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Everything posted by Andros

  1. Can someone please make a remix for WFTE like the live version? Would be nice with Until It Breaks.
  2. You found it on a public place or with a trader?
  3. Yeah, I really want to hear In Pieces instrumental, I love all the sounds on there.
  4. Just acapella I want the full MTM instrumentals.
  5. Hands Held High acapella is out there too.
  6. Andros

    We Are Back!

    I don't have another source for LP news, just have my old and lovely LPL site, I'm glad that you're back guys.
  7. Wow amazing track! But in the other hand, I have this feeling of missing Chester's vocal work really never again will we hear this kind of amazing material? A lot of mixed feelings but amazing song.
  8. I just want more DBS music, it's like 10 year anniversary almost.
  9. Here are some videos from Welcome, Place to Start, Watching As I Fall, Castle Of Glass and Ghosts.
  10. Love the rest of the songs of the album, I thinks is a good album and I still think that don't like About You.
  11. Already hear the song, now my perspective towards the song changed I like it a lot just one thing don't like and it's the vocoder again.
  12. So, the videos looks funny but all the songs that we have at this time, I only like the 3 songs from the EP, CTL and NMSA, the rest of the song released, don't like it.
  13. What do you think will be the next? I hope we can get something from Meteora or MTM. And I think we will get the full HT in stems because we already have ITE, Papercut, OSC, Runaway, Forgotten, PMA.
  14. Nice, In The End is out there? The Full session?
  15. Nice!!!
  16. I'm looking for that too. Anyone?
  17. Yeah I miss those 3 songs, thanks Astat. So, I hope we can get more of these tracks, the full session.
  18. Thanks so much for all the info, really.
  19. Lost In The Echo yeah, thanks! I think is more interesting hear the full separation tracks than the "traditional" Multitracks that we already have.
  20. Yes I want to know how tracks are full separation, you know what tracks are? As far as I know the songs are: One Step Closer, Papercut, Pushing Me Away, Forgotten, By Myself, Battle Symphony, Heavy, Roads Untraveled.
  21. Wait, but some of those multitracks we already have right? Like all the ATS Multitracks or Crawling or In The End right? Or those multitracks are new? I mean new like Papercut, Pushing Me Away, etc?
  22. Thanks so much!
  23. Can someone make a list for all the multitracks that has been released until this day? I'm a bit confused, because don't know what multitracks are out besides the list of the main post. Thanks.
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