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"Looking for an Answer" (Brand New Song)

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If Mike's solo tour has proved one thing, it's that the band really doesn't need a new vocalist to take Chester's place. Mike is a more than capable frontman and he's clearly shown he is able to handle enough LP songs to fill out a setlist, and that's including the usual "safe" singles like ITE, Heavy etc. Yeah, OSC is probably gonna be retired, but the band had been steadily reducing the importance of OSC in the set since 2014 (them moving it from basically always closing or opening to just a mid-set song, to me, was them saying it's not a cornerstone of the set anymore). And what other songs had they been performing regularly would really be at risk outside of that one song?


I think that they don’t need to play all these heavy songs. If they want to do a few, let the crowd sing the parts that Mike can’t/won’t. The band has so many songs that they can do. Mike’s touring throughout 2018 has shown so many opportunities. And they can also write a new album and play all of those songs, too. It will be different but obviously it will be, anyone that expects the band to be the same as before 7/20 is crazy.



If Mike's solo tour has proved one thing, it's that the band really doesn't need a new vocalist to take Chester's place. Mike is a more than capable frontman and he's clearly shown he is able to handle enough LP songs to fill out a setlist, and that's including the usual "safe" singles like ITE, Heavy etc. Yeah, OSC is probably gonna be retired, but the band had been steadily reducing the importance of OSC in the set since 2014 (them moving it from basically always closing or opening to just a mid-set song, to me, was them saying it's not a cornerstone of the set anymore). And what other songs had they been performing regularly would really be at risk outside of that one song?


100% agreed with both of you. Mike's world tour has made it very evident Linkin Park is going to be just fine with 5 members and Mike on lead vocals. Mike's vocals live have improved tenfold from just May and that solely has to do with him singing so much on stage each night. Well, he may have hired a vocal coach too, secretly, but I don't know that for sure. It wouldn't have surprised me, though, because he REALLY stepped it up. Compare the first Sorry For Now and Roads Untraveled to the ones now.


Garret is right, they don't need to play all the heavy songs. There are enough he can do now like Rebellion (with a rap verse bridge), etc. Lots of small adjustments can be made to a few of the heavier songs to get those in the set, like Papercut.


Songs like New Divide, Crawling, etc are gone. However, hell, Mike has been playing a fantastic piano version of Heavy that he could easily do with New Divide - LPTV has a great clip of one like that when he was writing New Divide. Mike can do most of the vocals on OML.


Whatever he and LP decide to do for a setlist, it's going to be good. He's playing so much Linkin Park right now. When They Come For Me, Castle Of Glass, Until It Breaks, Roads Untraveled, Iridescent, some version of Waiting For The End (totally fine if WYG stays with it, because Mike tells epic stories about Chester with WFTE when he does that), Papercut, In The End, Heavy, Burn It Down, Sorry For Now, It's Goin' Down, Robot Boy.


That isn't even getting into songs he hasn't done but can easily handle vocally like Nobody Can Save Me, Battle Symphony, One More Light, Burning In The Skies, In Between, most of Little Things, most of The Catalyst, and interludes like Wisdom Justice Love, Fallout, etc. They can adapt enough singles in the set to make it work and I think they know that now.

Posted (edited)




100% agreed with both of you. Mike's world tour has made it very evident Linkin Park is going to be just fine with 5 members and Mike on lead vocals. Mike's vocals live have improved tenfold from just May and that solely has to do with him singing so much on stage each night. Well, he may have hired a vocal coach too, secretly, but I don't know that for sure. It wouldn't have surprised me, though, because he REALLY stepped it up. Compare the first Sorry For Now and Roads Untraveled to the ones now.


Garret is right, they don't need to play all the heavy songs. There are enough he can do now like Rebellion (with a rap verse bridge), etc. Lots of small adjustments can be made to a few of the heavier songs to get those in the set, like Papercut.


Songs like New Divide, Crawling, etc are gone. However, hell, Mike has been playing a fantastic piano version of Heavy that he could easily do with New Divide - LPTV has a great clip of one like that when he was writing New Divide. Mike can do most of the vocals on OML.


Whatever he and LP decide to do for a setlist, it's going to be good. He's playing so much Linkin Park right now. When They Come For Me, Castle Of Glass, Until It Breaks, Roads Untraveled, Iridescent, some version of Waiting For The End (totally fine if WYG stays with it, because Mike tells epic stories about Chester with WFTE when he does that), Papercut, In The End, Heavy, Burn It Down, Sorry For Now, It's Goin' Down, Robot Boy.


That isn't even getting into songs he hasn't done but can easily handle vocally like Nobody Can Save Me, Battle Symphony, One More Light, Burning In The Skies, In Between, most of Little Things, most of The Catalyst, and interludes like Wisdom Justice Love, Fallout, etc. They can adapt enough singles in the set to make it work and I think they know that now.


Exactly. LP would be fine as a 5 piece. Mike will be a great frontman. The thing about the heavy songs is, what songs are we talking about? From HT, you have OSC, Crawling, APFMH, Papercut. Mike can do those and the crowd can easily sing Chester's parts, or Mike could do something cool like he has done with Papercut, etc. Crawling, I'm not sure if he will play it just because it was personal to Chester, but he could easily do it, look what he has done with Numb! Cmon. Meteora, the band wasn't playing Don't Stay, LFY, HIT, ETR, Figure.09, NL or Session at any recent shows before Chester died. Mike can do SIB and Faint, the crowd can help with those and shit. He could do BTH easily but I don't think he would cuz of the personal lyrics to Chester. MTM you have like GU, NMS, BIO as far as heavy songs, and GU and NMS weren't played in recent years anyways. They aren't necessities and GU is another one of those personal songs to Chester, Chester said in 2017 that when he wrote GU, it was him wanting to die, like Heavy. So yeah. NMS, the band hadn't played that since like 2011 and he probably could do some of it, honestly. BIO, easily done, look at recent shows. On ATS you have Blackout which he could do a remix of or something like they did on Carnivores, no vocals, and the song hasn't been played since like early 2012 anyways. On LT you have Victimized (a deep cut they haven't played since 2013 and likely won't anyways). THP, they only were literally playing Wastelands from the album on the recent tours with Chester, so yeah. As far as the rest of the main albums, Mike can easily handle all of the songs. His vocals have improved massively, like Hahninator said. Hell, Mike even wrote most LP songs, they are his songs, he should be singing them.


People keep bringing up all these heavy songs and shit from prior to 2017 like they matter. Like who cares if Mike can't scream Qwerty? Using that as an example. Look at the 2017 set. OSC, APFMH, Faint, FTI, LITE and BIO were the only songs to feature ''screams''. APFMH and FTI weren't in every set, either. But the thing people are forgetting is that the ''scream'' part of those songs is very short. Most of the song, Mike can do. The crowd will be singing massively anyways.


And like I keep saying, they can easily write an entire new album, then you have all of those songs that they can play. And there are also the possibility of many b-sides, demos, etc. being able to be played now. Look at Mike's 2018 tour.


LP could very easily whip up a 23 song setlist and be perfectly fine.


As far as LFAA, I like the song a lot. I'd like to see it be released in studio form, in whatever way Mike wants. It would be a great ''comeback'' song for LP.

Edited by GarretLP

And like I keep saying, they can easily write an entire new album, then you have all of those songs that they can play. And there are also the possibility of many b-sides, demos, etc. being able to be played now. Look at Mike's 2018 tour.


LP could very easily whip up a 23 song setlist and be perfectly fine.


As far as LFAA, I like the song a lot. I'd like to see it be released in studio form, in whatever way Mike wants. It would be a great ''comeback'' song for LP.


I think that's exactly what will happen here in the next year or two. A new album, plenty of old songs in the show but new songs as well which will be helpful for Mike vocally, and a release of LFAA.


They are very smart with marketing and commercial success, they know they can write 1-2 solid singles for the comeback and the band will be just fine when they roll out on the world tour.


deep cuts like APFMH, OSC, Faint, BIO and more needs to be played in proper. Honestly I would like to hear those legendary screaming parts and remembering Chester.

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