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Linkin Park Cancels The Hunting Party Tour

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The upcoming shows on The Hunting Party Tour in Pittsburgh and Albany have been cancelled.


I'm sorry that I'm the odd one out here that is pissed off about this canceled tour.


They've only canceled 2 shows so far. Hopefully that's all that gets canceled. Also, I wouldn't say you're the "odd one out". If I had spent money on travel and hotel accommodations, etc. I would be disappointed as well for sure. I just wouldn't take it out on Chester for not being "rock and roll" enough to just play through it. At this stage in his career I'm sure he doesn't feel compelled to tough it out and be in pain on stage. Chester is going to be 40 next year, he's past the stage of having to prove how tough he is.


I get the money issues as far as LP shows go. That's why I've never seen them live yet. I see why you would be angry since the ticket refund is basically like "sucks about the hotel you booked though". I just really feel like I would be pissed at the situation and the timing of it all more than Chester for breaking his ankle.

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I'm going to be that guy and say this. The Linkin Park concert is this Sunday in Brooklyn. The WWE Royal Rumble PPV is this Sunday. I like both. I know for a fact that LP will be back in NY for the Summer or maybe change the date for sometime in the spring & to watch a live PPV on DVR instead of live takes the fun out of watching it cause the Internet will spoil it for me. Am I mad ? Yeah cause I wanted to see them with my girl & for the 5th time. There is the key word "5TH TIME" ! Simple, I get my money back if they cancel & wait. It's cool with me. Chester is hurt and really needs to proper rehab then fine. We pay to see LP Rock the stage & tbh IDC if his voice sucks or whatever ppl complain about these days, as long as I'm jamming but it would be hard to jam if the lead singer is just standing there. Anyways if it's cancel, then it's cool ill be mad but life moves on & they will be back and money back & watch my wrestling PPV live instead of tape, if not, then I'm ready to rock brooklyn & try not to check any social media for results of the ppv while I DVR it.


I hope Chester heals soon... he should really take care more about his health, he always gets sick or hurts himself! Poor Chester :(

btw, I understand the frustration of people with tickets for cancelled shows, I would really be upset too but.... Geki... you saw them 19 times! I saw LP just one time, last year.... you can't react like a child and say bullshit about Chester only because some shows are cancelled. Be pissed off, but without throwing all your anger against the lead singer of your fav band who has a fucking broken leg... I don't know if you have an idea of how much a broken ankle can hurt. Chester played last night, but the doctors probably told him to have his anke cheked before deciding whether to continue the tour or not. You are lucky enough to have seen LP 19 times... There are people who have never seen them, I know people that had the chance to see them when they came in Italy (and LP come to Italy once every 3 or 4 year, not every year like in USA) but couldn't because of exams, health or whatever... you're way luckier than them but you can't see it now because you're angry and upset. I'm sorry your shows had been cancelled, really sorry, but please, stop throwing shit on Chester... we all know he cares a lot about his fans. I still hope they don't cancel the whole tour btw, so that you can see them :)


It could be easily much worse like a broken heel and he wouldn't be allowed to move for 6 months or so. A leg injury is serious and needs to be taken proper care of. Just 2 shows being canceled seems like a good deal to me. Of course it still sucks and I'm sorry for all the affected but canceling the entire tour would suck a whole lot more.

Accidents happen, they do a lot with Chester, but a huge snow storm could easily cancel a whole lot more shows like that too.


I broke/dislocated an ankle a few years back, so here's what's up -


your ankle's a fairly important structure in your body, any damage there can wreck the joint and the supporting ligaments and tendons around it. ankle's aren't "life-threatening" in the same way a 'long bone fracture' can be (thigh bone breaks cause internal bleeding) but the damage has the potential to be something that affects you in later life if it you don't heal properly. Chester's broken arm in 2007 is a totally different kind of break and nowhere near as big a deal as this.


essentially, what doctors will have told him is Rest Ice Compression Elevation (RICE!)

Rest - no matter what, you simply have to rest a broken joint. "Without rest, continual strain is placed on the affected area, leading to increased inflammation, pain, and possible further injury. Additionally, some soft tissue injuries will take longer to heal without rest. There is also a risk of abnormal repair or chronic inflammation resulting from a failure to rest" - Wiki. in short, activity just increases the statistical probability that you'll do something to hurt yourself further (remember we're talking about Chester here..) but also, you run the risk of screwing up the joint permanently if you don't let it heal right.


Ice - Chester probably had this a lot before the show, but the bruising (holy fuck, the bruising), inflammation and heat from added blood flow (a result of your body throwing the kitchen sink at the break to try to help) can be nasty if you don't see to it frequently. Ice helps, a 1hr 30 concert without it must have been rough.


Compression - the absolute worst bit of breaking a bone, and especially a sensitive joint like your ankle is the swelling. Your body essentially uses fluid to try to bubble wrap the break so you can't fling it around, but this is really, really unconfortable (like having your pressing on the inside) and - more seriously - can restrict blood flow to the foot if not dealt with. Compression is mostly done with elastic bandages and flight socks, but for broken bones, you tend to alleviate pressure caused by swelling and fluid collection by ..


Elevation - you deal with fluid around the break by lying down and keeping the joint elevated above head or chest height. your blood is what brings the fluid into your foot, so you use gravity to minimise the the blood's inward flow, and speed up it's outward passage. If you've ever held your hand up in class for too long you know how this works, well here's a fancy way of saying it - "increasing venous return of blood to the systemic circulation" (wiki). Sitting down, or being in a wheelchair are not the same thing as elevation - you have to keep the ankle right up above your chest height, you have to lie down. Any standing or walking you do, immediately re-starts the fluid collection process, thus slowly bringing back the pain (in the first few weeks, as little as <10 minutes can be painful..) and the risk of reduced blood flow.


- - - -


The thing is, bone breaks simply take time to heal, there is genuinely nothing you can do to rush that process.

But here's the bit that concerns me - the full healing process leaves the rested muscles really weak from lack of use and exercise, this isn't a big deal in an arm, but since your ankle supports your weight, you also have to have physiotherapy to bring your joint structures back to full strength. If you don't, you're looking at further sprains, tweaks, and breaks. Your ankle is a very mobile, multi-directional joint that will really hinder you if you heal badly. I know this from personal experience (nothing like falling down some stairs sober and being kicked out of the bar).


frankly 2 shows isn't enough time to let the joint heal fully (try, 2 months, maybe..) and he shouldn't travel, but Chester being Chester, everyone'll clap and call him a bad-ass when he plays gigs on crutches, but he runs the risk of adding a recurring, potentially disabling injury to his roster.

If Chester doesn't take at least some time out now, he could end up playing every show glued to the mic-stand for the rest of his life..




frankly 2 shows isn't enough time to let the joint heal fully (try, 2 months, maybe..) and he shouldn't travel, but Chester being Chester, everyone'll clap and call him a bad-ass when he plays gigs on crutches, but he runs the risk of adding a recurring, potentially disabling injury to his roster.

If Chester doesn't take at least some time out now, he could end up playing every show glued to the mic-stand for the rest of his life..


Thanks a lot for the explanation! I hope Chester realizes how dangerous is for his health playing other shows now and takes and appropriate time to rest. I really don't want a glued to the mic-stand Chester forever, his moving around like crazy on the stage is one of the things that make Chester such a good performer. I do care about his health.


Brad had a broken foot for the entire Family Values Tour in 2001, but he had 2 weeks of rest before the tour started.

Yeah, but Brad is almost like e zombie onstage, he doesn't run like crazy like Chester does xD just kidding anyway... let's hope it's nothing serious :)


Brad had a broken foot for the entire Family Values Tour in 2001, but he had 2 weeks of rest before the tour started.

true, Brad at least had time to get through the worst of it, but he's less of a focal point - it's easy for Brad to be static. there's more pressure on Chester to be leaping around and "performing"

A gig on the first day of an ankle break must have been pure hell.

Posted (edited)

Chester doesn't have to run around on stage or jump on shit, though. 2 shows should be enough. He could just play the tour the same way he played Indy the other night. But yeah, what you guys are saying basically confirms that the rest of the tour will be cancelled most likely.

Your frustration is certainly warranted. I'll give you that. But seeing the way you react every time something like this happens makes it painfully clear that at 24 years old, you STILL don't possess a shred of whatever it is that the average human being uses to think rationally. I pity you, I really do.


Yes, because you know me in real life. You know everything that I've gone through in my life and you know just how my mind works based off a message board on a fucking Linkin Park fansite. Ok champ. BTW, I guess you haven't checked out the comment section on Facebook for Linkin Park and Rise Against about this tour cancellation. Because if you did, I would naturally assume that you think most, if not all, of the people commenting are also incapable of thinking rationally and you probably pity all of them as well. A lot of the people are actually my age or even older. If you don't, then you're just being an asshole to me because you have some sort of ''beef'' with me because of what I write on a Linkin Park message board and that's just sad. LOL.

Edited by Geki

It totally sucks, I get that, I would be so upset to and it's highly likely that a lot of people have lost out on money (i.e. travel) but it can't be helped. We don't know what has happened, but obviously a physisian has told Chester since his performance in Indy that he shouldn't be performing, for all we know he might have to undergo an operation/be in hospital as we speak.


I have faith in Chester that if he could have performed he would have performed.


Bitching and moaning won't do anything except create negativity, which nobody needs.


Let all just stick to sending positive vibes and keeping our hopes up that the tour continues and that Chester is well enough to perform.


Yes, because you know me in real life. You know everything that I've gone through in my life and you know just how my mind works based off a message board on a fucking Linkin Park fansite. Ok champ.

You sound just like my 13-year old brother when he gets really mad at people. It's really kind of sickening.


This show right here is almost as good as the show I would have gone to tonight.

I'm here all day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I take tips too.


You sound just like my 13-year old brother when he gets really mad at people. It's really kind of sickening.

You have a Pokemon picture.


I do sympathize with Geki, we both had shows that got cancelled, and he spent 9 times as much money as I did on everything. Losing that much money warrants a lot of anger. I'm losing it because this was my first LP concert and I had been telling my friends nonstop since the day tickets were available.


Geki, it sucks you lose travel expenses such as the hotel (and maybe flight, but you're driving right?) but your tickets will be refunded. I know you have GA pit for the shows but you have an extremely high chance of getting that again for future LP shows since this tour is selling extraordinarily worse than Carnivores Tour (except Brooklyn and Orlando). Nashville (seats 20,000) had no more than 8,000 there, Indy had around 7,000. You will get pit again. And I understand being upset because we have plane tickets to Atlantic City and Brooklyn this weekend. We'll go anyway and have a good time whether there is a show or not because we don't want to just sit around and lose money on plane tix and hotels.


Ryan Shuck commented on my FB and said they weren't canceling the whole tour. We'll see if he's right.


It's a case where they need to see if he needs surgery or to see if this will impact him long term if he plays 15 (!) more shows on it across two countries. There's a reason to be upset but there's no reason to be an ass about it. Of course he plays Indianapolis because Chester is a great guy and isn't the type of person to pull out of a show 4 hours beforehand while fans are entering the venue. That hasn't happened to LP ever except for the festival in 2008 where Brad's ear infection had them cancel.


This whole thing is bringing out some true idiots online. Some of the top things I've seen...."OH CHESTER CANCELS ENTIRE TOURS ALL THE TIME WHAT THE FUCK", "THEY ONLY PLAYED 3 SONGS IN WEST PALM BEACH IN THE ARENA LAST YEAR BECAUSE HE PULLED THIS SAME SKETCH SHIT", "The band has never cared about their fans and cancels as much as possible". Christ. All incorrect.


I sympathize with those who are affected by the cancels but I TRULY don't understand people who live in Pittsburgh and Albany that have NEVER traveled outside of those cities to see the band. It's like the "poor me" thing. LP has played within hours of both of those cities in the past few years....I guarantee if they changed *something* in their life that they spent money on that they could afford to drive a few hours *one* time to see LP instead of waiting for them to come to their city for so many years. Hell, they haven't played in Albany since 2001 and Burgettstown, PA got their last show in 2008.

Posted (edited)

You have a Pokemon picture. Faggot.

Should I repeat your "YOU DUN KNOW MEEEEEEEEE" rant?


Yes, because you know me in real life. You know everything that I've gone through in my life and you know just how my mind works based off a message board on a fucking Linkin Park fansite. Ok champ.

Are we contradicting your logic now? Edited by Lord-of-the-Wobbuffets


Well fucking said Hahn, people need to get a grip on reality, Chester is one of the most sympathetic people to his fans I have ever seen, I highly doubt he is sitting on a plane/tour bus right now laughing reading everyones comments online knowing that he disappointed so many fans because he broke a god damn bone in his body and has to sacrafice two tour dates because of it.

If Chester truly didn't give a fuck he'd have canceled Indianapolis and then the entire tour yesterday. But he didn't.

The fact that he played one show with the broken bone(s) is a testament to how much he wanted to play the shows. Would you rather have him play the shows injured, fuck himself up and never be able to rock again, or recuperate and be able to rock for several more years (and beyond)?

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