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Since Mike is been doing his Twitch live streams I noticed various stuff on his computer that give us potential info about past unreleased stuff but also new things, such as new songs, collaborations and more.

All the things related to the Twitch jams will be in their respective sections in Linkinpedia, be sure to check the #ShinodaOnTwitch page.

This thread will be exclusively dedicated to the other stuff we don't know nothing about, so, if you don't want any kind of spoilers, this isn't the thread for you!


Feel free to share your reports from the streams, as well your theories and speculations!


Matt and Dan files

Source: Mike Shinoda Beat Making Live 3.26.20 (March 26, 2020) / Screenshot
In the first second of the stream you can see, in Mike's Favorites, the folders "Matt Files" and "Mayo Files" (with the Dropbox icon).
These could be related to the live shows or something more.

Matt was also in the studio recently, I think it would be nice to hear stuff from them with Mike.

Sneaky Devil Project

Source: 11.12 / New Ableton Live 11 BETA in action (November 12, 2020) / Screenshot
A folder called "Sneaky Devil Project" in Mike's Favorites.




We know that Mike recorded in Detroit with the Royal House Recording in 2018 and that wasn't for Clockwatch, so there could be files from that session or something else.

MLN Vox wav

Could this be some vocal recordings for a track called "MLN"?

Make your bets about the actual title.

For JAalon

During the A Thousand Suns style session Mike talked with Jason Aalon Butler, singer of Fever 333, hinting at some collaboration.

I guess that's the case since Jason actually confirmed it during his livestream.
I hope it's not just writing/production and we'll get some new vocals by Mike too.


MS for BK She Killed Me

Source: Depeche Mode style jam (April 1, 2020) / Screenshot

Little research here.
There's a duo called Brevin Kim (BK?) who's followed by Mike.
They also commented one of his latest Instagram post and Dave answered too, you can see this here.
On March 31 they posted a video of a new track and at the end of the description there's written *she killed me?* .


Source: 1.18 Chatting + A little more work on Alex McMillan's "Bones" (January 18, 2021) / Screenshot



Let Em In (vocals).zip

Source: Making a song out of Money Mark's IG post (April 16, 2020) / Screenshot
The folders "OPEN DOOR Vocals", "For JAalon" and "MS for BK She Killed Me" disappeared, but here's a new .zip file containing vocals for a track called "Let Em In".

It could be a solo song or a collaboration of course, but this is the first time I noticed it, we'll see.



Bear vla Aaron

Source: Let's get weirder! (April 30, 2020) / Screenshot
On May 11 livestream Mike worked to a blackbear song called I'm Still Fucking Here, saying "My guys Aaron and Matt".

He was referring to Aaron Harmon, the producer who also worked on About You and What The Words Meant.

A clip of I'm Still Fucking Here was posted by blackbear on Instagram, he also tagged Mike saying that we wanted to send him the track.

But this folder was on Mike desktop's days before that, so I guess Mike is producing at least two blackbear songs?



Grimy Sloppy about 90bpm-tape.wav

Dan Mayo free speech #1 multitrack

Mayo Free Speech MS 1.wav

Mayo Free Speech MS 1.wav.asd

Mayo Channeling D BigKit 122bpm.wav

Mayo Channeling A vinyl crackles 122bpm.wav


The "Grimy Sloppy" I guess it's a tape loop he recorded.

For May 18 and May 21 livestreams Mike used some drum recordings by Dan Mayo, done when he was in Los Angeles last year.

In the May 20 screenshot you can also see a WeTransfer .zip file but I can't read the name because it's covered by Dan's folder.
On May 21 two more recordings with Dan appeared, with Mike actually using "Mayo Channeling A vinyl crackles 122bpm.wav" for the jam of that day.

But here comes the best thing.
In the May 22 screenshot you can clearly see the folders at the bottom.
Yeah, Mike REALLY created two folders named "YES I KNOW" and "YOU CAN SEE MY FOLDERS" LMAO 🤣
There's a third one under those, I guess it's the "continuation", but sadly it's covered by the donations banner.

UPDATE: Donations banner is gone and I can finally reveal the full "message" by Mike:





Talking To Myself Drum Stems

Source: Making a song from scratch using sounds picked out by fans (June 8, 2020) / Screenshot

Why he has a folder with drums from Talking To Myself on his desktop?
Working on a remix? Learning drum parts? Ideas for live shows?



Source: 7.27.20 - What should we make today? (July 27, 2020) / Screenshot

A folder called "FOR S" is on Mike's desktop. Let's start to speculate about who "S" could be.


Tracks For Dom 7/30

Source : 7.31: Dropped Frames 2 is out! Celebrating the release and making a track today (July 30, 2020) / Screenshot

Ok, who's Dom? 😎


Source: 9.28 - Using Plugins I Don't Use (September 28, 2020) / Screenshot
A folder called "Izzy Ideas" on Mike's desktop.


MS LW V Clip

Source: 11.10 / Fan Request / Acoustic + Daft Punk + Elmo: The Return of the Bowl Of Destiny / Screenshot

MP3 file called "MS LW V Clip" on Mike's desktop.
Lil Wayne released an album called "Tha Carter V" back in 2018, could it be a remix?

From Anthony

Source: 12.17 Freestyle (December 17, 2020) / Screenshot

A folder called "From Anthony" on Mike's desktop.

Haze / Sneaky Devil
Source: 9.17.21 Friday Freestyle Track (September 17, 2021) / Screenshot
There are three MP3 files: one called "Sneaky Devil faster" with its Ableton project. We previously have seen this title back on November 12, 2020. Another one called "Haze Super Rough 91bpm" and "great arp start", that it's too generic to say if it's part of these demos or a new idea.

Source: 10.28.21 short freestyle (October 28, 2021)/ Screenshot




Merlyn Vox Project (modified in March 19, 2020)
This is the first 2020 project, before all the ones from the recent livestreams, I guess that's a (working) title for a new track?


High Definition Project

Parzival Project

Aurora Project

Stay Up For Vocals Edits Projects


Parzival, Aurora and Stay Up are probably some other working titles, the first two worked on August 2018.
Stay Up was last modified on April 2015 and it seems it had some vocals too!

Air Force One Project

Two Dee Dee Project

Jelly Project

Loops Play Project

Cool Arp Project

Breakeberter 85 bpm Project (Not sure about this, I can't actually read this one)

Sandile Project
Greninja Battle Project

All of these are dated January 2015.
We all know Air Force One, since it was released on the LPU 16 and it's labeled as a 2015 Demo, I guess that's a confirmation.
No idea about the other titles.


Haunt You - Six Coolde (Not sure about the last word) / IN ON THE TAKE

Source: Coronawave 80s track (April 9, 2020) / Screenshot #1 - Screenshot #2
I don't know what these could be.

COVERS (modified on March 26, 2013)

This could be about artworks more than covers of other songs, who knows.

AVICII 1 Laptop Machine

AVICII 1 Project
AVICII 2 Project

Three Avicii projects dated January 2013.

We talked about Wake Me Up here in the forum days ago and I still don't know if Mike actually did something for it, buthe did something with Avicii for sure.


Bim Bim Bom Project (At least it's what I can read)
Carbine Project

Othere two projects from January 2015.


Blinky Larabee MS Project (modified in November 7, 2013)
Blinky is the working title of Guilty All The Same, so we have now a little indication of a period when they worked on it.


Burberry Project (modified in May 8, 2013)

We know the debate about this track since it was released on the LPU 16 mislabed as a 2015 demo and it was already released via Stagelight in 2012.
At least now we know that Mike opened the folder in 2013 too 😂


Easy Beats Project
flees Project
Humming Project

Three more unknown projects from 2013.



Drive Me Mad Remix 3
Drive Me Mad Remix 2
Drive Me Mad Remix


Mike rivisited old CoronaJams and we can see that he updated a few names, giving us some working titles (and potential final titles) for these tracks, but also three projects about a "Drive Me Mad" remix.
In Mike's Spotify playlist there's a track called I Drive Me Mad by renforshort, a Canadian artist, Mike also follows her on Instagram.
I guess we can expect something about this.


  • Source 4: 7.24.20-Making a song with ONLY ONE SOUND (July 24, 2020) / Screenshot


We know that Shinkansen was originally a Living Things beat that Mike re-used for World's On Fire.
Could be Warriors a new track?


  • Source 5: 7.27.20 - What should we make today? (July 27, 2020) / Screenshot


Before the July 27 stream Mike was working in Ableton on a project called "Violent Enough".



Source: 8.17 Making a guitar thing ( August 17, 2020) / Screenshot #1 - Screenshot #2


Found a potential new song, from two Ableton files, AL 1 Project.als and AL MS Sketch 1 acapella.mp3, dated August 14 and 15.


DD aaron.mp3

Source: 9.9 Freestyle beatmaking session (September 9, 2020) / Screenshot


New MP3 file on Mike's desktop!
"Aaron" could be Aaron Harmon, so this could be another blackbear related track, even if we don't know anything new about "Bear vla Aaron" and "I'm Still Fucking Here".

I don't think Mike just misspelled "Aalon" as Jason Aalon Butler (another collab we still don't know anything else), so... any guesses?


10.27 Freestyle track / Screenshot

Ableton project called "MS Amon 1 Project".

11.13 Bowl Of Destiny: Percussive, Tempo-building, Game Battle Track / Screenshot

Three Ableton projects called: "Good Things Go", "Good Things Go 2.1" and "Good Things Go 2.2".


Source: 12.15 Hanukkah Freestyle (I need your help!) (December 15, 2020) / Screenshot

More Ableton projects regarding "Good Things Go":
Good Things Go 2.2 Kennedy

Good Things Go 2.2 Dia

Good Things Go 2.2 Lily
GTG MS temp vocal

Good Things Go 2.2 MS temp

Good Things Go 2.2 MS temp 2

Good Things Go 2.2 Izzy



Source: 12.15 Hanukkah Freestyle (I need your help!) (December 15, 2020) / Screenshot



Never Have
Never Have 1.2
genesis 1.2

O holiday Track

waltz creep



Source: 1.7 AnRmy ShinodaProduceMe ideas, and a beat using only stock plugins (January 7, 2020) / Screenshot

An Ableton project called "Minus Vibe 1.als" with the following folders: "1 MS Minus Vibe Live Drums 1",  "Perc", "live bass", "key bass", "melotron", "chime guitar", "Dirty Guitar", "12-Tamb Loop" and "nice chime".


2.16 Producing Bella Goldwin's "Just A Dream" (February 16, 2021) / Screenshot
Mike had an open folder containing Ableton files. We can see a project called "OSC vox manipulation" and a folder called "O Song 1".
There's also his project for the "Passenger" remix, called "MS PASSENGER RMX" along with the folder "DEFTONES PASSENGER".
The last folder is called "El Little Idiot 110bpm", that we already saw as a Pro Tools project during the June 8, 2020 stream.

2.17 Finishing up tracks by Bella Goldwin, Sam Champagne / Amber Lee. And maybe a chat. (February 17, 2021) / Screenshot
A folder on Mike's desktop called "Happy Endings Stems From Manny" reveals that Manny Marroquin mixed "Happy Endings".

5.28 Deepfake Vocal Song (May 28, 2021) / Screenshot

Two Ableton projects and two MP3 files for a potential new song with Iann Dior called "Iann 1", "Iann 1.2 Closing Time", "Iann-Closing Time Inst", and "Iann-Closing Time w Skat Vox".

6.10 The Bowl Of Destiny Returns! (June 10, 2021) / Screenshot

An Ableton project called "Clockwork".



Source: Making a song from scratch using sounds picked out by fans (June 8, 2020) / Screenshot

Pro Tools project called "El Little Idiot 110bpm.ptx".

SFN Drum Kit Stem.wav

Heavy Drum Kit Stem.wav
NCSM Drum Kit Stem.wav

You can also see .wav files of drum stems for In The End, Sorry For Now, Heavy and Nobody Can Save Me added into a new folder on June 7.


It was funny to notice how some of Mike's folders are the same ones we got from the leak of the past summer.
I was like "Oh, I shouldn't have this stuff" 😂
When he selected his sounds I've noticed folders like: ALBUM4SNDS, ARCHBSHOP (he actually used the Sound 1 and 7 for the ATS style demo), ATARI, Dist MS 20 Key, GB Sounds, KeroDrums, LOOSESAMPLES, RYGAR, Xero Current, also sounds like Rick Rubin's 808, NRG Phone and BJORKICK.

On April 10, Mike did another quick stream. This is the original link, but he deleted it and I think a lot of you guys could have missed it, so I'm adding this one too.
Someone in the chat asked who played the drums for the Enjoy The Silence remix, and he said: "They are VST drums, synth drums. I made them. I played them with the keyboard".
I always thought that it was Rob who played the drums, so now what?

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2 hours ago, PeppePark said:

On April 10, Mike did another quick stream. This is the original link, but he deleted it and I think a lot of you guys could have missed it, so I'm adding this one too.
Someone in the chat asked who played the drums for the Enjoy The Silence remix, and he said: "They are VST drums, synth drums. I made them. I played them with the keyboard".
I always thought that it was Rob who played the drums, so now what?

I just checked the CD single and Rob is indeed credited for drums. Transcribed the credits here:



My best guess is Mike doesn't remember Rob recording specifically for the remix because he used some sounds that were previously recorded by Rob at another time, maybe some leftover from the Meteora sessions.


This topic should be password protected just in case Mike is lurking (and we all know he is) Delete it while you can, cause we might not get any of this stuff on future streams haha


EPIC SHIT, good job dude!

1 hour ago, lpliveusername said:

My best guess is Mike doesn't remember Rob recording specifically for the remix because he used some sounds that were previously recorded by Rob at another time, maybe some leftover from the Meteora sessions.

That makes sense, it could be something similar to what happened with Place To Start!

16 hours ago, michalangelo said:

This topic should be password protected just in case Mike is lurking (and we all know he is) Delete it while you can, cause we might not get any of this stuff on future streams haha


EPIC SHIT, good job dude!

Duh 🤣🤣🤣

3 hours ago, Robrobbsen said:

I swear to god i would pay 50$ for a new Mike Shinoda sample pack, just hearing some of the stuff in his streams makes me so jealous:(


I mean between the stems that leaked and the rips from Mike's old equipment, we got the equivalent of a whole lot of unauthorized sample packs lol. I'm with you, though. I would pay for an officially released one.

On 4/15/2020 at 5:49 PM, PeppePark said:

Let Em In (vocals).zip
Source: Making a song out of Money Mark's IG post (April 16, 2020) / Min: 31:28 / Screenshot

The folders "OPEN DOOR Vocals", "For JAalon" and "MS for BK She Killed Me" disappeared, but here's a new .zip file containing vocals for a track called "Let Em In".

It could be a solo song or a collaboration of course, but this is the first time I noticed it, we'll see.

New track title: "Let Em In".

12 minutes ago, GreyFox-AFCA said:

wasn’t that song found on that IBM site? ( idk the real name of it )

If I remember correctly after "fine" (that, as we know, was actually released) the last title that appeared on BMI was "My Horizon"!

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Justin said:

I mean between the stems that leaked and the rips from Mike's old equipment, we got the equivalent of a whole lot of unauthorized sample packs lol. I'm with you, though. I would pay for an officially released one.

You're right, like I said in the thread he actually used a pair of samples from the A Thousand Suns sessions that we got from the MPC's stuff, that was funny to see 😂


Today he talked about Rick Rubin's sounds from his 808, and yeah, about those too... 👀😂

Edited by PeppePark
On 4/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, sordomuda said:

I cant believe we literally can see his desktop and stuff like this 🤣🤣🤣

Same, I didn't even realized how big that leak was until now.

Like, today he was talking about the Game Boy samples he made, I checked and I have exactly the same sounds 😂


Ha. It's no secret the MPC stuff that leaked was like, from his main sample database. He took the exact ATS samples from that to do the ATS style demo, etc. Pretty cool.


But only Mike can combine them into a masterpiece, lmao. They are almost useless to us.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Hahninator said:

Ha. It's no secret the MPC stuff that leaked was like, from his main sample database. He took the exact ATS samples from that to do the ATS style demo, etc. Pretty cool.


But only Mike can combine them into a masterpiece, lmao. They are almost useless to us.

Rick Rubin's 808 and Game Boy sounds too!

We can only hope for a sample pack of his talent to leak too 😂

Edited by PeppePark
Posted (edited)
On 4/15/2020 at 5:49 PM, PeppePark said:


Bear vla Aaron

Not sure about this because I can't read it properly but that's what it seems to me. 
Maybe it's "Beat via Aaron"?
There's a songwriter called Aaron Bear but who knows?

Maybe something with blackbear?


3.22 Babble Bobble
3.27 King Paprika
3.21 KarmaKon
4.27 Booty Down
(well, we all know that one 😂)
3.31.20 CoronaJam structure Hollow Kingdom
Corona Jam 4.6 Oystershells
4.5 Quick ConoaJam 3 Drone Strike
90s hip hop The Brooklyn Way
Corona Jam 4.15 OSIRIS
CoronaJam 80s 4.9.20 Seventeen Candles
Freestyle Jam 4.8.20 Tin Man
Corona Jam 4.12.20 v2 Corn Meal

Mike rivisited old Corona Jams and we can see that he updated a few names, giving us some working titles (and potential final titles) for these tracks.


BONUS: No need to add a section or a screenshot for this because you can see it almost during the entire stream but April 30 jam was called 4.30 dust code.


Drive Me Mad Remix 3
Drive Me Mad Remix 2
Drive Me Mad Remix


There were also three projects about a "Drive Me Mad" remix.
In Mike's Spotify playlist there's a track called I Drive Me Mad by renforshort, a Canadian artist, Mike also follows her on Instagram.
I guess we can expect something about this.


New update!
Potential collaboration, new remix and working titles for Corona Jams.

Edited by PeppePark
2 minutes ago, sordomuda said:

Nice! The titles of the jams 😂

I want them as actual titles 😂

I mean...

Mike Shinoda - King Paprika

Unless he records some vocals and turn them into full songs, then I can accept normal titles 😁


Little suggestion, I know this stuff (especially streams over 1,5hrs) takes a lot of space BUT you need to (yes you @PeppePark) to dl all the streams, save all the screenshots for future  - just in case they're gone. Also if you're into this far deeper than most of us (I mean, I have so little time to work on lpcatalog, not to mention other stuff...I barely come back to any of the streams, I wish I had more time though) maybe you could gather all the answers and make a topic with Q&A: Corona Jams Sessions?



Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, michalangelo said:

Little suggestion, I know this stuff (especially streams over 1,5hrs) takes a lot of space BUT you need to (yes you @PeppePark) to dl all the streams, save all the screenshots for future  - just in case they're gone. Also if you're into this far deeper than most of us (I mean, I have so little time to work on lpcatalog, not to mention other stuff...I barely come back to any of the streams, I wish I had more time though) maybe you could gather all the answers and make a topic with Q&A: Corona Jams Sessions?


I can save screenshots for sure,  but I don't have enough space to archive the streams, so this needs to be done by someone else.
Imgur links are in the thread, but if someone from the staff need them just let me know!

About the Q&A topics... English is not my native language, so there's the chance I won't be able to understand everything, especially if something needs to be the exact quote, but I could do something about it, we'll see!

Edited by PeppePark

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