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Many of you have heard the new album at listening parties and various clips floating around the Internet!

The album is officially out November 15th but we want to know your thoughts on what you've heard, what you think are the best songs, and more. Leave a review! :)

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is on my TOP 3 albums, alongside ATS and Meteora.
Chester is better than Emilly, but Em was the best choice for LP now.

Emilly is not Chester, but she is LP.

Posted (edited)

Hello fans! I’m very glad that the guys got together and are writing music again, despite the loss and grief, they found strength in themselves! I rate the album very highly. I think it will receive very positive reviews and will bring many records/awards.

Stained ❤️


My top From Zero:
1. The Emptiness Machine
2. Heavy Is the Crown
3. Two Faced
4. Stained
5. Over Each Other
7. Overflow
8. Cut the Bridge
9. Casualty
10. Good Things Go


Edited by My4oKFanLP

I'll give it a shot tomorrow 

i'' prepare the perfect vibe to enjoy to the album, for me its like a ritual I need to be alone, best equipment available, some drinks and a dark room.


Im excited for the comments from you guys, i've been around since the release of the Crawling video which was like April or may 2001.


i've been part of every album release and the response from you guys about FZ  its extremely positive, probably the last album that had a massive positive response was Meteora.


Cant wait to give you my opinion about this album, I still remember when I found out that Emily was going to be the singer, not many fans believed in her but I clicked with her in a heartbeat.. it was strange but somehow that happened.


I have checked this everyday since I joined (2008) this place being a bit lonely after C passed away was sad but I always stayed here trying to create some discussion, its so good to see some of you guys back and some new members.


I fucking love Linkin park forever.



Posted (edited)

Copying over my thoughts from the listing thread with more since listening to a leak:

Cut The Bridge - I'm really surprised that this is the 2nd full song on the album and not something like Two Faced which is gonna appeal to the masses. It's definitely fun, stylized to sound raw like BIO or War. I had fun listening to it but I feel like it'll have to grow on me a bit compared to some others that I already love. Really feels so MTM to me. Emily's delivery of "everything was perfect" is so beautiful. I wonder how many band members are in that "cut it down" chant, we really need acapellas for this album! 


Casualty - I love it, definitely very KTTK-esque. It's the heaviest on the album but not the heaviest LP song for me - KTTK, FTI bridge, Rebellion bridge and other moments feel heavier. But still a contender for top 10 heaviest for sure. I think Mike's delivery being different was a little overblown. Yeah he's doing something rather unique, but he's far from screaming, and the FX on his voice are doing a lot of work. I do feel like the chorus is eerily similar to KTTK and the word casually being in both doesn't help. 


Overflow - Based on the descriptions I really wanted to love this, but it was kinda boring on the first listen. That said, I do think it's unique, and I like that it's long. It could grow on me a lot, but for now I can't remember any melody or cool sounds from it. Way overblown how "experimental" it is from some other reviews imo. That said, it brings a new unique sound to their catalog which is awesome to see 8 albums in. Some of these sounds definitely feel like they came from the same session/timeframe as "Already Over (Nothing's There Mix)" 


Two Faced - WOW! This sounds like Mike worked on M20 and was like "let's make another song like this". Like HITC, instantly catchy and very nu metal. I wouldn't say it's OSC part two necessarily, that literally belongs to Figure 09 and imo also Don't Stay, but it definitely fits the HT/M era. They'd be insane to not make this a single or promo it with some game/movie or something EDIT: It's a single haha


Stained - My least favorite, but also something that brings variety to the album which I appreciate. There are moments in the outro where I feel like I'm listening to an alternative Kelly Clarkson-type radio single, which is not what I'd expect from this album but is pretty cool. Kinda a mix between MTM and OML. I wouldn't be surprised if a OML collaborator influenced this one as well. 

IGYEIH - A banger! Idk what to say about this that hasn't already been said


Good Things Go - Probably my favorite, I LOVE that chorus. For me, this one was super undersold. This feels like the best of what they learned during OML. The melodies are dynamic, the lyrics feel super heart-felt, the soundscape feels grand...this is Sorry For Now 2.0 for me, which is my favorite track off OML. Emily and Mike's harmonizing here is the best use of 2 vocalists on the album for me. If you like OML and OEO, you'll LOVE this track. The intro sounds and guitars are so nice. I feel like this song couldn't have happened without his work on PT either, really beautiful stuff. I wonder if the "Halfway apologized" lyric is an intentional reference to SFN/OML era 


Overall thoughts:
This is the most diverse album since LT for me, maybe the most diverse over all besides ATS? Feels like they had nothing to lose and that resulted in such a variety of sounds/structures. I can't wait to hear what else they've cooked over the last 7 years.


Surely there are a few more odd songs from the batch that Overflow came from.


I'm kinda surprised there's not a Mike-only song, I'm sure there are some of those around but they wanted to make sure to make it clear that Emily is part of LP by including her across the entire album. 


I also feel like some softer songs must be out there with acoustic instruments or something like OML/Messenger/Devil's Drop, but they wanted to keep the album tight and high-energy. Well we already know like 3 titles that didn't make it, I'm sure we'll get something, not to mention some interesting demos from this hopefully through LPU 

Edited by YRQRM0

I have to listen again for a rank, but so far a no skip album from my listening party. 


Comfortably can say over OML. But idk the rest yet. Won't be my top 4, but really a great job by them. 


I think they played to a safer sound which is smart. 


If i had to be a most exaggerated fanatic i could say that this is my favourite since i heard Living Things in 2012, but actually is hard to say that is better than something when every song have their little touches that reminds to past albums in some way or another.


So the way i will put it actually is this to be more accurate: I wasn't this excited after hearing a LP album since i heard Living Things.

(i know that you can read that i think that it means the same, but what i mean is that, my feelings after hearing the whole album could be compared to the ones i had when i finished hearing LT)

I loved so, so but SO F***ING MUCH Cut the Bridge. But i love everything from this album.


As i predicted when i heard the singles, the song i liked the least (but i like every single one of them anyway) is Over Each Other. Overflow sounded so experimental to me but i liked it in his way.


I miss Chester every day, i miss not being able to hear him on this songs, but let me assure all of you. They made the F*i***ng right choice with Emily.


Btw, the people who heard the end of the last song on the album, you noticed what they do with the intro one?


I've only listened once (on Saturday) but I really enjoyed the album. I can't wait to get my hands on the leak (or the CD which I pre-ordered at the event if I can't find the leak lol) and blast Casualty in the car.


My favorite, apart from the ones everyone has already heard (TEM, HITC, OEO, Casualty) is Two Faced. It sounds like Hybrid Theory, and Mike's rapping and the samples in the background sound like some Xero-era demo to me. Awesome.


After 2 listens:
1 Heavy Is the Crown
2 Two-Faced
3 The Emptiness Machine
4 Casualty
6 Cut the Bridge
7 Over Each Other
8 Stained
9 Overflow
10 Good Things Go


I'll post a full review at some point, but early impressions are it's ok. Not my favorite LP album, but there are definitely songs I'd put among their best. Good Things Go is truly stellar

1 minute ago, GlassCastles said:

I'll post a full review at some point, but early impressions are it's ok. Not my favorite LP album, but there are definitely songs I'd put among their best. Good Things Go is truly stellar

I really liked Good Things Go. It felt like a song that was more of a new direction vs the others that felt like a nod to the past. 


The album leaked, but I'll only listen to it on Friday, when it comes out. However, I ended up listening to "Two Faced" and it's simply AWESOME!!! I'm anxious to listen to the full album!


First impression: It's a good album with more variety than what I expected. It has hard hitting moments that are well executed. Let's see how it develops on further playthroughs. I will circle back to this thread at some point with scores for each track.


Standouts so far (singles not included): Casualty, IGYEIH and Good Things Go

Posted (edited)

My Top 10 From Zero after listening twice
1. The Emptiness Machine
2. Good Things Go
3. Two Faced
4. Heavy Is the Crown
5. Stained
6. Over Each Other
7. Casualty
9. Overflow
10. Cut the Bridge


B.T.W - we should really stop with sensless comparisons between Chester and Emily. Chester has passed. LP has the chance to have a bright Future with Emily and Colin.

Edited by rracer2013
34 minutes ago, max91 said:

Btw, the people who heard the end of the last song on the album, you noticed what they do with the intro one?


They cut the beginning of the intro and add it to the end of GTG, so when you have the whole album on a loop it works as a nice transition to first song. The song ends a bit earlier but as a bonus you have the intro of the first song at the end.


Very strange treatment and I would say messy as well, but it is what it is. Looking forward for the Acapellas/Instrumentals.


it has a good amount of variety, good thing that they weren't ashamed of bringing old type of stuff back, scratches/sampling adds so much to the mix (maybe what THP missed the most)

no to mention all the oldschool samples, from Xero (funny) to HT early demos.

my top 10

1 Two Faced
2 Heavy Is the Crown
4 Casualty
5 Cut the Bridge 
6 The Emptiness Machine
7 Stained
8 Good Things Go
9 Overflow
10 Over Each Other

56 minutes ago, max91 said:

If i had to be a most exaggerated fanatic i could say that this is my favourite since i heard Living Things in 2012, but actually is hard to say that is better than something when every song have their little touches that reminds to past albums in some way or another.


So the way i will put it actually is this to be more accurate: I wasn't this excited after hearing a LP album since i heard Living Things.

(i know that you can read that i think that it means the same, but what i mean is that, my feelings after hearing the whole album could be compared to the ones i had when i finished hearing LT)

I loved so, so but SO F***ING MUCH Cut the Bridge. But i love everything from this album.


As i predicted when i heard the singles, the song i liked the least (but i like every single one of them anyway) is Over Each Other. Overflow sounded so experimental to me but i liked it in his way.


I miss Chester every day, i miss not being able to hear him on this songs, but let me assure all of you. They made the F*i***ng right choice with Emily.


Btw, the people who heard the end of the last song on the album, you noticed what they do with the intro one?

Normally having to edit is enough, but when i read some descriptions of Two Faced i remembered how much i enjoyed that one too. Cut the Bridge and Two Faced, the same i said above.

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Alexonlyalex said:

obsessed with gtg, thats all I want to say now

There is an indescribable magic about this song. I can't get the chorus that Emily sings out of my head. Simply beautiful.

Edited by rracer2013

not gonna lie, i got a little teary-eyed on Good Things Go after the 2nd listen. Just reminiscing on the past and i think i'm ready for the future of Linkin Park. 

31 minutes ago, martinez said:


They cut the beginning of the intro and add it to the end of GTG, so when you have the whole album on a loop it works as a nice transition to first song. The song ends a bit earlier but as a bonus you have the intro of the first song at the end.


Very strange treatment and I would say messy as well, but it is what it is. Looking forward for the Acapellas/Instrumentals.

Yeah its interesting without a doubt, maybe they fix it later (at least on Spotify for example)

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