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This community has become like a Hilary Vs Trump debate we attack each other using the same arguments over and over and over again


And I'm part of this too lol


Do we really have a proof that they stole pictures?  That would be interesting for me. 

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5 minutes ago, JZLP said:

This community has become like a Hilary Vs Trump debate we attack each other using the same arguments over and over and over again


And I'm part of this too lol


Do we really have a proof that they stole pictures?  That would be interesting for me. 


Yeah dude, they stole Wesley's photo and printed in on merch and stuff and sold it and when he asked them about it, since he took the photo, Sean said ''too bad, I found it online''. Or something like that. Astat was talking about but other fans know of it as well. And again he took a photo that was used for LPU back in 2007 and was selling a poster of it, not sure if he has the rights to that one though, but still. And there are probably more examples. 

1 minute ago, JZLP said:

I want to see the proof man not words. 


Hopefully Astat can provide it then. It's true 100% though so you don't really need proof but yeah.

8 hours ago, JZLP said:

This community has become like a Hilary Vs Trump debate we attack each other using the same arguments over and over and over again


And I'm part of this too lol


Do we really have a proof that they stole pictures?  That would be interesting for me. 


8 hours ago, martinez said:

I'm waiting for proofs.

Second photo here: http://www.wesleycarlos.com.br/lens_galleries/linkin-park-circuito-banco-do-brasil-belo-horizonte-2014/

T-shirt (note it says "Club Tattoo"): https://www.google.com/search?q=club+tattoo+chester+shirt&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIjeruycXnAhV-FLkGHX2rAtQQ_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=1366&bih=608#imgrc=I1V0w8ymxLBegM&imgdii=kefBNRgRoqXrZM

We can ask Wesley for a screenshot of the conversation if you still need further proof.


And you already know about Chester's photo from a Linkin Park show being used in Grey Daze merch:


I do not know who owns the copyrights of this specific picture though.

52 minutes ago, Hahninator said:

I canceled my preorder after seeing the conduct of the band on social media and their complete lack of respect for the Linkin Park fanbase.

Hell yeah. Wish I never had ordered the WITE single. I never ordered the album.


I'm not even disputing the photo thing. I just feel like a lot a whole lot of bullshit has been thrown about in addition to this.


Like when everyone was up in arms about them liking Tobi's tweet, has it occurred to anyone they may just be liking that they were described as a brotherhood, and isn't a shot at LP like this forum is seemingly passing on as established fact ?


There's been a ton of assumptions on here, my favourite so far is that they have LP as a guest singer to ' trick ' casual LP fans. Complete horseshit. Some valid points about the pictures,  but mostly everything else is a whole lot of guesswork and a bit of a witch-hunt. 

3 minutes ago, JZLP said:

The Wesley photo has nothing to do with Grey Daze it was a conflict between him and Club Tattoo, and you are assuming that the mosaic poster is the same situation but you have no proof on that one.




They missed the entire point of the LPU photo. They are using Linkin Park photos to advertise this project and the "signature CB look" from the LP days to sell this project. That's where the problem comes into play. You aren't promoting this at all using the GD-era CB. LP has nothing to do with this band. Look at them using only CB on Spotify for the header photo. They need to re-evaluate themselves and how this is all coming across (like a cash grab based on CB's image).

14 minutes ago, Subs said:

I'm not even disputing the photo thing. I just feel like a lot a whole lot of bullshit has been thrown about in addition to this.


Like when everyone was up in arms about them liking Tobi's tweet, has it occurred to anyone they may just be liking that they were described as a brotherhood, and isn't a shot at LP like this forum is seemingly passing on as established fact ?


There's been a ton of assumptions on here, my favourite so far is that they have LP as a guest singer to ' trick ' casual LP fans. Complete horseshit. Some valid points about the pictures,  but mostly everything else is a whole lot of guesswork and a bit of a witch-hunt. 

Yeah but you must not be familiar with Tobi’s posts, as well as Susan’s and Sam’s, etc. She was making a point with her ‘’IS a brotherhood!’’ statement. She has said many times that LP wasn’t a brotherhood and that Mike bullied Chester, etc. So for them to like that comment, it’s not right. And besides, Grey Daze basically feels the same as they do about it. So it was throwing shade subtly. Many of the things they do are. Many hardcore LP fans have noticed this, basically all the biggest LP fans that have supported everything essentially for years. That’s the problem. And the photo thing, it speaks volumes about Sean and also his reaction to it does too. He also was saying we don’t need Linkin Park blah blah blah but used a picture of Chester from a 2007 LP show for a GD poster? Cmon. He also kind of does need LP fans actually too if he wants to sell anything with this album. The name Chester Bennington is known because of LP not GD, just a fact. 

1 minute ago, Garret said:

Yeah but you must not be familiar with Tobi’s posts, as well as Susan’s and Sam’s, etc. She was making a point with her ‘’IS a brotherhood!’’ statement. She has said many times that LP wasn’t a brotherhood and that Mike bullied Chester, etc. So for them to like that comment, it’s not right. And besides, Grey Daze basically feels the same as they do about it. So it was throwing shade subtly. Many of the things they do are. Many hardcore LP fans have noticed this, basically all the biggest LP fans that have supported everything essentially for years. That’s the problem. And the photo thing, it speaks volumes about Sean and also his reaction to it does too. He also was saying we don’t need Linkin Park blah blah blah but used a picture of Chester from a 2007 LP show for a GD poster? Cmon. He also kind of does need LP fans actually too if he wants to sell anything with this album. The name Chester Bennington is known because of LP not GD, just a fact. 


I'm familiar with it all. I also seen something about them not wanting to take sides. It may very well be them taking a shot at LP, and it may not be ! We don't know. 


I would use a poster of LP era Chester too ( providing there's no copyright issues ) Why wouldn't you, its how chester is known to fans all around the world, not many casuals know of grey daze, if any. 


Promoting this album is NOT a crime. If you want to say its a cash grab, then fair enough, no proof of that though. I would market the hell out of this thing as best as I can if I were GD.

18 minutes ago, Subs said:


I'm familiar with it all. I also seen something about them not wanting to take sides. It may very well be them taking a shot at LP, and it may not be ! We don't know. 


I would use a poster of LP era Chester too ( providing there's no copyright issues ) Why wouldn't you, its how chester is known to fans all around the world, not many casuals know of grey daze, if any. 


Promoting this album is NOT a crime. If you want to say its a cash grab, then fair enough, no proof of that though. I would market the hell out of this thing as best as I can if I were GD.

So why not focus on the actual music from the get go instead of all the drama and the psuedo shots at LP? Like the documentary was stupid AF. Just talk about how we joined the band and his story with the band and about the reunion. Why do they need his toxic family and other shit? They don’t. 

4 minutes ago, Garret said:

So why not focus on the actual music from the get go instead of all the drama and the psuedo shots at LP? Like the documentary was stupid AF. Just talk about how we joined the band and his story with the band and about the reunion. Why do they need his toxic family and other shit? They don’t. 


What was so stupid about the documentary ? It was cool. 


No matter how much they refer to GD as a brotherhood or how close they were, I don't see it as in they are taking shots at LP. Everyone loved Chester. Not to be naïve, there may very well be something going on, but most of the evidence so far is poor, just rampant fan speculation, seeing what you want to see. 



1 hour ago, Hahninator said:


They missed the entire point of the LPU photo. They are using Linkin Park photos to advertise this project and the "signature CB look" from the LP days to sell this project. That's where the problem comes into play. You aren't promoting this at all using the GD-era CB. LP has nothing to do with this band. Look at them using only CB on Spotify for the header photo. They need to re-evaluate themselves and how this is all coming across (like a cash grab based on CB's image).


i would totally buy a poster with Chester from GD era or even the whole band. I would not say about it a cash grab whatsoever. Would be an awesome thing to have. Yet they chose his image from LP era that is not connected to GD times at all. It simply doesnt make any sense. 

1 minute ago, sordomuda said:


i would totally buy a poster with Chester from GD era or even the whole band. I would not say about it a cash grab whatsoever. Would be an awesome thing to have. Yet they chose his image from LP era that is not connected to GD times at all. It simply doesnt make any sense. 


Agreed 100%. Photo isn't even relevant to the project whatsoever. If they had one of those group shots of Grey Daze from the 90's for sale, I'd buy that. But they don't want to promote Grey Daze as a band from the 90's. They are forcing it almost like it's some new band that Chester created right before he passed, like a day before he passed for Christ's Sake. They even took those portraits of the 4 of them and made it look like they all took a photo together for the album. Sean wants fans to forget about the original GD music and era.

42 minutes ago, Subs said:


What was so stupid about the documentary ? It was cool. 


No matter how much they refer to GD as a brotherhood or how close they were, I don't see it as in they are taking shots at LP. Everyone loved Chester. Not to be naïve, there may very well be something going on, but most of the evidence so far is poor, just rampant fan speculation, seeing what you want to see. 



His family has literally taken shots at LP (Mike specifically) and Talinda by name. They’ve done so with the intention of splitting/reducing the LP fan base.


I agree that everyone loved Chester, but there’s also zero chance Chester would approve of the public mud-slinging that’s going on, regardless if there were legitimate issues behind the scenes.


I’m still going to stream the album because the reworked instrumentals thus far have sounded pretty good, and because it’s Chester, but this entire album cycle has been a lesson in how not to go about promoting an album.

6 minutes ago, Garret said:


Agreed 100%. Photo isn't even relevant to the project whatsoever. If they had one of those group shots of Grey Daze from the 90's for sale, I'd buy that. But they don't want to promote Grey Daze as a band from the 90's. They are forcing it almost like it's some new band that Chester created right before he passed, like a day before he passed for Christ's Sake. They even took those portraits of the 4 of them and made it look like they all took a photo together for the album. Sean wants fans to forget about the original GD music and era.

A poster with Chester with his long hair and baby face would be epic. They really should do it. 
i want this album to be released and them getting back to be an irrelevant has been again. 

19 minutes ago, JZLP said:



"LP era Chester" 


Dude they are honoring Chester's life not an era Chester is not an object and he is not owned by Linkin Park. 





This is the equivalent of Dead By Sunrise or Stone Temple Pilots selling a photograph of Chester on stage with Linkin Park on Summer Sanitarium 2003. How do you not see that as an issue? It is completely separate of the project. They are doing it to sell copies. 

16 minutes ago, Hahninator said:


This is the equivalent of Dead By Sunrise or Stone Temple Pilots selling a photograph of Chester on stage with Linkin Park on Summer Sanitarium 2003. How do you not see that as an issue? It is completely separate of the project. They are doing it to sell copies. 

Couldn’t have said it better myself. 

11 minutes ago, Hahninator said:


This is the equivalent of Dead By Sunrise or Stone Temple Pilots selling a photograph of Chester on stage with Linkin Park on Summer Sanitarium 2003. How do you not see that as an issue? It is completely separate of the project. They are doing it to sell copies. 


Gonna toss in an observation of Julien-K's promotion of Time Capsule. Fans asked if they were releasing Chester and DBS tracks and they said how they're working to try but licensing, etc. can be messy and it might just not pan out. No claims like GD with their "WB wanted to wipe our music from the internet even tho that was actually us".


Front of the album is artwork, back is the 3 core JK members. Chester appears in the booklet with them, not from an LP performance. Brandon Belsky also appears from JK music video shoots, not from his other band's performances. Using a photo from Linkin Park material that has nothing to do with Grey Daze outside of Chester being in both bands in his life is trying to capitalize on the brand recognition of LP.

3 hours ago, Subs said:

I'm not even disputing the photo thing. I just feel like a lot a whole lot of bullshit has been thrown about in addition to this.


Like when everyone was up in arms about them liking Tobi's tweet, has it occurred to anyone they may just be liking that they were described as a brotherhood, and isn't a shot at LP like this forum is seemingly passing on as established fact ?


There's been a ton of assumptions on here, my favourite so far is that they have LP as a guest singer to ' trick ' casual LP fans. Complete horseshit. Some valid points about the pictures,  but mostly everything else is a whole lot of guesswork and a bit of a witch-hunt. 


"We kept collaborations limited to people Chester was close to"

"Here's a song featuring a conveniently-named singer who Chester never met or even mentioned publicly while he was alive, he told Sean he liked one of her songs once though!"

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