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Everything posted by feelthless

  1. Actually, have you guys ever seen the new "video" for the "song" Your Love Is My Drug by the "singer" Ke$ha ? Notice the last seconds..
  2. Paramore is not a pop band. They are cool, young and make good music. And Hayley is prob one of the most beautiful vocals nowadays. and... show me a video where they use playback? Bad example. And chill out. LP will never be like Lady Gaga or Beyonce ..
  3. ..so you want LP to make music and play at concerts for free? yes, they love us, but nobody will make music for free.
  4. If you continue trolling, not an admin , not a moderator but I will ban you from this forum. stfu or gtfo.
  5. I voted for New Divide, but I hardly see it happening. Actually I don't expect that Linkin Park will change their Openers/closers, because they are quite nice for now. Especially No more sorrow and What i've done with their extended intros. But nobody knows what is in LP's heads and nobody can tell what will happen. But I am sure that it will be either the well-known openers or some new song. Sadly, but I think there's not an 1% chance that they will bring back With You or Don't Stay at all. Opening with an instrumental track seems a good way to me, too. Cfti or Session are great, but it will be nice if Joe has something new for us. Anyways this poll is a good way to wait for the new message.. O M G MIKE ITS MONDAY WHERE IS IT !!? /trolloff
  6. A Thousand Suns is badass name. But there is one song with the same name that is very very old bulgarian pop track.. and everyone makes association with this track. But who gives a fuck what the others think? keke. One think that comes to my mind - have you guys listened 100 Suns by 30 Seconds to Mars? I am not telling that they are "stealing" the name of the song. Ofc not. But it is a great short interlude-track. I wish LP do this in their upcoming 4th studio album. It will be great to have one 1:30-2:00 track with one verse and for example nice little piano part by Mike. On topic - i think that in the next week Mike will confirm that One Thousand Suns (or A Thousand Suns) will be the single's name and will tell us that they have almost finished the video shot. /my2cents.
  7. 21 Stitches is so badass name. Wish they have kept it for Given Up.
  8. Actually 100 Suns sounds good enough for an album title for me.
  9. A THOUSAND SUNS? name of the single or what..?
  10. Yes but it is what the topic is about.
  11. and what's the point of having 2 shows in 2 consecutive days..
  12. + From The Inside I am not sure that he plays some MIDI's live , but there is one hardly-noticeable sound in the chorus that is supposed to be played by Joe. P.S. After watching several Proshots I come with the conclusion that Joe doesn't play those parts but you can clearly hear them in the studio version + QWERTY (verses) + Runaway (outro 2:55) P.S.S Here are Joe's samples straight from his laptop (Road to Revolution)
  13. fake and gay. Do you think that something can be posted in youtube BEFORE WE (LPL) HEAR IT?
  14. DBS theme seems the best to me. The Red/Grey/Black color scheme is badass! GJ guys!
  15. Actually it will be so badass if we get 30 sec sample of the upcoming first single soon. It will blow my mind.
  16. I am against ppl with no sense of humor. ZING. --- Well i don't like the word "different" , because the first think that comes to my mind is LPU8 .. xD Anyways I am really hyped for this, hope that the new single will come in 2-3 weeks.
  17. show me your genitals your genetalia whaa?! ..
  18. Much better than a tweet and/or a .gif image.
  19. http://apps.facebook.com/rock_bands/voting...2KJwx5jJvXSnkQ8.
  20. roflmao Google Translate ftw!
  21. The full show is 47' They played 16-17 songs setlist back in 2003.
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