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8-Bit Rebellion - More info from Mike


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Many years ago, the world existed in 8-bit harmony...until PixxelKorp arrived. Now, underground forces are assembling to undo the evil corporation's mass-brainwashing campaign. You may be our only hope to lead the rebellion to victory!


The new Linkin Park game is on the way. I just got a new test-build of the game, and it's looking great. As you would expect, my bandmates and I worked hand-in-hand with the design team to create the look and content of the game. For fans of my art: you'll see some new and familiar characters come to life in this 8-bit-meets-hi-res virtual world.


In the game, you have been chosen by the rebellion to solve a mystery. Items have been stolen from the six leaders of the rebellion. Collecting these items is the rebellion's only hope to thwarting the plans of the evil PixxelKorp.


I can't give away too many details about the game just yet…but I can tell you this: for all the Linkin Park fans excited to hear new music, I have some big news for you: if you finish this game, you get more than just a credit screen.


You get a brand new Linkin Park song.


The game will be available on the iPhone and iPod touch this month. More to come…



EDIT: According to the german "Rolling Stone" the new LP track is called "Ten Minutes To Midnight"





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i hope that the new song at the end of the game, is one of the five songs completed for the new album =)

this would be f***ing great^^

It might be, but then again it might not. I'm stuck half way between saying I think it is and I think it won't.
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i hope that the new song at the end of the game, is one of the five songs completed for the new album =)

this would be f***ing great^^

It's not gonna be. Those songs (which aren't even fully 100% complete atm) are for the album.

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It's not gonna be. Those songs (which aren't even fully 100% complete atm) are for the album.

until the game is released, i think the songs can possibly be 100% completed!



and every band in the world releases a song a few months before the album release for giving a taste of the album's sound!!! and i think this could be a good method to do this, but may be it'll be only a new mhhh...cookies thing xD xD

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It's not gonna be. Those songs (which aren't even fully 100% complete atm) are for the album.

Agreed. It's more than likely 6SS or some other MtM b-side.


Unless they made a new song just for the game but I don't think they did.

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