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2024.11.03 - Nanterre, France (Paris La Défense Arena)

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15 hours ago, JZLP-Benningstrong said:

I was expecting Emily to do the backup 'whoahs' and mike would be singing a bit.


I didn't like that they used playback for that part but other than that, flawless performance it's such an easy song for them.


If it was acoustic with nothing else... then maybe yeah but in this case it would be weird and stupid if suddenly Mike would sing the part that he didn't do in the studio version. Mike did sing on the live version too and it was also good.


I love Emily version of LITE. For me sound better than Chester version (live). It's sad that this song have rotation spot and probably they replace it with something new in the future. I want proshot of this performance so much.


I hadn't seen LP since Bercy 2009, so I didn't really know what to expect other than that it would probably be amazing.

I like Emily and i think she better fits for the 2 first LP albums (Numb was great, one step closer absolutely fanfunckingtastic for example), but i'm not so sure she has the voice range for all of the songs (what i've done for example is not the one which fits her best, new divide neither.)


although i have to admit i was nicely surprised having My December and even more surprised that she nailed it well. she does a great job , she needed a little time to get into her concert and seemed a bit timid at the beginning but once she was in, it got better and better and i'm totally convinced.


Still in love with the Joe Hahn solo's , can't help it haha Mike is very generous on stage, he was irradiating with his smile, it was great to see him and the band have fun and get along so well.


and with the new songs, "her" songs, she is going to nail it 100%, with time she will "own" all of the older ones too no doubt (I noticed she was "reading" a lot of the lyrics still, especially on New Divide). 

I was amazed  and the setlist was very very cool and ambitious, i wouldn't have minded something from The Hunting Party but hey, let's not get too picky.


Absolutely love attending this show. 

Sleep token was a blast and LP almost made me cry.


Cant wait to get a full audio bootleg of both gigs.


Love that a lot.

On 11/4/2024 at 6:57 PM, juancpin said:

They’re getting to sound so good together. As I said, they seem really well oiled at this point. 

Second you! Just seeing the first show with this one - Emily has upped her game so well. Especially the initial complaints on her screaming on portions she shouldn't be has also changed to fine tuning. Few things I would love to see would be - Phoenix playing Cello on My December - just a background string sound. Phoenix playing or exchanging guitar with Alex on one song maybe just like they used to for Nobody's Listening. And of course - Keys to the Kingdom needs to be there! OEO is Emily's grip!

Posted (edited)

Hello, hello everyone!




I promised i would write a review of the show, but my energy levels have been fluctuating since the trip to Paris so i didn't get around to it yet.
Anyway here we go :)

Firstly i want to thank everyone who was so kind asking about/thinking about me around this show. 
It's been no secret that this was going to be my first ever Linkin Park show, and my anxiety was driving me nuts the last couple of weeks.

On the day of the show we met some friends who we didn't see for around 6 years, it was lovely talking and spending time with them,and to all share our stories about Linkin Park and what we would or could be expecting. I can say with a full heart that my expectations were definitley not overblown since the show was everything we were ever hoping for!

The new show intro with elements of many of their greatest hits (In The End, Numb, Castle Of Glass), and the "Independence Day" lasershow already had me crying in the at the first minutes of it all. Emily sounded much better on Somewhere I Belong compared to the revealshow, and i really think she made so much progression since that day. 
( I mean who would do a show like that perfectly, if you're the first singer to be standing besides the shoes of one of the best singers of our times) 
Same did go with Crawling, and Point Of Authority. Emily forgot some lyrics here and there, but she was totally professional about it, and after Mike's little hug every bit of trouble she was having seemed to be gone. 

Seeing Mike so happy to be on stage is one of the best things in the world. You can see that this guy lives for this music, and would die to deliver it!
Same go's with Phoenix who looked like the beast that was happy to be let out of the cage again. These guys need to be playing these songs live, not doing so would be unhealthy.

Lying From You, New Divide, and especially The Emptiness Machine sounded great and flawless. I loved the mix between all era's of LP to be thrown in into the first 15 minutes of the show. 
The Catalyst and Burn It Down same thing, pretty flawless and great to hear live. 
After that, Waiting For The End.... Jezus fucking Christ, i wanted so sing that song so bad but i simply couldn't put out any words anymore. Emily's delivery made me choke up like a little kid seeing thousands of Christmas presents under the tree on Christmas morning.
The song was flawless, and just like in the other live show's Emily seemed to be emotional singing the song, only with the difference that she held herself pretty good together this time. This was definitely one of the highlights of the night.

Castle Of Glass, Joe Hahn's solo and When They Come For Me/Remember the name.... Just wow! It was great seeing everyone having so much fun on stage.
Colin was shining already while drumming, but him getting out and playing guitar for WTCFM was pretty awesome to see, and he really delivered.
After this was the live debut of Over Each Other with Emily's first time on guitar. I really loved how she played (even though the song is pretty simple on guitar) while maintaining her flawless singing. 

Lost In The Echo, Given Up, One Step Closer, Lost Breaking The Habit, What Ive Done, finally hearing these live was a blast, the interaction with the public was awesome, and the people were going crazy at these songs, and it was justified.

Leave Out All The Rest had me in tears again. This song means so much to me and finally hearing it live was just surreal.
Special shout-out to Step-Braddy Alex who was having the time of his life on guitar. The way he plays the intro solo is so simple yet beautifull. The way Alex plays this is so damn emotional yet happy to see. I loved it, every damn second of it.

My December was also a pretty emotional experience. To my surprise though, not many people around us seemed to know the song wich was kinda shocking to us.
Loved seeing colin on acoustic and hearing him sing. Would love so if Dave would get the Cello out again for this song sometime in the future...

Friendly Fire, a song i really was highly anticipating was a little bit of a letdown.
Emily's inner ear- monitors seemed to be malfunctioning a little bit for the first verse of the song wich was quite bad, but after that was fixed the song really picked up and was great to be heard live finally. I have to say though, i hope they will switch this with another One More Light song one day, because the reception from the people seemed kinda off.

After that Numb, In The End, Faint. 
The interaction with the public and finally hearing these songs for the first time in concert made me nostalgic to the bone. 
It was sad to realise that i would never have the chance to hear Chester perform these, but still Emily delivers great, and the energy from the rest of the band really made it unforgettable.

The encore with Heavy Is The Crown, Papercut and Bleet It Out was awesome.
My knees and ankles were dying at that moment, but suddenly all my energy returned and we had a goddamn blast for these songs. Again the energy was through the roof for the band as well as the fans. It was so damn great to finally hear all of this for the first time, and experience what a LP Concert was like. I wouldn't wanted to have missed this for the world.

This concert and the rest of the trip were one of the highlights of my life.
The memories and experiences i will cherrish forever ❤️

Thankyou Mike, Thankyou Emily, Thankyou Alex, Thankyou Joe, Thankyou Dave, Thankyou Brad, Thankyou Colin, and Thanks everyone else working on the whole experience for this new era ❤️ 

Edited by GreyFox-AFCA
Posted (edited)

I was at the Paris show, front row. Best live show I've been to since at least 15 years, and this lineup of LP is at least as good as the old one, if not better (I previously saw LP live in 2007 and 2010).


That night was the highlight of my year.


I usually never take videos during shows, but my daughter is a small LP fan too and wanted me to bring back some videos. So I recorded a few of her favorite songs. Some videos turned out to be better than I expected, so I decided to share them here.






Edited by Darkstryder
2 hours ago, Darkstryder said:

I was at the Paris show, front row. Best live show I've been to since at least 15 years, and this lineup of LP is at least as good as the old one, if not better (I previously saw LP live in 2007 and 2010).


That night was the highlight of my year.


I usually never take videos during shows, but my daughter is a small LP fan too and wanted me to bring back some videos. So I recorded a few of her favorite songs. Some videos turned out to be better than I expected, so I decided to share them here.

Thank You

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