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DBS - Into You (Live)


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I dont understand you guys,


1. The micro of that crappy cam reduces the sound and all the frequences and all that shit.

2. It was a great performance.

3. It's just not worth that complaining about his voice, and you guys Geki and Xero21 (and couple of other people here on the forums) can't just disscuss like grown up people, you both just have to argue. Somewhere its enough. And guys please learn that you have NOT to have the last word in discussion. Gosh

I can't "discuss like a grown up"? Tell me what about my posts have been offensive or immature.


I said that Chester stated in an interview that he doesn't do any vocal warm-ups, and how that is bad for a singer. Someone disagreed. I then offered to find a link to the interview. I'm still working on tracking it down.


I'm not trying to argue. I just don't appreciate being told to "get my facts straight" when I am in fact using facts to support my statements.


And it really was not a great vocal performance. You don't need great sound quality to hear all the wrong notes Chester is singing.

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I don't know much on the subject but I remember what he's talking about.


Apparently LP's sound techs do the soundchecks.

i can support this i remember during PR08 i heard the new intro for LFY and i went to look i didnt see LP i saw a bunch of random people on stage 0__o
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Alex, really? lol Not just speaking about this performance, but chester has had some really QUESTIONABLE singing on HD recordings... lets see.. .New Divide Jimmy Kimmel(i think) anybody? Even if it is the first time singing the song, it should never sound THAT bad


and ryan just sucks ass

Edited by FaiNt
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That's funny, because I was half-assedly singing along to this performance really quietly at like 3 in the morning, and I was more in tune than Chester was. I'm not the world's greatest singer by any stretch, either.

Give the guy a break! You always say he's off-tune, etc. It's a crappy cell-phone quality recording, it's live, the notes in Into You are hard to hit and he's also only human. It's still a great performance. God damn.

Edited by Geki
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I'm curious, but why do you think better quality video/audio would improve Chester's singing?

Are you honestly upset because Chester's performance of a song in Asia wasn't up to your standards? I'd like to see any of you guys go play this song live and sing it better than Chester.

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I think chester is one of the best singers in the world and mike and the rest of the band have said so and in the world of lip-syncers and autotune crap i would rather see him play a show hands down cause you know if he is at his best or having a hard day you know he is busting his ass to give you a good show, I personally think his voice is alot better than in the past.

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Alex, really? lol Not just speaking about this performance, but chester has had some really QUESTIONABLE singing on HD recordings... lets see.. .New Divide Jimmy Kimmel(i think) anybody? Even if it is the first time singing the song, it should never sound THAT bad


and ryan just sucks ass

I don't even care if I get warning points for this, but dude, stfu. Seriously. With the Grammy's 2010 thread and this you just sound like an idiot and it's pissing me off. Who the fuck cares if Chester isn't perfect every night? Mike is going to read your blog post and think of how ignorant of a post that was. Who are you to tell him how LP should run how they do things? They've sold 50 million albums, they're a huge band and plenty of people love seeing them live. I'd rather have a performance that wasn't perfect than a performance that was lip-synced or autotuned live. Ryan doesn't suck either. He isn't a 'great' singer live, hell, he isn't a 'great' singer studio either, but he isn't that bad really. His singing style if much different than Chester's so it sounds off when he does backing vocals, plus we're all used to hearing the album versions of the OOA songs which don't have Ryan doing vocals because obviously Chester is the better singer.

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Are you honestly upset because Chester's performance of a song in Asia wasn't up to your standards? I'd like to see any of you guys go play this song live and sing it better than Chester.

I'm not upset, Chester just honestly sounds really bad. And it's confusing as to why, the guy can clearly sing. And having a better quality audio recording isn't going to somehow make him in-tune.


He sounded a lot better last year than 07/08. I hope his voice is starting to build back up, and that this was just a result of it being his first time singing the song. Even though that shouldn't make much of a difference as he's the one who wrote the song in the first place.

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Big deal when lp add new songs to set lists like new divide the first few performences of it Chester sounded awful it's normal for him to sing new songs bad and into you didint sound that bad well apart from Ryan. He will probaly be singing it better in Europe and posting that Chester needs vocal lessons on mikes blog is just stupid every singer has bad days and good days no one can be perfect 24/7 *edit* but chesters voice has been bad at alot of shows theses last few years

Edited by sian18
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LOL @ astat being in tune, dude you are not even a singer how you can compare yourself with chester? that's just...

I've been singing since I was old enough to speak, and professionally trained as a vocalist since the age of 8. :rolleyes: I never said I was better than Chester either.


I don't give a fuck if the guy has a bad night here and there. But it DOES bother me that a vocalist of Chester's caliber has been consistently out of tune during live performances for the better part of the last 3 years straight. Talented singers don't just forget how to sing in tune for no reason. Chester's voice is just not right currently, and it's been that way for quite a while. I'm more concerned for him than anything.


And whoever decided to hide this topic - Censoring criticism isn't cool.

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I've been singing since I was old enough to speak, and professionally trained as a vocalist since the age of 8. :rolleyes: I never said I was better than Chester either.


I don't give a fuck if the guy has a bad night here and there. But it DOES bother me that a vocalist of Chester's caliber has been consistently out of tune during live performances for the better part of the last 3 years straight. Talented singers don't just forget how to sing in tune for no reason. Chester's voice is just not right currently, and it's been that way for quite a while. I'm more concerned for him than anything.


And whoever decided to hide this topic - Censoring criticism isn't cool.

It would be good to watch a vid of you singing

you are good at guitar


all i can say is that Chester doesnt gives all that he has

he is holding back atleast with LP cause with DBS he sings awesome.

Edited by LinkinJoze
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It would be good to watch a vid of you singing

you are good at guitar


all i can say is that Chester doesnt gives all that he has

he is holding back atleast with LP cause with DBS he sings awesome.


Go be a fan of Paramore or the Jonas Brothers if you want to praise the ground they walk on and not have any criticism for the band.


Yes, I will post on Mike Blog that chester should be doing something more productive for his voice, because he isn't acting very professional what so ever. It's very amateurish actually. This has nothing with "if you're so good then why don't you do it" bullshit. If we were, then you wouldn't see us on the website, you would be getting updates from us in the studio. We are the listeners, and if his shit is off key and not in tune mainly for not warming up or even giving a crap enough for the crowd, then thats bullshit.

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