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Hey guys,

I came across LPAssociation and was curious what your opinions are of the site? Both content and forum-wise. Do any of you belong and participate on both? pros and cons?

No way am I looking to make a jump or anything, but I do like getting my news & insight from multiple sites


In terms of news, both sites inevitably end up reporting the same stuff 90-95% of the time, it's just a matter of who gets to it first and how it's reported. I personally prefer LPL for news, they tend to be a little more objective while LPA hypes everything in a similar way to the official LP site. I think LPL is a little more well-informed with what they post too. LPA is incredibly cautious about media downloads/links, so you won't see a ton of audio/video released there like you do on LPL. LPL also has the better forum if you're looking for LP-related discussion (the attitude a lot of LPA members show toward the band is a HUGE turn-off for me). In terms of overall activity, I'd say they're about equal. Where LPA has LPL beat is mainly in their extended network of non-LP discussion, both on their forums and through their affiliation with AltWire.


In terms of news, both sites inevitably end up reporting the same stuff 90-95% of the time, it's just a matter of who gets to it first and how it's reported. I personally prefer LPL for news, they tend to be a little more objective while LPA hypes everything in a similar way to the official LP site. I think LPL is a little more well-informed with what they post too. LPA is incredibly cautious about media downloads/links, so you won't see a ton of audio/video released there like you do on LPL. LPL also has the better forum if you're looking for LP-related discussion (the attitude a lot of LPA members show toward the band is a HUGE turn-off for me). In terms of overall activity, I'd say they're about equal. Where LPA has LPL beat is mainly in their extended network of non-LP discussion, both on their forums and through their affiliation with AltWire.


thanks for the thorough analysis, and some of this I already assumed/saw was the case but the confirmation helps


My opinion is going to be different than that of a normal member of both sites, so take it as you want.


I highly recommend following both if you want FULL coverage. LPA reports on things that we don't report on, and we report on things LPA doesn't report on. We tend to be more live-oriented and they tend to be more news-oriented. With that said, we all know we cover news here and they cover live stuff there, but they are more extensive on news (ran the scavenger hunt, cover ALL album news, etc) while we are more extensive on live stuff (live guide, wiki, etc). I do truly think that LPL and LPA cover things the FASTEST of all of the sites, but that is strictly just my opinion.


One thing I appreciate about LPA is that they haven't changed their forums since (at least) 2003-2004-ish? With LPTimes completely gone, they are seriously one of the only legit archives of LP news that goes back 10+ years, and that's very important. I have utilized their forums many times when researching information to add to our wiki or to a show page. Whether intended or not, their (apparent?) goal of archiving/reporting all news is very appreciated by me.


Derek and I talk a good bit these days. Regardless of what other sites think (I've seen a lot of bitching), it's actually a very good thing he is able to interview Mike semi-regularly because it gets us all some quality news. If you compare what Mike says to Derek, you can see he's a little more...open in some ways. He isn't all the "official Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park" character he plays in a lot of the big interviews. He'll openly say like "hmmm...not sure man" or something to Derek, whereas he will make up a generic response to others.


They have a good content section on their website for the official discography. Before I get into my biggest "con" with them, I'll say that this could have EASILY happened with LPLive too. There is a big flow of misinformation from Wikipedia to the LPA wiki and vice versa. Due to their wiki being able to be edited publicly, a lot of incorrect facts are often brought here and labeled as "facts", so we have to go through and look at things (like lists and such) more often than we'd like in the forums. A lot of the wrong stuff on Wiki is taken to their wiki, or a lot of the wrong stuff on their wiki is taken to Wikipedia. We were about to launch a wiki at the exact same time and they beat us by about 3-4 days, so we didn't go ahead with it obviously. That's no problem at all because I like the wiki we have on the site now, which leans more towards more hardcore fan stuff (like demos, harder to find songs, etc) in my opinion. Anyway we could be dealing with the same problem here, but it's a problem I'm 99.9% sure they didn't see coming. Hell, we probably notice it more than they do.


My opinion is going to be different than that of a normal member of both sites, so take it as you want.


I highly recommend following both if you want FULL coverage. LPA reports on things that we don't report on, and we report on things LPA doesn't report on. We tend to be more live-oriented and they tend to be more news-oriented. With that said, we all know we cover news here and they cover live stuff there, but they are more extensive on news (ran the scavenger hunt, cover ALL album news, etc) while we are more extensive on live stuff (live guide, wiki, etc). I do truly think that LPL and LPA cover things the FASTEST of all of the sites, but that is strictly just my opinion.


One thing I appreciate about LPA is that they haven't changed their forums since (at least) 2003-2004-ish? With LPTimes completely gone, they are seriously one of the only legit archives of LP news that goes back 10+ years, and that's very important. I have utilized their forums many times when researching information to add to our wiki or to a show page. Whether intended or not, their (apparent?) goal of archiving/reporting all news is very appreciated by me.


Derek and I talk a good bit these days. Regardless of what other sites think (I've seen a lot of bitching), it's actually a very good thing he is able to interview Mike semi-regularly because it gets us all some quality news. If you compare what Mike says to Derek, you can see he's a little more...open in some ways. He isn't all the "official Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park" character he plays in a lot of the big interviews. He'll openly say like "hmmm...not sure man" or something to Derek, whereas he will make up a generic response to others.


They have a good content section on their website for the official discography. Before I get into my biggest "con" with them, I'll say that this could have EASILY happened with LPLive too. There is a big flow of misinformation from Wikipedia to the LPA wiki and vice versa. Due to their wiki being able to be edited publicly, a lot of incorrect facts are often brought here and labeled as "facts", so we have to go through and look at things (like lists and such) more often than we'd like in the forums. A lot of the wrong stuff on Wiki is taken to their wiki, or a lot of the wrong stuff on their wiki is taken to Wikipedia. We were about to launch a wiki at the exact same time and they beat us by about 3-4 days, so we didn't go ahead with it obviously. That's no problem at all because I like the wiki we have on the site now, which leans more towards more hardcore fan stuff (like demos, harder to find songs, etc) in my opinion. Anyway we could be dealing with the same problem here, but it's a problem I'm 99.9% sure they didn't see coming. Hell, we probably notice it more than they do.


thanks, very insightful. and i agree regarding the various wiki's. I like the wiki here b/c it is dedicated to the more hardcore fan areas like picks :)


I found both sites around the same time, when I was looking for some good sources of information. On the LPA forums the people bash Linkin Park quite frequently, which seems bizarre to me, and is not at all what I'm interested in, so I really only use LPLive.


I have an account on LPA but I can't remember the last time I logged in. I don't visit LPA at all anymore.

I don't get along with the community + the overuse of stupid emoticons over there. BUt I respect their work.


What I like about LPL is that it focuses on the live stuff. It is incredible how much knowledge is gathered here. If you want to know something live related, no matter what, just ask and I guarantee you'll get a satisfying answer.

From time to time you get some rare live footage or audio which is awesome. I also like the community here much more.


LPA's been growing on me for awhile, admittedly. I've been hanging out there semi-regularly (typically in the shoutbox). They have a strong remix community and, as Astat said, extended discussion on outside-LP topics. If you're in for more casual LP discussion, that's the forum for you.


My main complaint with them is they're too careful. If you read some of their stuff, no matter what the scenario they're always FOR the band. Here, we can express our opinions freely, so they're not skewered towards the band. Hence the constant bashing of setlists :P


LPA's a good place, but LPL is better for the hardcore LP fan.


Here's an example of a difference between LPL and LPA: during the hype right before THP, a fake tracklist was released ("Viserion" was a title on the album), and we posted about it here but LPA was more cautious and there was some backlash over their hesitation. Of course, they were right in the end.


Here's an example of a difference between LPL and LPA: during the hype right before THP, a fake tracklist was released ("Viserion" was a title on the album), and we posted about it here but LPA was more cautious and there was some backlash over their hesitation. Of course, they were right in the end.


I dont know about everyone else, but I'd rather hear about and be presented with all the information at hand and make a decision myself or within the group as to its validity. I think that's part of the fun- speculating and hunting


Here's an example of a difference between LPL and LPA: during the hype right before THP, a fake tracklist was released ("Viserion" was a title on the album), and we posted about it here but LPA was more cautious and there was some backlash over their hesitation. Of course, they were right in the end.

But yet they manage to piss off many with their ill advised April Fools prank that Chester had his foot amputated.


I'd rather post speculation about a tracklist and retract it than put out information as a prank in poor taste. Especially if they still enforce the rule about not posting personal info about band members - when last I visited, I think they were, but that was some time ago.



I myself haven't had too much experience over there recently, echoing the sentiment that many others have that the there's a cloud of negativity toward the band over there. It may have changed, but I've not really had reason to go to the site as most everything gets posted and reposted via social media and other sites.

Posted (edited)

LPL has been my main gig as of recently. The biggest turn off for me regarding the LPA is the elitist mentality they have ever since A Thousand Suns was released, everything is pretty much an imperfection to them if its not ATS, and at times they'll look down on you for having a different opinion on the matter. LPL seems a lot more neutral, everyone loves different albums and I see plenty of people sharing their opinions in a much more basic manner. Go tell LPA your favorite albums are LT and Meteora and you may as well expect 3-4 responses saying you pretty much suck for it. All and all, you either have their mentality or you're just the odd one out of the bunch.


News-wise, its way better here than the LPA. One of my nitpicks about the LPA is how opinionated the news posts tend to be, I figure with such a long run, they'd be a bit more professional about it (I could pick out specific members, but rather not have anyone on the spotlight). They used to be on top of LP news related posts and suddenly decided to stop. All they limit their talk to is music and tours, I was thoroughly interested in LP's pursuit in capital investment and considered it something fairly big in their careers, but nothing was mentioned for that. Chester's STP based tour wasn't even posted into the news section until I bugged them about that. It seems like they are slipping in terms of news.

Edited by Broman

I frequent both sites and I've grown more and more frustrated with LPA. There's been so many great thread ideas that get immediately derailed because the "elite" members of the site literally get away with saying whatever they feel and going completely off-topic, and they consistently talk down to new or less popular users. The whole elitist "my musical opinion is better than yours because my music is experimental and has substance" bullshit that goes on there is also absurd and exhausting. Most of the members there don't even like Linkin Park anymore and are simply there to stir controversy and laugh at other users. Overall it has become more and more of a toxic environment, which is a shame.

Posted (edited)

LPA is inhabited by a lot more people who have moved on from LP or aren't as big of fans anymore. I feel like the more concentrated hardcore fan population is here. Many over there are more interested in talking about other artists on the site, including myself. But their knowledge and viewpoints are really interesting concerning music. Talking with people on LPA has definitely widened my musical horizons and heightened my musical ability.


Mostly, people who don't try to get along with the members there who have the different viewpoints hate the place. But, having joined there in November, the same time as here approximately, I feel a lot more accepted by the community at LPA. And I'm fucking weird.


The biggest pro of LPA for me has been that the people teach me so much about LP's music. For example, I was made aware of swing beats in Wastelands. If you're interested in that kinda stuff, there are some people on LPA you'd wanna meet.

Edited by UnpopularOpinionPuffin

The biggest pro of LPA for me has been that the people teach me so much about LP's music. For example, I was made aware of swing beats in Wastelands. If you're interested in that kinda stuff, there are some people on LPA you'd wanna meet.

I respect your opinion, but...




You've not met minuteforce I guess.

I've met Astat, who's name should end this.

EDIT: AND, for the record, minuteforce is one of the cooler gentlefolk on LPA. I have had encounters with him every now and then.


There is elitism on both the websites, I find that both websites are very similar with regard to the members, though the LPlive forums are busier.

I prefer LPlive’s website layout (sounds random but the colours on LPA aren’t easy to read) and as a non musician I enjoy reading/learning that side of things from certain members that I don’t pick up on.


There is elitism on both the websites, I find that both websites are very similar with regard to the members


I agree with this completely.

It's hard to eliminate that.

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