heard it sucks"
And One LTU Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 (edited) You can't really diss the audio because it's supposed to be 5.1 surround sound on the DVD itself...and I know for a fact that Yahoo embedded videos do not have 5.1 surround sound lol.. Actually I'm talking not about the quality, but about chester's voice and instruments sound. Chester's voice just horrible, I thought that it's gonna be edited... But I've been wrong... Drums are OK, but guitars - again too silent. Last thing - crowd was big (~60 000 people ) but in this recording it sounds like ~5 000 people are here... WTF? I prefer that crowd SHOULD sound much louder. It's MY OWN opinion. Edited October 24, 2008 by And One LTU
Kruspe Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 First of all: The crowd.. You can only hear 6 teenage girls yelling.. There where 60.000 people! C'mon, let hear us some overwhelming stadiumnoise! 2nd: Chester's voice is getting really bad.. When you're at the concert, you won't notice anuything strange. But every recording shows chester's voice getting really bad.. Where is the powerful voice from the Docklands Arena concerts on Reverb? Where is the tune-helding voice like on RAR 2004.. Or the most beautiful 2006 voice like on Pusing Me Away piano 2006? 3rd: Linkin Park is becoming more and more a poppy band.. Like they where in 2001 the guitar was the base of the music. Like a rock or metalband should be. Nowadays the guitar is just part of the music, but not more special than the Piano from Mike, or the tunes from Joe I hope that there are many quick shots on the fast songs.. It will make a good concert atmosphere. It's okay with LOATR, but when you film Given Up this slow (every camera shot 25 seconds) it ill be reaaaally boring.. I'm still looking forward to RTR though
mzerok Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 (edited) I don't understand why there is no crowd shot in the video. i think it's a really special moment at LOATR when thousand of people take out their lights. such a great atmosphere! why don't they use this? Furthermore, why didn't they released NMS live? It would fit best to the political events at the moment. (election in the US) Edited October 26, 2008 by mzerok
AudioNick Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 I don't understand why there is no crowd shot in the video. i think it's a really special moment at LOATR when thousand of people take out their lights. such a great atmosphere! why don't they use this? There are two crowd shots. Both of them you can see from when the camera is behind Rob at the drums. I'm sure there will be more crowd shots in the DVD. For example when Mike went into the crowd during "In The End." Also LP's camera man (Forgot his name) was there on stage getting footage of the band and also focused the camera towards the crowd a good few times. Secondly people took out their lights when Mike asked them to for Shadow of the Day. - I was there.
sublimeric Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 What a terrible way to promote the DVD. "Leave Out All The Rest" is a great song, but this video honestly makes me drowsy. I still haven't made it through the whole thing. This reminds me of the Projekt Revolution commercials that aired this summer. They started with Chester's scream (from "Given Up") and grabbed/demanded your attention. This, on the other hand, is beyond boring. Understandable that they want to continue the promotion of the single, but c'mon, this is forcing it.
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